
Country: Greece
Region: West Greece
Regional unit: Aetolia-Acarnania
Municipality: Amfilochia
Municipal unit: Inachos
Population statistics (as of 2001)
 - Population: 211
Time zone: EET/EEST (UTC+2/3)

Triklino (Greek, Modern: Τρίκλινο, Katharevousa : Τρίκλινον, older name Priantza), is a small mountain village (altitude 600 m.). It is located in the northwest part of Greece and belongs to Aetolia-Acarnania. The artificial lake "Kremasta" is the boundary of the village with neighbouring Evrytania. The village belongs to the Inachos municipal unit. Its population is about 200 inhabitants. The nearest major city is Agrinio.



The village first appears under the name "Priantza" in the official catalogue of the Greek State in the year 1840.

Originally, the name "Triklino" referred to a settlement at the neighbouring valley of the river Achelous. The valley was cultivated mostly with corn plantations. It was abandoned during the early 60s, when the government compensated the farmers in order to construct a huge dam at a place known as "Kremasta". The settlement and the cultivated land were eventually covered with water. A huge artificial lake was formed in the area, and is now known as "Kremasta lake".

The following people from the village are the most known in the region:

1.The fighter for the independence of Greece (1821–1829) Kasvikis Giannakis, who lost his life struggling against the Turks on a small island ( named Dolmas) near Mesolongi during the war for the independence of Greece (28 - 2 - 1826). See source [7]

2.The abbot of the Tatarna monastery Stefanos Papadimitriou. See Source [3]

3. The patriot Dr. Harilaos I.Papaioannou who was one of the first members of the Greek National Resistance Organisation, (EDES - ΕΔΕΣ), in the Valtos province (during the German Occupation 1941-1944) under the leadership of Napoleon Zervas and the second-in-command Stylianos Houtas. His brothers Alexandros Papaioannou, (army officer) and Christoforos, (teacher), were also members of the same organisation. See Sources [4,5,6]


Year Population Change (village)
1981 389 -
1991 229 -160/-41.13%
2001 288 59/20.49%

Tatarna Bridge

In the early 1970s the "Tatarna" bridge was constructed. The bridge is located approximately 3 km east of the village and connects the Aitolia-Acarnania with Evritania prefectures. The bridge is considered as a very important architectural achievement , and holds 4 world awards related to its method of structure (engineer and architect: Aristarchous Oiconomou - Αρίσταρχος Οικονόμου).


Every 6th of August Transfiguration of Christ (Μεταμόρφωση του Σωτήρος Χριστού) is celebrated. A 2-days festival ("panygiri") is taking place at the square of the village. Its an occasion for all the people from Triklino (scattering all over Greece) to meet with friends and relatives.



1. Εγκυκλοπαίδεια 'Δομή" (Encyclopaedia "Domi") -Volume 33 page 299 Publishing organisation Tegopoulos - Maniateas - Athens 1999

2.Γεωγραφικό Λεξικό Της Ελλάδος (Geographical Dictionary of Greece) - Volume 5 -p.114 - Athens 2006

3.Βασιλείου Π. (Vasileiou P. ) - Το μοναστήρι της Τατάρνας (Tatarna's monastery) - Αθήνα (Athens) 1970 Σελίδες (pages) 41,43,124,169

4.Λαμνάτος Β. (Lamnatos V.) - Ανέκδοτα ιστορικά κείμενα της Εθνικής Αντίστασεως του Γεωργίου Ν. Παπαϊωάννου (Αρχηγού Ε.Δ.Ε.Σ. Αιτ\νίας) -Unpublished historic documents of the national resistance of the G.N. Papaioannou - leader of Trichonida's EDES ) -Eκδόσεις "Δωδώνη" 1999 σελίδες(pages)61,66,70,71,74,75,78,93(ISBN 960-248-991-X)

5.Μαρίνου Θ. (Marinos Th.) - Ο εφιάλτης της Εθνικής Αντίστασης (the nightmare of the national resistance) - Αθήνα (Athens) 2000

6.Χούτα Στυλ. (Houtas Stylianos) - "Η Εθνική Αντίστασις των Ελλήνων 1941-1945" - Αθήνα 1961

7.Τέλωνας Νικόλαος - Οι Πρόμαχοι της Πατρίδος Βαλτινοί Αγωνιστές του '21 - σελ. 227 - Αμφιλοχία 2004

8.ΠαπαΙωάννου Κωστας, (Papaioannou Kostas), Αλευράδα (Alevrada) (ήθη,έθιμα,παραδόσεις, Αθήνα 2007 (ISBN 978-960-631-817-7)

9.Κασβίκης Σ.Θεοφάνης - Θυμάμαι (I remember) - Αθήνα 2007

10.Μπαλαούρας Θ.Σωτήρης - ΄Εμμετροι Καημοί - Αγρίνιο 2007

External links

See also