Tie clip

There have been many forms of tie-control devised since the 19th century, when ties first became a regular part of fashion. Clips, chains, pins have all been used to do one simple thing: to keep a tie from flapping, falling or otherwise presenting anything other than a neat appearance. A tie clip (also tie slide, tie bar, or tie clasp)[1] is just one form of a neckwear accessory that clips a tie to the underlying shirt front, preventing it from swinging and ensuring the tie hangs straight, resulting in a neat, uniform appearance. Rising to prominence in the 1920s,[1] the tie bar gradually replaced the tie pin.

Tie clips are usually made of metal and often have minor decorative patterns. Some tie clips have a small badge indicating membership to a club or an affiliation in the same way that ties themselves often have, or some other commemorative token. Occasionally, tie clips made of leather or chain are seen.

See also


External links

Media related to [//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Tie_clips Tie clips] at Wikimedia Commons