Ta’isha tribe

Ta’isha is one of the Baqqara tribes, these nomads originated from the Guhayna group, a clan of Bedouin Arabs who came across the Sinai Peninsula from Arabia. They eventually moved into the Nile region of Upper Egypt and then into Sudan in the beginning of the 16 century around 1504. They settled in the area of Southern Darfur and they called the land Dar El Ta’isha. Their main city is Rehaid Al Berdi, the Ta’isha participated with the rest of western Sudan tribes in the Mahadia revolt (1882-1885) against Turko-Egyptian occupation of Sudan 1821-1885.

The most notable leader from the Ta'isha is Khalifa Abdulla Al Ta'ishi who ruled Sudan after the death of Mohamed Ahmed Al Mahdi in 1885 till it was recaptured by the Anglo-Egyption forces in 1899.