Tour Mélusine

The Tour Mélusine is the keep of a former castle in the commune of Vouvant in the département of Vendée in France.



The 15th century watch tower is all that remains of the ancient castle of the Lords of Lusignan, dating from 1242. There is evidence of the early 13th century enceinte.[1] The view from the summit is superb.

Like all of the Lusignan's castles, legend holds that it was built in a single night by the fairy Melusine "de trois dornées de pierres et d'une goulée d'Eve"[2].

The tower has been classed as a monument historique by the French Ministry of Culture since 1927.


The interior comprises vaulted rooms.

See also

External links

Notes and references

  1. ^ Ministry of Culture: Tour Mélusine (French)
  2. ^ Vouvant website: Légende de Mélusine (French)