The Camping Trip
"The Camping Trip" is the final episode of The Inbetweeners. It first aired on E4 on 18 October 2010.[2]
Simon's dad announces to the whole family that they are moving to Swansea in a couple of weeks due to his company laying many employees off.[3] Simon is distraught, as he will have no mates and never see Carli again. At the same time, Neil worries that he has got a woman pregnant. Will decides to organise one last trip for the gang before they go their separate ways.
The four boys pack the Fiat for a camping trip in the countryside. In the woods by a lake, Will draws on all his scout training - the same however, cannot be said for Jay, Neil and Simon, who are not prepared for the great outdoors at all. After burning all of Will's stuff to make a fire, a quick texting game, and playing Monopoly in the dark, the team lock themselves out of the Fiat, which soon rolls into the lake. Neil receives a text saying the woman is not pregnant (the "positive" was on a Chlamydia test), while Simon gets a text from Carli (but will not reveal the contents, beyond saying "brilliant"). After Neil, Jay and Simon throw up in the tent, the four all walk home.[4]
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