
Trollrunor in Swedish and Trollruner in Norwegian (in English Magical Runes; this series has not been translated into English) is a historical series of novels, written by Norwegian-Swedish author Margit Sandemo. The main body of this series of novels takes place in Österlen, Sweden in the end of Middle Ages. Main characters of Trollrunor are a young girl named Iliana and her partner Ravn, who is a younger son of evil lord Bogislav. Their enemy is the malicious Moon Witch. First part of this set of books came out 2005, and it has been published in Swedish and Norwegian. Trollrunor includes eleven books, and nine of them have been published until this date. The eleventh book will be published 26 November 2007 in Norway and a few weeks later in Sweden.


Swedish title Norwegian title Translated title Published Pages ISBN
1 Skogen bortom dagen Skogen bortenfor dagen The Forest Behind the Day 10/2005 219 ISBN 91-7713-250-5
2 Sandhammaren Sandhammaren The Sand Hammer 12/2005 219 ISBN 91-7713-241-6
3 Där vinden får vila Der vinden får hvile Where the Wind Rests 2/2006 218 ISBN 91-7713-242-4
4 Blind måne Blind måne Blind Moon 4/2006 218 ISBN 91-7713-243-2
5 Månehäxan Måneheksen The Moon Witch 6/2006 219 ISBN 91-7713-244-0
6 Svartalver Svartalver Black Fairies 9/2006 220 ISBN 91-7713-245-9
7 Den blå jorden Den blå jorden The Blue Earth 12/2006 219 ISBN 91-7713-246-7
8 Stenvargen Steinulven The Stone Wolf 2/2007 218 ISBN 91-7713-247-5
9 Den glömda Den de glemte The One They Forgotten 5/2007 216 ISBN 91-7713-248-3
10 Eko från urtiden Kom nærmere Echo from Eternity 8/2007 219 ISBN 91-7713-249-1
11 Dagen gryr Dagen gryr The Day is Breaking 11/2007 218 ISBN 91-7713-257-2