The Greens–European Free Alliance

The Greens - European Free Alliance
European Parliament group
EG-EFA logo
Name The Greens - European Free Alliance
English abbr. Greens-EFA
French abbr. Verts-ALE
Formal name Parliamentary Group of The Greens / European Free Alliance in the European Parliament
Ideology Green politics
European parties European Green Party
European Free Alliance
From 1999
To present
Preceded by The Green Group in the EP
European Radical Alliance
Chaired by Daniel Cohn-Bendit MEP & Rebecca Harms MEP
MEP(s) 58 (December 7, 2011)

The Greens – European Free Alliance (Greens – EFA; French: Les Verts – Alliance libre européenne; German: Die Grünen – Freie Europäische Allianz) is one of the parliamentary groups in the European Parliament.[1]

As a group, The Greens-EFA made more gains at the European elections of 2009 than any other group.

This group consists of two distinct European political parties - the European Green Party (EGP) and the European Free Alliance (EFA).[2] The EFA consists of parties representing stateless nations. The alliance has generally limited its membership to progressive parties.[3] These European parties are joined by national parties, such as the Dutch Europe Transparent (between 2004 and 2009) and the Swedish Pirate Party (since 2009).

Group members

State National party European party MEPs 2004-2009 MEPs 2009-2014 (as of 7 December 2011)
Austria The Greens – The Green Alternative European Green Party 2 2
Belgium Ecolo European Green Party 1 2
Groen! European Green Party 1 1
Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie European Free Alliance * 1
Denmark Socialist People's Party European Green Party[A 1] 1 2
Estonia Independent (Indrek Tarand) independent[4] * 1
Finland Green League European Green Party 1 2
France Europe Écologie–The Greens European Green Party 6 14[B 1]
Party of the Corsican Nation European Free Alliance - 1
Germany Alliance '90 / The Greens European Green Party 13 14
Greece Ecologist Greens European Green Party 0 1
Italy Federation of the Greens European Green Party 2 0
Latvia For Human Rights in United Latvia European Free Alliance 1 1
Luxembourg The Greens European Green Party 1 1
Netherlands GreenLeft European Green Party 2 3
Europe Transparent Unaligned 2 -
Portugal Independent (Rui Tavares) independent[5] - 1
Romania Independent (László Tőkés) European Free Alliance 1 -
Spain Confederation of The Greens European Green Party 1 0
(Catalonia) Republican Left of Catalonia European Free Alliance 0 1[B 2]
(Catalonia) Initiative for Catalonia Greens European Green Party 1 1
(Basque Country) Eusko Alkartasuna European Free Alliance 1 0
(Galicia) Galician Nationalist Bloc European Free Alliance 0 1[B 3]
Sweden Green Party European Green Party 1 2
Pirate Party Pirate Parties International[A 2] - 2[B 1]
United Kingdom (England, Wales) Green Party of England and Wales European Green Party 2 2
(Scotland) Scottish National Party European Free Alliance 2 2
(Wales) Plaid Cymru – Party of Wales European Free Alliance 1 1
Sources [6]
  1. ^ Observer status
  2. ^ No European party yet
  1. ^ a b including one Lisbon MEP
  2. ^ until 31/12/2011
  3. ^ from 01/2012


External links