"The Tyranny of Structurelessness" is an influential essay by American feminist Jo Freeman inspired by her experiences in the 1970s women's liberation movement concerning power relations within radical feminist collectives.[1][2][3]
The essay reflected on the experiments of the feminist movement in resisting the idea of leaders and even discarding any structure or division of labor. However, as Hilary Wainwright wrote in Zmag, Freeman described how "this apparent lack of structure too often disguised an informal, unacknowledged and unaccountable leadership that was all the more pernicious because its very existence was denied."[3]
The phrase has been used to describe one problem in organizing, the other being "rigidity of structure," by ecofeminist Starhawk.[4] In 2008 "Community Development Journal" reviewed the article a "classic text" which editors felt had influenced the practice of community development.[5] That year a John F. Kennedy School of Government course used the paper in a course on leadership.[6]
Some anarchists have objected to Freeman's analysis because it also has been applied to some anarchist organizing. Howard J. Ehrlich discussed the negative impact of the article on anarchist organizing in Reinventing Anarchy, Again.[7] Cathy Levine wrote a 1979 rejoinder "The Tyranny of Tyranny."[8] In a review of the essay for Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed, Jason McQuinn noted its popularity among leftist and platformist anarchists.[9]
The essay originated as a speech given to the Southern Female Rights Union at a conference in Beulah, Mississippi in May 1970.[10] Freeman has stated that it was transcribed in 1971 for the feminist magazine Notes from the Third Year (whose editors chose not to include it) and submitted to several women's liberation movement publications, only one of which sought her permission to publish it. Other outlets published it without asking, and it was first officially published in the journal The Second Wave in 1972.[11] It was issued in pamphlet form by Agitprop in 1972, and later by the Organisation of Revolutionary Anarchists, Leeds Group, United Kingdom. In 1973 the author published different versions in the Berkeley Journal of Sociology and in Ms. magazine.[12][13] It also was published in Radical Feminism by Anne Koedt, Ellen Levine, and Anita Rapone.[14] Later printings included that of the Anarchist Workers' Association (Kingston Group), and in 1984 in a pamphlet called "Untying the Knot - Feminism, Anarchism & Organisation" jointly published by Dark Star Press and Rebel Press (printed by Aldgate Press).