Titeuf is a magazine series created by Zep which was adapted into an animated TV series, and appears in the dedicated comics magazine Tchô!.
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Titeuf was initially published in the fanzine Sauve qui peut ("Run for your lives") and noticed by Glénat executive Jean-Claude Camano.[1] Zep joined Glénat in 1992 and Titeuf eventually became one of France's most popular comics.[2] The first Titeuf book Dieu, le sexe et les bretelles (God, Sex And Suspenders) appeared in 1993 and sold only a few thousand copies, but the subsequent books gradually won over a colossal readership, and the series is now considered the greatest moneymaker in the French comics market.[3] The series was adapted into an animated TV series in 2001, initially broadcast on Canal J.[4] By 2008, Titeuf was by far the comic series with the largest publication in France, with over 1.8 million copies per year, three times the number of the second most popular series.[5]
Translated as Tootuff, it appeared for a short while during 2005 in The Dandy comic in the UK. It is also a cartoon on GMTV's Toonattik and Action Stations slots, first transmitted on Cartoon Network UK in August 2005.