Treetown is a TV show that debuted in 1997 about the home of the playful Treetownies. Tansy (portrayed by Kathleen LeRoux), Rosabelle (portrayed by Denise Shaw), and the Treetown toys invite viewers to play, sing, explore, and imagine with them. Bounce around with Osbert Plunky, cuddle up with Cush, play dress up with Lillian, doodle with Suzanne Magique, invent with Ruby Rae, and go for a ride with Stu. Treetown aired on Treehouse TV until 2011.
It is the head mascot of Treehouse TV, since it started in 1997. They used to have segments from Treetown airing before the next show. The house the Treetownies live in is the head logo for all the programs that air on Treehouse TV.
Some of the guests that appeared on Treetown included Douglas John who sung the theme and other songs on the Juno-nominated hit show Ants in Your Pants, Sharon, Lois & Bram, Eric Nagler, Lenny Graf, Judy & David, The Snapping Toes, and The Stylamanders.