The Helmsman (short story)

"The Helmsman" is a short story by Franz Kafka, written sometime between 1917 and 1923. The story deals with a man deposed of his role as helmsman, who complains that his fellow shipmates refuse to help him regain his rightful position.


Plot summary

The story begins with a struggle between the helmsman, who narrates, and a stranger who refuses to accept his position and finally takes over the helm and drives the narrator away. The helmsman goes to his shipmates to complain and get their help, but though they agree that he is the true helmsman, they seem to be hypnotized by the stranger, and do nothing to drive him away. When the stranger tells them not to disturb him they withdraw, leaving the narrator to wonder, "What kind of people are these? Do they ever think, or do they only shuffle pointlessly over the earth?"[1]


This story could be seen as a criticism of a society that is apathetic to matters of justice or democracy, i.e. who should rightfully be at the helm, particularly when the new leader is powerful and charismatic.


The story was not published in Kafka's lifetime, first appearing in Beschreibung eines Kampfes (Prague: Verlag Heinrich Mercy Sohn, 1936). An English translation by Tania and James Stern was first published in Description of a Struggle (New York: Schocken Books, 1958).[2]


A comics adaptation of the story, illustrated by Peter Kuper, is included in Give It Up!.


  1. ^ Kafka, Franz. The Complete Stories. New York: Schocken Books, 1995. 443.
  2. ^ Kafka, 462.