
Titeuf is a magazine series created by Zep which was adapted into an animated TV series, and appears in the dedicated comics magazine Tchô!.


Publication history

Titeuf was initially published in the fanzine Sauve qui peut ("Run for your lives") and noticed by Glénat executive Jean-Claude Camano.[1] Zep joined Glénat in 1992 and Titeuf eventually became one of France's most popular comics.[2] The first Titeuf book Dieu, le sexe et les bretelles (God, Sex And Suspenders) appeared in 1993 and sold only a few thousand copies, but the subsequent books gradually won over a colossal readership, and the series is now considered the greatest moneymaker in the French comics market.[3] The series was adapted into an animated TV series in 2001, initially broadcast on Canal J.[4] By 2008, Titeuf was by far the comic series with the largest publication in France, with over 1.8 million copies per year, three times the number of the second most popular series.[5]

English translation

Translated as Tootuff, it appeared for a short while during 2005 in The Dandy comic in the UK. It is also a cartoon on GMTV's Toonattik and Action Stations slots, first transmitted on Cartoon Network UK in August 2005.


  1. Dieu, le sexe et les bretelles (God, sex and Suspenders), 1992
  2. L'Amour, c'est pô propre... (Love isn't clean) , 1993
  3. Ça épate les filles... (It impresses the girls), 1994
  4. C'est pô juste... (It's unfair) , 1995
  5. Le derrière des choses (The other side of things), 1996
  6. Tchô, monde cruel (Bye, cruel world), 1997
  7. Le miracle de la vie (The miracle of life), 1998
  8. Lâchez-moi le slip ! (Get off my case!), 2000
  9. La loi du préau (The law of the playground), 2002
  10. Nadia se marie, (Nadia's wedding) 2004
  11. Mes meilleurs copains (My best friends), 2006
  12. Le sens de la vie (The meaning of life), 2008



External links