
Trefzger is a German surname that belongs to that category of surnames which originated as nicknames and were later assumed as hereditary surnames. The origin of this nickname is thought to lie in the Middle High German term "trefs", referring to a "weed," and in some context of a person, a "good for nothing" or an "over-bearing, bothersome person." Another possible origin takes into account that the particular "weed" that "trefs" referred to was nearly impossible to kill, therefore, in the context of a person, a "trefs" would be someone who was very hardy and lived a long life.


Early Trefzgers

Amongst early bearers of a variant of the surname Trefzger, a reference to "der (the) Trefs" of Hundgersingen near Riedlingen is dated on the year 1318. In 1389, a man by the name of Kunrad Treffesese was a church usherer in the town of Fauterbach.[1]

Trefzgers in Wehr

Most Trefzgers that have not yet emigrated to the US reside in the town of Wehr, Germany. In Wehr, the Trefzger family had a leading role in public life. Five Trefzgers were appointed ‘Vogte’, which means the old kind of landlord-mayor under the umbrella government of a King or a Duke, and later, two Trefzgers were elected ‘Burgermeister’, or mayor:



Strife in Wehr

In the beginning of the 19th century there were 19 families with the name Trefzger in Wehr. The Trefzger family was the second largest in Wehr. In 1833, the law changed for servants, from being owned by landlords to now having a chance to buy their way out and be independent. In 1834, a commission of the mayor Berger and his council members (one of them was a Trefzger) worked out a plan for this matter. There was a problem, however, with Martin Trefzger. He was a teacher, city council secretary and one of the twelve landowners who had to be paid off accordingly. He and another landlord disagreed about how much the city should pay them at this buy-out. The fight between Trefzger and the commission came finally to an end in 1840. Enkendorf, part of Wehr, tried to secede from Wehr. Enkendorf claimed to have enough citizens (90) to receive its independence from Wehr (410 citizens). Against the independence of Enkendorf was the city council of Wehr, with members like Sebastian Trefzger and Karl Berger, as lawyers, and the scriptor (secretary) of law, Martin Trefzger. Revolution in 1848 in Wehr: In 1847, the movement to create a republic in Baden began to increase dramatically. The idea started in France based on the July Revolution in 1830 against Napoleon III. The government of Baden started, therefore, in 1848, a citizen patrol to calm this political movement down. Two of the leaders of the movement were Frans Joseph Trefzger and Hecker. The radicals declared a ‘German Republic’ on September 21, 1848. Many citizens, and finally the Prussian army troupes, fought against the radicals. So did Wolfgang Trefzger, who belonged to the mayor's council. Frans Joseph Trefzger and his movement finally gave up in May, 1849. Some political activists emigrated to Switzerland and to America.

The Trefzgers in the World Wars

Died in World War I:



  1. ^ Historical Research Center.
  2. ^ “Wehr: A City’s History” written in German, by Dr. Fridolin Jehke. Printed in the city of Wehr, 1969. Translated by Renate Scherzinger Sheblessy.