The Greens - European Free Alliance European Parliament group |
EG-EFA logo | |
Name | The Greens - European Free Alliance |
English abbr. | Greens-EFA |
French abbr. | Verts-ALE |
Formal name | Parliamentary Group of The Greens / European Free Alliance in the European Parliament |
Ideology | Green politics Regionalism Progressivism |
European parties | European Green Party European Free Alliance |
From | 1999 |
To | present |
Preceded by | The Green Group in the EP European Radical Alliance |
Chaired by | Daniel Cohn-Bendit MEP & Rebecca Harms MEP |
MEP(s) | 58 (December 7, 2011) |
Website | |
Core topics
The Greens – European Free Alliance (Greens – EFA; French: Les Verts – Alliance libre européenne; German: Die Grünen – Freie Europäische Allianz) is one of the parliamentary groups in the European Parliament.[1]
As a group, The Greens-EFA made more gains at the European elections of 2009 than any other group.
This group consists of two distinct European political parties - the European Green Party (EGP) and the European Free Alliance (EFA).[2] The EFA consists of parties representing stateless nations. The alliance has generally limited its membership to progressive parties.[3] These European parties are joined by national parties, such as the Dutch Europe Transparent (between 2004 and 2009) and the Swedish Pirate Party (since 2009).