
Twiki is a fictional character on the television series Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. Twiki (pronounced twee-kee) is a robot sometimes referred throughout the series as an "ambuquad" (which, as depicted in the episode, "Twiki is Missing", refers to a specialized series of robots made for work in space mines). Built by an ambuquad facility in New Chicago, the same episode also reveals that the robot's model number is 22-23-T. The character's name, "Twiki," is derived from the robot's alphanumeric designation: TWKE-4, as revealed in the episode, "Shgoratchx!" Most notably in the first season, Twiki was often seen carrying Dr. Theopolis around with him.

Felix Silla provided the character's physical performance, while Mel Blanc provided the voice for the character in most episodes (episodes 1-24 and 32-37), except for a brief stretch during the show's second season (episodes 25-31), when he was voiced quite differently by Bob Elyea. Blanc's voicing for Twiki is somewhat of a cross between two of his characters from Merrie Melodies, namely Yosemite Sam and Porky Pig. Twiki was well known for frequently blurting a low key "bidi-bidi-bidi". This was also how he spoke with other robots.

Cultural references