Tom Potts

Tom Potts is Child ballad 109.[1]


The heroine rejects a rich suitor, Lord Fenix/Phenix, for her poor true love, Tom Potts. Her angry father makes arrangements for the wedding. She sends word to Tom. He sends back word that he will be there and goes to his lord, asking for assistance. The lord is generous with him. Tom interrupts the wedding procession to challenge the groom. He wins. Her father agrees to their marriage and makes Tom his heir.


The unequal match is a very common motif in ballads and romances, such as Richie Story and King Cophetua.[2]


  1. ^ Francis James Child, English and Scottish Popular Ballads, "Tom Potts"
  2. ^ Francis James Child, The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, v 2, p 441, Dover Publications, New York 1965