Tintumon is the Little Johnny equivalent of Malayalees. This character was created and spread like a viral phenomenon through text messages in mobile phones. Later, the popularity increased to such an extend that leading book makers also published books on Tintumon jokes.
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Tintumon takes life as it comes. He is quick-witted, mostly inventive, and normally can’t stop himself from commenting on everyday issues. Although he was initially depicted as a five year old boy, later messages portrayed him as a grown up. There are stories portraying him as engineering student, police officer, doctor, lawyer, politician, movie star, priest, saint, burglar, prostitute and even a rapist. Tintumon is now regarded as the specimen of malayali life. His social status and age differs across stories. Tintumon is a pan-keralite. The humour in his character largely comes from his original and often rational comments to on life, his total disregard for others, his liberal attitude, all with a pinch of sarcasm.
Some compare Tintumon jokes to Sardarji jokes. However, while the Sardarji jokes usually portray a Sardar's comics, the Tintumon jokes are examples of Tintumon's intelligence and down to earth attitude.
Tintumon is the fictional character who lives through text messages/jokes Although Tintumon jokes were prevalent before,it reached its peak during the year 2009. One of the earliest reference to Tintumon in mainstream media was in the 2002 movie Kalyanaraman. In a particular scene in the movie, the character Ponjikkara played by Innocent claims that he was Tintumon in his previous birth. According to Ponjikkara, in his previous birth he was Tintumon and died due to diabetes when he was studying in L.K.G at Little flower convent girls high school, Nadathara. Tintumon achieved his iconic status after he made his foray in to the SMS world. Tintumon spread from mobile to mobile like a rage. SMS offers from various service providers aided Tintumon's growth. Tintumon is an opensource character. Mimicry artists have been using the character of Tintumon in various shows throughout these years. Also the character Tintumon is said to be created by a 10 year boy, way back in 2000 for his school magazine. This became public after these jokes found their way into the SMS and Internet world.
There are some repeating characters in Tintumon Jokes. They include