
Tuggeranong is the southernmost town centre of Canberra, the capital city of Australia. It comprises 19 suburbs with a total of 31,819 dwellings, housing 87,119 people of the 324,034 people in the Australian Capital Territory (2006 Census). The district occupies 117 square kilometres to the east of the Murrumbidgee River. From the earliest colonial times, the plain extending south into the centre of the present-day territory was referred to as Tuggeranong. The name is derived from an Aboriginal expression meaning "cold plains".



Cave paintings and Aboriginal artifacts discovered in the area confirm that the Tuggeranong region has been occupied by the original inhabitants, the Ngunnawal people, for over 21,000 years. The first Europeans arrived in the Canberra region in 1820 and a year later, a third expedition led by Charles Throsby reached the Murrumbidgee River near the present-day Pine Island and the valley[1][2] now occupied by the Tuggeranong district. In 1823 Joseph Wild was employed by Brigade Major John Ovens and Captain Mark Currie to guide them to the Murrumbidgee. They travelled south along the river and named the area now known as Tuggeranong Isabella's Plain in honour of Governor Brisbane's infant daughter. Unable to cross the river near the current site of Tharwa, they continued on to the Monaro Plains.

The last expedition in the region was undertaken by Allan Cunningham in 1824. Cunningham's reports verified that the region was suitable for grazing, and the settlement of the Limestone Plains followed immediately thereafter.

In 1828, the bushranger John Tennant, known as the 'Terror of Argyle', was captured by James Ainslie and two others near the Murrumbidgee River in Tuggeranong. Tennant had been a convict assigned to Joshua John Moore at Canberry, a property in the present day inner north Canberra. Mount Tennent, behind Tharwa, is named after the bushranger (note the difference in spelling).[3]

The first authorised settler was James Murdoch. In 1824 he was offered a land grant on a small plain known by the natives as 'Togranong' meaning 'cold plains'. He took up the grant in 1827. Lanyon station was established in 1835 and originally owned by James Wright and John Lanyon. Wright bought the property from Lanyon, who had only remained in Australia for three years. Wright sold to the Cunningham family in 1848. In 1835 Colonel Thomas Hiah Macquoid, then Sheriff of the New South Wales Supreme Court bought Tuggeranong station then known as Waniassa property (sic). The rural depression of 1840 hit hard and Macquoid committed suicide in order to avoid bankruptcy. His son took over the estate and creditors allowed him to continue to operate it until it was sold by the Macquoid family in 1858 to the Cunningham family, owners of the neighbouring Lanyon property.[4] They renamed Waniassa to Tuggranong. The whole area was part of the Tuggeranong parish in the late nineteenth century. Tuggranong homestead was rebuilt by the Cunningham family in 1908. In 1917 it was resumed by the Commonwealth Government for military purposes. The Cunningham family remained at Lanyon until 1926. Charles Bean, together with his staff, wrote the first two volumes of the twelve volume official history of Australia's involvement in World War I at the homestead from 1919 to 1925. The Tuggeranong property was leased as a grazing property by the McCormack family from 1927 to 1976.[5]

In 1973, the third of the new towns planned for Canberra was inaugurated at Tuggeranong on 21 February. It was originally planned to house between 180,000 to 220,000 people. Planning for the new town had begun in 1969. The first families moved in to the suburb of Kambah in 1974.

The fifth Canberra fire station opened at Kambah in 1979 to service the new developing satellite city.[6]

On December 1, 2011, Tuggeranong made history and became the first place in the world to sell Mario Kart 7, two days before it's official Australian release date. A Target employee who is apparently a "big Mario Kart fan" was at the heart of it all. Millions of Nintendo fans now look to Tuggeranong as a place of inspiration and where dreams become reality. Tourism is expected to pick up drastically and worldwide Mario Kart competitions are already being planned. [7]

Urban structure

Urban development is consolidated around Lake Tuggeranong which was created by the construction of a dam on a tributary of the Murrumbidgee river in 1987. On the edge of the lake are a number of community facilities, including Lake Tuggeranong College, a school catering to years 11 and 12 (16 – 18 years old); a Library, which is part of ACT Library and Information Services, a Community Centre, two fast food outlets, and the Tuggeranong Arts Centre.

The Tuggeranong Town Centre is to the west of the lake. It includes a major shopping centre, known as the Tuggeranong Hyperdome (referring to the architectural use of semi-opaque domes in the roof) or by the newer name Centro Tuggeranong Hyperdome. Centro Tuggeranong Hyperdome is managed, developed and part owned by Centro Properties Group. It is surrounded by offices of the Australian and ACT Governments, and a light industrial area.

Places of interest

Places of interest in the district are:


Suburb Population
(in 2006)
Median age
(in 2001)
household size
(in 2001)
Date first
settled as
a suburb
Gazetted as
a Division Name
Median property
prices 2005 _
Banks 4,907


28 years 2.8 persons 2.24 1,619 1992 12 March 1987 $308,000 _
Bonython 3,363


30 years 2.9 persons 2.90 1,200 1989 17 October 1986 $346,000 _
Calwell 5,929


30 years 3 persons 3.87 1,560 1986 5 August 1975 $310,000 _
Chisholm 5,378


29 years 3.1 persons 3.11 1,823 1982 5 August 1975 $305,000 _
Conder - Lanyon Market Place 5,051


28 years 3.2 persons 4.51 966 1991 12 March 1987 $300,000 _
Fadden 3,215


35 years 3.3 persons 3.11 1,064 1981 5 August 1975 $480,000 _
Gilmore 2,905


28 years 3.3 persons 2.10 1,415 1985 5 August 1975 $325,000 _
Gordon 7,869


29 years 3 persons 4.47 1,667 1990 12 March 1987 $300,000 _
Gowrie 3,226


31 years 3.1 persons 1.93 1,702 1981 5 August 1975 $352,000 _
Greenway - Tuggeranong Town Centre 1,129 [10] 34 years 2.2 persons 5.35 181 1988 17 October 1986 $408,000 _
Hume 6


~ ~ 8.80 ~ 22 March 1982 $292,000 _
Isabella Plains 4,317 [12] 29 years 2.9 persons 2.49 1,761 1985 5 August 1975 $295,000 _
Kambah - Kambah Village Centre 15,579


33 years 2.8 persons 11.30 1,428 1974 22 March 1973 $310,000 _
Macarthur 1,582


32 years 3.3 persons 1.27 1,251 1983 22 March 1982 $375,000 _
Monash 5,550


32 years 3 persons 3.41 1,688 1978 5 August 1975 $332,000 _
Oxley 1,788


31 years 3 persons 1.08 1,700 1985 22 March 1982 $366,000 _
Richardson 3,233


29 years 3 persons 2.24 1,493 1981 5 May 1975 $278,000 _
Theodore 4,109


28 years 3.1 persons 3.13 1,330 1986 5 August 1975 $303,000 _
Wanniassa - Erindale Centre 7,933


33 years 2.9 persons 5.43 1,513 1975 21 May 1974 $330,000 _


  1. ^ "Discover our Territory". Canberra & District Historical Society. http://www.canberrahistory.org.au/discover.asp. Retrieved 2008-06-15. 
  2. ^ Watson, Dr. F (1931). Year Book Australia. Gungahleen, Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia, ABS cat. no. 1301.0. http://www.abs.gov.au/Ausstats/abs@.nsf/0/4e782ee652d0db0aca2569de001fb2dd?OpenDocument. Retrieved 2009-05-12. 
  3. ^ Our History, Our Territory
  4. ^ Exploring the ACT and Southeast New South Wales, J. Kay McDonald, Kangaroo Press, Sydney, 1985, p 45 ISBN 0-86417-049-1
  5. ^ http://www.tuggeranonghomestead.com.au/html/history.htm#popup
  6. ^ http://www.firebrigade.act.gov.au/About_Us/History/
  7. ^ http://www.kotaku.com.au/2011/12/mario-kart-7-being-sold-in-tuggeranong

External links