The Eamon Lowe Show
The Eamon Lowe Show is a popular satirical radio programme broadcast on Today FM. The show takes a unique look at life in Ireland under the now defunct Celtic Tiger. The presenter, Eamon Lowe, [1] presents the show live from Dundalk and describes it as "wriggling in underneath the Tiger and taking a right good look at her underbelly". [2] Issues focused on include the Church, sex, the environment, policing, obesity and the arts. [3] It is broadcast on Today FM each Sunday at 10:00 with an uncensored version airing at 22:00 that night.
Episode guide
Some episodes are available for listening purposes online. [4]
# |
Topic |
1 |
Policing |
2 |
The Church |
3 |
Sex |
4 |
The environment |
5 |
Obesity |
6 |
The arts |
External links
Formerly known as Radio Ireland Limited
Ownership history |
Notable incidents |
Presenters |
Shows |
Other contributors |
Craic agus ceol |
Marconi House, Digges Lane, Dublin 2