The Legend of Neil

The Legend of Neil
Genre Comedy
Created by Sandeep Parikh
Written by Sandeep Parikh
Tony Janning
Directed by Sandeep Parikh
Starring Tony Janning
Mike Rose
Felicia Day
Angie Hill
Eric Acosta
Scott Chernoff
Country of origin  United States
Language(s) English
No. of seasons 3
No. of episodes 20
Executive producer(s) Sandeep Parikh
Original run 2008 – 2010
External links

The Legend of Neil is a comedy web series distributed by Comedy Central's partner[1] and is a parody of the Nintendo game The Legend of Zelda. Sandeep Parikh of The Guild fame directs the series. Tony Janning writes for the series, and acts as the title character Neil. Felicia Day and Mike Rose, who have worked with Parikh on the set of The Guild, appear as recurring characters.

The series follows Neil, who is sucked into the world of The Legend of Zelda while playing the game. As he travels Hyrule he is mistaken for the hero of the game, Link. The series is "full of self degrading, foul humor",[2] such as when Neil is being sucked into the game he is masturbating and strangled himself with his NES controller.

The series began as a four-minute YouTube video posted in 2007. The video went viral, receiving several million views. Its popularity led to financing a web series based around the video.

The first season was released in 2008. According to Fox Business before the premiere of the second season, "With nearly one million plays, the hit Web series by creator Sandeep Parikh built one of the Web's most enthusiastic fan bases in 2008."[1] In the run-up to the August 2009 premiere of the second season, MTV2 planned to air the complete first season.[1] The series was also nominated for multiple Streamys at the 1st Streamy Awards in 2009.[3]

Season 3 began on July 25, 2010. Each episode of season 3 features a remix of the original theme song performed by a different musical guest.


Characters and cast


Season 1 (2007, 2008)

Title Writer(s) Director Original airdate #
"The Beginning" Tony Janning and Sandeep Parikh Sandeep Parikh YouTube release: May 6, 2007 relaunch: July 24, 2008
Neil (Tony Janning) wakes up hung over and naked in a forest. A giggling fairy flies over him and drops elf clothing on him. After getting dressed and obtaining a tiny shield, he enters a cave, where he finds an old man named 'Old Man'. Old Man tells him he is Link, who is on a quest to defeat Lord Gannon and save all of Hyrule, and gives him a wooden sword. Neil leaves the cave and gets stuck in a looped map.
"First Blood" Tony Janning and Sandeep Parikh Sandeep Parikh July 31, 2008 2
Neil is attacked by a ululating monster that is throwing a rock. Neil kills the creature, whose corpse disappears, leaving a cookie in the shape of a heart. Prodded by Old Man, he reluctantly eats the heart cookie, which refills his heart meter on his arm and allows his sword to shoot lasers. He is then surrounded and attacked by a group of Octoroks.
"The Fairy's Obsession" Tony Janning and Sandeep Parikh Sandeep Parikh August 7, 2008 3
Neil, badly beaten by the group of Octoroks, has a vision of Princess Zelda (who is black, which surprises Neil), then falls beside a fairy pond. Fairy comes out and begins to heal Neil, but then starts getting neurotic and fickle. She forces Neil to tell her he loves her, then she mends his wounds with sex. A cloaked figure, one of Gannon's minions, steals Link's clothing and throws it into a cave marked "Level 1".
"The Skeletons in Link's Closet" Tony Janning and Sandeep Parikh Sandeep Parikh August 14, 2008 4
Wizrobe suggests that it would be easier to kill Link if they dropped him into a harder level than Level 1. Gannon smacks him for his insolence. Neil is attacked by bats and skeletons with German accents. After collecting a key from the skeletons, he uses it to open a door and is attacked by more bats.
"Map Questing" Tony Janning and Sandeep Parikh Sandeep Parikh August 21, 2008 5
Gannon is shocked by Link's progression in level 1. Neil discovers a map of Level 1 and a bow. He defeats goblins with Australian accents and collects a boomerang. Wizrobe questions why Gannon left such useful items for their opponent, and Gannon explains that the purpose is to help his minions if they get lost. Neil runs into Old Man, and is shown that there is a hidden room on the map; Neil had not noticed that the map was incompletely unfolded. He leaves as Old Man warns him of the boss of level 1, a dragon with a unicorn horn.
"Who's the Boss" Tony Janning and Sandeep Parikh Sandeep Parikh September 4, 2008 6
Neil is knocked out by the dragon and dreams of being in bed with Zelda (and Gannon). After he recovers consciousness, Neil finds the one part of the room that the dragon can't get to, and the dragon complains that it's not fair. The dragon and Neil commiserate and become friends, and the boss begs for Neil to kill him. Neil collects the first Triforce of nine.

Season 2 (2009)

Title Writer(s) Director Original airdate Ssn
"A Link to the Past" Tony Janning and Sandeep Parikh Sandeep Parikh July 28, 2009 1 7
The episode begins with a flashback to Neil's failing real life a week earlier. After the flashback, Neil awakes next to the sleeping fairy. He gets up and is attacked by Octoroks. After vanquishing them, he is attacked by a blue troll, who injures him with an arrow. As he flees, Old Man appears to him with a clue about how to get a candle and a bigger shield. Link escapes into a store and the Moblin captures Fairy in a jar.
"Death in Store" Tony Janning and Sandeep Parikh Sandeep Parikh August 10, 2009 2 8
Neil meets the merchant, who quotes prices far beyond Neil's means. When Neil persists, the Merchant lets Neil into the back room, where he can play Money Making Game. Neil quickly loses, and is about to have his eyes confiscated when the Elf Cop breaks in to raid the illegal gambling den. The Elf Cop allows Neil to take the goods he couldn't buy, assuming "Link" to be above stealing.
"Les Neilérables" Tony Janning and Sandeep Parikh Sandeep Parikh August 24, 2009 3 9
The episode opens with the Moblin examining his collection of fairies, including Fairy and a Male Fairy. The Male Fairy tries to cheer up Fairy with a happy song, and Fairy joins in with singing about her love of raunchy, abusive sex, nauseating the Male Fairy. Meanwhile, Neil fights an orange triceratops and collects the second Triforce. Gannon and Wizrobe are astonished at Neil's accomplishment, but are sure that the next level will destroy him. Neil meets the Old Men, who make fun of him and give him a potion. Zelda, imprisoned, sings of her faith in Neil, while Neil, defeating mummies, tries to get drunk on potion and wishes he were home. Neil defeats a four-headed plant that is shipped to Gannon, stimulating further consternation in his council. After a grand finale, Wizrobe whispers a new plan to Gannon and Neil discovers a Pub.
"Gettin' High in Hyrule" Tony Janning and Sandeep Parikh Sandeep Parikh September 7, 2009 4 10
Neil, disregarding Old Man's warnings, sneaks into the Pub. He finds a bulletin board with wanted posters for Link, the mass murderer of Hyrule. Disguising himself with a Moblin helmet, he joins the Moblins in the Pub, whose main conversational topic is ways of torturing and killing Link. After a long drunken carouse, Neil's helmet falls off and he is recognized as Link. He pleads with the Moblins, who are the only friends he has found in Hyrule, but they still want to kill him. Neil runs away and is captured by the Secret Moblin, who misdirects the pursuers.
"The Secret Moblin" Tony Janning and Sandeep Parikh Sandeep Parikh September 21, 2009 5 11
Neil wakes up in the cave of the Secret Moblin named Pippi, who has fully replenished Neil's heart meter. The Secret Moblin describes his elfin studies, and his need to suppress his base instincts of sodomizing and killing elves. He teaches Neil how to use his "inventory" by holding his items above his head, and he tells Neil of a magic whistle in Level 5 that can send Neil anywhere he wishes. The Secret Moblin begins to lose control of his base instincts and Neil leaves the cave as the Secret Moblin attempts to suppress three simultaneous erections. Neil travels through the desert to find the waterfall that hides the White Sword. However, upon spying the waterfall, he is shot by an arrow in the left arm by the Moblins from the pub.
"The Fairy Strikes Back" Tony Janning and Sandeep Parikh Sandeep Parikh October 5, 2009 6 12
After many tries, Neil pulls his bow and arrows from his inventory and kills the Moblin holding Fairy who has sex with Neil to replenish his heart meter. Neil then dispatches the other Moblins before entering the cave behind the waterfall and attaining the White Sword (the same wooden sword that is painted white) from Old Man. Meanwhile, Wizrobe introduces Gannon to a powerful, armoured monster.
"A Date with Destiny" Tony Janning and Sandeep Parikh Sandeep Parikh October 19, 2009 7 13
Neil fights his way through the enemies in Level 5 on his way to attain the Magic Whistle. On his way to grab the whistle, three Dark Nuts ambushes Neil, who tries to laser them with his sword beams. Unfortunately, the Dark Nuts are unfazed by them. While Neil is distracted, the Dark Nut appears and knocks him unconscious. Gannon tries his best to court Princess Zelda who says Link will come to save her. Gannon reveals Neil tied up and beaten by Dark Nut. Neil reveals that he does not love Princess Zelda and would not die for her. Gannon then stabs Neil through the stomach with the White Sword. Neil awakens in his apartment where he was playing the Legend of Zelda, and notices the heart meter still on his wrist. The game provides him the option to continue or quit.

Season 3 (2010)

Regular episodes

Title Writer(s) Director Original airdate Musical Guest(s) Ssn
"Quitters Never Continue" Tony Janning and Sandeep Parikh Sandeep Parikh July 25, 2010 None 1 14
The episode starts with the summary of the second season. Neil is now living back in New Jersey. He fixed his work problems and at the time of the episode is the assistant manager. He also got back his apartment and his girlfriend. After learning that his mom is dead and his family has been lying to him all along, Neil uses the same method as before to transport himself back into the game, where he finds a retired Old Man and a pregnant Fairy.
"The Gloffice" Tony Janning and Sandeep Parikh Sandeep Parikh August 10, 2010 Molly Lewis 2 15
Wizrobe tells Gannon about Link's continue. Neil beats Level 4, kills a two-headed dragon, then returns to Level 5 and kills Dark Nut after discovering his weakness: Dark Nut has no backside body armor. The episode is mostly filmed as an "Office" parody featuring Gannon, Wizrobe, Zelda, a Moblin named Blight, and one of Dark Nut's relatives, where they discuss Link's continued success, and the defeat of Dark Nut and the Level 5 boss, a one-eyed parasite.
"Fairyhood" Tony Janning and Sandeep Parikh Sandeep Parikh August 27, 2010 Paul and Storm 3 16
While searching for Level 6, Neil stumbles across two giant armoured men (guest stars The Sklar Brothers), that briefly come to life when touched. They toss Neil around like a Football, leaving him badly injured, before freezing after he goes off-screen. He walks through the woods to find the Fairy's house, where she is having babies. After looking after them to keep the Fairy from eating them due to "Maternal Hunger" he asks to be healed but the Fairy refuses to have sex with him, annoyed by his long absence and lack of caring. Neil, partially healed due to his time spent watching the children, then uses the Warp Whistle to attempt to find Level 6. Instead, he lands on a battlefield where he meets Princess Zelda's brother, Tyrelda.
"40 Acres and a Zol" Tony Janning and Sandeep Parikh Sandeep Parikh September 7, 2010 Jason Charles Miller 4 17
Neil fights along side Tyrelda, whom commands the 54th Brigade. He reveals that he is Zelda's last living brother. In course of the fight, the entire brigade fights along side Neil, thinking he is Nail. They are all overpowered and captured by the centaur. After they "lynel" one of the soldiers, Neil fights an orange parasite, who swallows him and eats his shield; Neil escapes from the monster's jaws. In the midst of avoiding the angry Lynel's sword beams, Neil impresses them with his dance moves and infuriates their leader into a dance contest. Tyrelda and his surviving trooper escapes their bonds and buys time with their lives for Neil to escape to rescue Zelda. Neil returns to Fairy, only to discover her leaving for her mother's place and that their children had been captured in his absence. He is left alone in the woods, pondering what to do next.
"Every Hero Needs a Montage" Tony Janning and Sandeep Parikh Sandeep Parikh September 19, 2010 Garfunkel and Oates 5 18
Neil heads back to Old Man to help on his quest. He apologizes for quitting earlier, prompting Old Man to forgive him and give him the three day training course he missed at the beginning. Old Man trains Neil in strength, endurance, dancing, monsters, and frolicking on the beach, and gives him some more Heart Containers. When he's finished Old Man sees Link off, and tells him to seek out the Magical Sword in the Graveyard of Living Nightmares. After arriving at the graveyard a frightened Neil encounters a doppelganger of himself wearing his gas station outfit. The episode ends with Neil saying "Fu-" and the doppelganger finishing with "-ck."
"Death Becomes Neil" Tony Janning and Sandeep Parikh Sandeep Parikh October 3, 2010 Hard 'n' Phirm 6 19
Neil faces his deepest, darkest, douchiest fears. He faces his doppleganger, who calls him a loser and shapeshifts into his girlfriend and different family members, and Neil then exclaims his name to be Link and shoves his sword through the doppleganger, destroying it. Neil Then meets Old Man who gives him the Magical Sword. Ganon is then seen painting a picture of Princess Zelda using silver paint, (Wizzrobe also reminds Gannon that he is alergic to silver paint, that is useful in the next episode.) and is informed by Wizrobe that Neil has beaten levels 6 and 7. Ganon then charges Wizrobe with Defending level 8.
"Restart of the King" Tony Janning and Sandeep Parikh Sandeep Parikh October 27, 2010 Jonathan Coulton 7 20
Series Finale. Neil falls through Spectacle Rock and into Level 9. After fighting through the level and finding Ganon, Neil tries his best to use his weapons against Ganon but he just destroys them and turns invisible. After a few fireball hits, Neil is near death before Old Man returns to battle Ganon. While Old Man distracts Ganon, the Fairy reconciles with Neil and restores him to full health. Ganon kills Old Man, but a fully healed Neil reengages the battle and goads Ganon into fighting hand to hand. Neil gains the upper hand and is about to defeat Ganon when Ganon cheats and begins using fireballs. When Neil is once again almost dead and Ganon holds him from behind, the Fairy attempts to heal him once more, but Wizzrobe intervenes and grabs the Fairy. Neil convinces Wizzrobe to switch sides, and Wizzrobe throws Neil an arrow dipped in silver (also Ganon hits Wizzrobe with a fireball), with which Neil stabs himself with it and it stabs Ganon from behind. Wizzrobe survives the attack but Fairy doesn't. After promising to Fairy about not having sex with anybody (not even himself), Neil retrieves the Triforce of Power from Ganon's remains and frees Princess Zelda. They marry and Neil becomes king. Some of the other monsters seem to be gay. It is then revealed that Wizzrobe is now working for Neil, although he often misses Ganon. However, the fates of the Fairy's children and Old Man are not revealed.

Later, while sitting on the toilet, Neil is sucked through the pipes and comes out dressed as Mario. He encounters his brother, dressed as Luigi, and the two discuss their surroundings. Realizing where he is, Neil and his brother say "Oh, fu-" but they are cut off by a Fade to Black. In a post-credits scene, the title "Super Grimsley Bros." appears while Neil's brother, Darrel, tells him about jumping, smashing blocks, and the Super Star ("pure, uncut cocaine for 15 seconds" as he calls it). While Darrel is rapidly searching on Neil for a Super Star, Wizzrobe, back at the castle, stands on a balcony and is shown a locket with a picture of Ganon, saying "You were just to ugly for this world, my Lord." Just then, a ghostly image of Ganon's hand appears, smacks Wizzrobe in the face, says, "I know Wizzrobe. I miss me too." and Wizzrobes smiles while holding his staff.


Title Writer(s) Director Original airdate #
"The Gloffice: The Plight of Blight" Gabe Uhr Sandeep Parikh August 17, 2010 1
A continuation of the parody of The Office as seen in the episode "The Gloffice."
"Armos Banter" improvised Sandeep Parikh August 31, 2010 2
Guest starring Randy and Jason Sklar.
"Elf vs. Wild" improvised Sandeep Parikh September 13, 2010 3
Alex Albrecht stars in this parody of nature shows, such as those hosted by Steve Irwin or Jeff Corwin. Sandeep Parikh premiered this clip during The Legend of Neil Comic-Con panel in 2010.
"Dirty Old Man Dancing" improvised Sandeep Parikh September 28, 2010 4
A parody of the film Dirty Dancing.
"Glarry Botter and the Orphan/Teacher Conference" Gabe Uhr Sean Becker October 11, 2010 5
A parody of the Harry Potter series.

External links
