
Slogan Easily digestible tech news
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Owner Floor64, Inc.
Created by Mike Masnick
Launched 1997
Current status Active

Techdirt is a weblog that reports on technology trends, and related business and economic policy issues, often focusing on copyright and patent reform. The website was started in 1997 by Mike Masnick and it was originally based on the weblog Slash. Techdirt has been named among the favorite blogs of PC Magazine[1] and has been praised for its "sharp, pithy analysis of current tech issues".[2] The content on the blog is based on reader submissions as well as the editorial staff's picks. The website makes use of MySQL, Apache, and PHP and is hosted at ActionWeb.[3]

In 2009, English singer Lily Allen created a blog critical of music piracy where she ironically plagiarized an entire post from Techdirt.[4] Following an exchange with Techdirt that exposed the musician's hypocrisy, Allen shut down her blog.[5]


  1. ^ Heater, Brian; Griffith, Eric (December 29, 2008). "Our Favorite Blogs". PC Magazine.,2817,2337388,00.asp. Retrieved December 13, 2011. 
  2. ^ Hof, Rob (October 11, 2006). "The Dirt on Techdirt's New Blogger Community". Bloomberg Businessweek. Retrieved December 13, 2011. 
  3. ^ "About Techdirt". Techdirt. Retrieved December 13, 2011. 
  4. ^ Masnick, Mike (September 21, 2009). "Lily Allen: Copying Isn't Alright... Unless It's Done By Lily Allen". Techdirt. Retrieved December 13, 2011. 
  5. ^ Chivers, Tom (September 24, 2009). "Lily Allen drops fight against filesharing after Techdirt spat". The Telegraph. Retrieved December 13, 2011. 

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