
The term technoetic was created by Roy Ascott during his career as an artist and theorist in the fields of cybernetics and telematics. Ascott coined the term from a compound of the Greek words Techne and noetikos, and defined it as the quest to understand the effects of technology on consciousness.



Technoetic relates to that which concerns the technology of consciousness. Such technology may be telematic, digital, genetic, vegetal, moist or linguistic.

Technoetics is a convergent field of practice that seeks to explore consciousness and connectivity through digital, telematic, chemical or spiritual means, embracing both interactive and psychoactive technologies, and the creative use of moistmedia. Roy Ascott, 2008 - Technoetic Art Intellect Book 2003.

History of technoetics

Technoetics is a syncretic research area linked to the transdisciplinary methodology between art and science. This is rooted in the research of Roy Ascott and of the Planetary Collegium, including its CAiiA-Hub, Milan-Node and Zurich-Node research community. The term appeared for the first time in 1997 in the Ascott paper: "The Technoetic Aesthetic: Art and the Matter of Consciousness". In: R. Ascott (ed) Consciousness Reframed: art and consciousness in the post-biological era. 1st International CAiiA Research Conference Proceedings. Newport: University of Wales College, Newport.

Recent developments

The emergence of Technoetics can be juxtaposed with a number of other innovative interdisciplinary areas of scholarship which have surfaced in recent years including technoscience and technocriticism.



Ascott, R. 1995. "Noetic Nodes". In: M. Wepf, (ed). Viper ’95. Internationales Film-Video-und Multimedia-Festival. Luzern: Zyklop Verlag, pp.171-174.

Ascott, R. 1997. "The Technoetic Aesthetic: Art and the Matter of Consciousness". In: R. Ascott (ed) Consciousness Reframed: art and consciousness in the post-biological era. 1st International CAiiA Research Conference Proceedings. Newport: University of Wales College, Newport. Unpaged.

Ascott, R. (1997). "Estética de la Tecnoética: el arte y la construcción de la realidad", (trans. Diana Zamudio). In:: K. Ohlenschlager (ed) Arte Virtual Realidad Plural. Monterrey: Museo de Monterrey. pp.33-44.

Ascott, R. (1999). "Technoetic Theatre: performance and enactment in the dramaturgy of artificial life". In:: M. Sugisaka (ed), Proceedings of the 4th.d International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics.. Oita: University of Oita.

Ascott, R. (1998). "The Technoetic Dimension of Art". In: C. Sommerer & L. Mignonneau (eds). Art @ Science.. New York: Springer. pp 279 – 290.

Ascott, R. (1998)." Technoetic Structures". In: N.Spiller (ed). Architects in Cyberspace II. London: Architectural Design. 68 11/12 . pp. 30-32.

Ascott R. (1999). "The Technoetic Predicate". Leonardo. Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology. 32, 3. pp 219-220

Ascott, R. (1999)." Technoetic Connectivity". In: N. Vlic (ed), Internet Art between the Interactivity, Void and Dis-authorization. Skopje: Soros Center for Contemporary Arts. pp.63-73

Ascott, R. (2000). "Edge-life: technoetic structures and moistmedia". In: R. Ascott (ed) Art, Technology, Consciousness: mind @ large. Bristol: Intellect. Pp 2-6.

Ascott, Roy. (2002). Technoetic Arts (Korean translation: YI, Won-Kon), (Media & Art Series no. 6, Institute of Media Art, Yonsei University). Yonsei: Yonsei University Press.

Ascott, R. (2003) “Planetary Technoetics: Art, Technology and Consciousness”. Art Inquiry: recherche sur les Arts. 1V (XIII). Lodz: Societas Scientarium Lodziensis. pp7-17. ISSN 0459-6854

Ascott, R. (2003). "Quando a onça se deita com a ovelha: a arte com mídias úmidas e a cultura pós-biológica". In: DOMINGUES, D. (ed). Arte e vida no século XXI. São Paulo: Editora UNESP. pp. 273–284

Ascott, R. (2003). Telematic Embrace: visionary theories of art, technology and consciousness. (Edward A. Shanken, ed.) Berkeley: University of California Press.

Ascott, R. (2004). "Planetary Technoetics: Art, Technology and Consciousness". Leonardo, MIT Press. Vol 37:2. pp 111-116. Ascott, R. (200)4. “Planetary Technoetics: Art, Technology and Consciousness”. Leonardo, 37, 2. pp 111-116. ISSN 0024-094X

Ascott, R. (2004). “En la ment del planeta: art I tecnoetica”. In: V. Altaió, (ed.) Dali. Noves Fronteres de la Ciencia, l’Art I el Pensament. Dali.. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya. ISBN 84-393-6896-8. pp. 46-59, 134-142

Ascott, R. (2005). “Medios Húmedos Tecnoéticos. Arte, Mente y Materia en el Siglo XXI”. (trans. A. Iribas). In: Actas: Nuevos Materiales Technologias para el Art. Madrid: Universidad Complutense. ISBN 84-608-0396-1. pp 483 – 493

Ascott, R. (2006). "Technoetic Pathways towards the Spiritual in Art: a transdisciplinary perspective on issues of connectedness, coherence and consciousness". Leonardo, MIT Press. : Vol 39:1 pp. 65-69

Ascott, R. (2007). "O espiritual na arte: uma perspectiva technoetica". In: Amaral, L. and A.Geiger. (eds). In Vitrio, in vivo, in silico. São Paulo: Attar Editorial. ISBN 978-85-85115-32-6

Ascott, R. (2008). "Cybernetic, Technoetic, Syncretic: the prospect for Art". Editorial. Leonardo Vol 41 No.3. p.204

Monico, F. (2008). La Variazione Technoetica in "Le variazioni Grandi" Quaderno di Comunicazione 8. Roma: Meltemi.