Terra Primate

Terra Primate
Designer(s) Al Bruno III, CJ Carella, David F. Chapman, Patrick Sweeny
Publisher(s) Eden Studios, Inc.
Publication date 2002
Genre(s) Sci-fi, Fantasy
System(s) Unisystem

Terra Primate is an American role-playing game, designed by Patrick Sweeny, David F. Chapman, Al Bruno III and CJ Carella, and published by Eden Studios, Inc.[1][2][3]

Terra Primate (ISBN 978-1-891153-76-1) uses the Unisystem[3][4] and is based on movies such as Planet of the Apes[2] and the focus of the game is on intelligent apes. The game has no specific setting, although, similar to "Deadworlds" in All Flesh Must Be Eaten, the core rulebook includes several so called "Apeworlds" (example settings).[3][5]


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