Transit privatization

The privatization of transport refers to the process of shifting responsibility regarding the provision of public transport or service from the public to the private sector.[1]



Considerable research during the 1980s has shown that transit subsidies impaired productivity and innovation to public transport. These subsidies, together with budgetary difficulties in most developed countries during the past few decades, have initiated privatization efforts to public transport.

One important argument in this respect is the consideration of public transport as a merit good. The rationale behind it is the idea that governments should guarantee basic service in public transport to deprived customer groups despite the fact that it is economically irrational.

While the subsidization of public transport is basically not contested, the important question in the public vs. private debate refers to the optimal level of subsidy. Today there are no real answers to this issue.[2]



The 1970s were an era of deregulation within the U.S. Back then public transport (i.e. railroads in 1976 and airlines in 1978) were deregulated.[3] Scholarly research suggests that privatisation in public transport can and, in some cases, has resulted in cost savings. Ticket prices increase or decrease based on the service provided and the amount of public subsidies.

Different approaches to privatize railways in U.S. and Europe were taken. In Europe rail operations were separated from rail infrastructure, while the U.S. railroad system is widely deregulated and vertically integrated.[4]

Another example were public owned bus companies in the U.K. Those companies were reorganized in 1985 into private companies (with the exception of London). Cost savings mainly resulted from reduced employment costs and increased productivity.[5]

Service quality

A number of innovations were adopted by private bus companies in the pursuit of profits with the most important being the launch of minibuses that increased service levels.[6]

The privatisation efforts in railways commonly resulted in improved service for customers and, hence, in improved service reputation. Moreover, a reduction of subsidy was achieved.

However, separating rail operations from rail infrastructure turned out to make coordination of rail operations and infrastructure maintenance more difficult.[7]


The changes to the U.K. bus industry as a result of privatization had in contrast to the changes to the U.K. railway industry no effects on its safety.[8]

In the U.K. privatising railways entailed cost overruns, accidents and, finally, the bankruptcy of the rail infrastructure company. For the rest of Europe the separation of rail operations from rail infrastructure did not cause substantial problems.[9] The McNulty review of the UK railway industry in 2011 found that the fragmentation of the industry in the course of privatisation had caused a permanent increase in costs of between 20% and 30%[10].

By the same token, airline market reformation in Europe has been successful. Today, a single European airline market exists leading to improved productivity and decreased ticket prices. As in the U.S., low-cost carriers have affected the market and, thus, improved resource allocation.[11]


  1. ^ Black (2003), p. 295
  2. ^ International Transport Forum (2008), pp. 15-16
  3. ^ Cooper / Mundy / Nelson (2010), p. 19
  4. ^ Clifford (2010), p. 142
  5. ^ Klein / Moore / Reja (1997), pp. 63-66
  6. ^ Klein / Moore / Reja (1997), p. 67
  7. ^ Clifford (2010), p. 142
  8. ^ Klein / Moore / Reja (1997), p. 66
  9. ^ Clifford (2010), p. 142
  10. ^
  11. ^ European Conference of Ministers of Transport (2005), p. 238


International Transport Forum, (2008), Privatisation and Regulation of Urban Transit Systems, OECD Publishing.

Clifford Winston, (2010), Last Exit: Privatization and Deregulation of the U.S. Transportation System, Brookings Institution.

Black William R., (2003), Transportation: A Geographical Analysis, The Guilford Press.

Cooper James, Mundy Ray, Nelson John, (2010), Taxi!: Urban Economies and the Social and Transport Impacts of the Taxicab, Ashgate Publishing Limited.

European Conference of Ministers of Transport, (2005), 16th International Symposium on Theory and Practice in Transport Economics, OECD Publishing.

Klein Daniel B., Moore Adrian T., Reja Binyam, (1997), Curb Rights: A Foundation for Free Enterprise in Urban Transit, Brookings Institution.

See also