Tax evasion

Tax evasion is the general term for efforts by individuals, corporations, trusts and other entities to evade taxes by illegal means. Tax evasion usually entails taxpayers deliberately misrepresenting or concealing the true state of their affairs to the tax authorities to reduce their tax liability, and includes, in particular, dishonest tax reporting (such as declaring less income, profits or gains than actually earned; or overstating deductions). Tax evasion is an activity commonly associated with the underground economy and one measure of the extent of tax evasion the amount of unreported income, namely the difference between the amount of income that should legally be reported to the tax authorities and the actual amount reported. In the 1970's and 80's, The IRS undertook the Taxpayer Compliance Measurement Program (TCMP) in an attempt to measure unreported income and the tax gap. The tax gap is the difference between the amount of tax legally owed and the amount actually collected by the government. The TCMP program was believed to produce the most reliable information about noncompliance,[1] but these "audits from hell" were deemed to be overly intrusive and were discontinued in 1988. The National Research Program was undertaken in the 1990's as a less intrusive means of measuring noncompliance and was described as "the most careful and comprehensive estimates of the extent and nature of tax noncompliance anywhere in the world"[2] However, critics[3] point out numerous problems with the tax gap measure. The IRS direct audit measures of noncompliance are augmented by indirect measurement methods, most prominently currency ratio models[4]

Tax avoidance, on the other hand, is the legal utilization of the tax regime to one's own advantage, to reduce the amount of tax that is payable by means that are within the law. Both tax evasion and avoidance can be viewed as forms of tax noncompliance, as they describe a range of activities that are unfavorable to a state's tax system.[5]


Economics of tax evasion

In 1968, Nobel laureate economist Gary Becker first theorized the economics of crime,[6] on the basis of which Allingham and Sandmo produced in 1972 an economic model of tax evasion. It deals with the evasion of income tax, the main source of tax revenue in the developed countries. According to them, the level of evasion of income tax depends on the level of punishment provided by law.[7] The literature's theoretical models are elegant in their effort to identify the variables likely to affect non-compliant behaviors, however, alternative specifications yield conflicting results concerning both the signs and magnitudes of variables believed to affect tax evasion. As such, empirical work is required to resolve the theoretical ambiguities. Income tax evasion appears to be positively influenced by the tax rate, the unemployment rate, the level of income and dissatisfaction with government.[8] The U.S. Tax Reform Act of 1986 appears to have reduced tax evasion in the U.S.

Evasion of customs duty

Customs duties are an important source of revenue in the developing countries. The importers purport to evade customs duty by (a) under-invoicing and (b) misdeclaration of quantity and product-description. When there is ad valorem import duty, the tax base is reduced through underinvoicing. Misdeclaration of quantity is more relevant for products with specific duty. Production description is changed match an H. S. Code commensurate with a lower rate of duty.[9]


Smuggling is importation or exportation of foreign products through unauthorized route. Smuggling is resorted to for total evasion of leviable customs duties as well as for importation of contraband items. A smuggler does not have to pay any customs duty since the products are not routed through an authorized or notified Customs port and therefore, not subjected to declaration and payment of duties and taxes.[9]

Evasion of value added tax (VAT) and sales taxes

During the later half of the twentieth century, value added tax (VAT) has emerged as a modern form of consumption tax through the world, with the notable exception of the United States. Producers who collect VAT from the consumers may evade tax by under-reporting the amount of sales.[10] The US has no broad-based consumption tax at the federal level, and no state currently collects VAT; the overwhelming majority of states instead collect sales taxes. Canada uses both a VAT at the federal level (the Goods and Services Tax) and sales taxes at the provincial level; some provinces have a single tax combining both forms.

In addition, most jurisdictions which levy a VAT or sales tax also legally require their residents to report and pay the tax on items purchased in another jurisdiction. This means that those consumers who purchase something in a lower-taxed or untaxed jurisdiction with the intention of avoiding VAT or sales tax in their home jurisdiction are in fact breaking the law in most cases. Such evasion is, especially, prevalent in federal states like the Nigeria, US and Canada where sub-national jurisdictions have the constitutional power to charge varying rates of VAT or sales tax. In Nigeria for example, some local states enforce VAT on each goods sold by trader. The price must be clearly stated and the VAT distinct from the price of the good purchased. Any act by the trader contrary to this (like including VAT in the price of the goods) is punishable as attempting to syphoning the VAT.

Borders between tax districts in the same nation usually lack the resources to enforce tax collection on goods carried in private vehicles from one district to another, so states only pursue sales and use tax collection on high-value items such as cars.[11]

Government response

The level of evasion depends on a number of factors, one of them being fiscal equation. People's tendency to evade income tax declines when the return for due payment of taxes is not obvious. Evasion also depends on the efficiency of the tax administration. Corruption by the tax officials often render control of evasion difficult. Tax administrations resort to various means for plugging in scope of evasion and increasing the level of enforcement. These include, among others, privatization of tax enforcement,[12] tax farming,[13] and institution of Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) agencies.[14] In 2011, HMRC stated that it would continue to crack down on tax evasion, with a goal of collecting £18 billion in revenue before 2015.[15] A voluntary amnesty program HMRC began in 2010 that targeted middle-class professionals raised £500 million.[16]

Corruption by tax officials

Corrupt tax officials cooperate with the tax payers who intend to evade taxes. When they detect an instance of evasion, they refrain from reporting in return for illegal gratification or bribe. Corruption by tax officials is a serious problem for the tax administration in a huge number of underdeveloped and southern European countries.

Level of evasion and punishment

Tax evasion is a crime in almost all developed countries and subjects the guilty party to fines and/or imprisonment. In Switzerland, many acts that would amount to criminal tax evasion in other countries are treated as civil matters. Even dishonestly misreporting income in a tax return is not necessarily considered a crime. Such matters are dealt with in the Swiss tax courts, not the criminal courts. However, even in Switzerland, some fraudulent tax conduct is criminal, for example, deliberate falsification of records. Moreover, civil tax transgressions may give rise to penalties. So the difference between Switzerland and other countries, while significant, is limited. It is often considered that extent of evasion depends on the severity of punishment for evasion. Normally, the higher the evaded amount, the higher the degree of punishment.

Privatization of tax enforcement

Professor Christopher Hood first suggested privatization of tax enforcement for overcoming limitations of government tax administration in controlling tax evasion.[17] Some governments have resorted to privatization of tax enforcement to enhance efficiency of the tax system. The assumption is that leakage of revenue will lower under a privatized regime. In Bangladesh, part of customs administration was privatized in as early as 1991.[18]

Abuse by private tax collectors (see tax farming below) has led to revolutionary overthrow of governments which have outsourced tax administration.

Tax farming

Tax farming is an old means of collection of revenue when it is difficult to determine the leviable amount taxes with certainty. Governments lease out the collection system to a private entity for a fixed amount, who then collects the revenue and shoulders the risk of attempts at evasion by the taxpayers. It has been suggested that tax farming may be a solution to the problem of tax evasion seen in developing countries.[19]

Governments have historically turned to tax farming for quick cash. A "tax farmer" buys a "franchise" by making pre-payment to the government. The "tax-farmer," then invested with the authority of the government, goes into the "farm" and begins extracting "taxes" from citizens. This is a system destined to be abusive as the "tax-farmers" seek back their investment, plus profit, and are themselves unrestrained by "politics." Abuses by "tax farmers" (together with a tax system that exempted the aristocracy) were a primary reason for the French Revolution that toppled Louis XVI.

PSI agencies

Pre-shipment Agencies like SGS, Cotecna etc. are employed to prevent evasion of customs duty through under-invoicing and misdeclaration. However, in the recent times, allegations have been lodged that PSI agencies have actively cooperated with the importers in evading customs duties. Authority in Bangladesh has found Cotecna, a PSI agency of Swiss origin, guilty of complicity with the importers for evasion of customs duties on a huge scale.[20] The same company Cotecna was implicated for bribing Pakistan's prime minister Benazir Bhutto for securing contract for importation by Pakistani importers. She and her husband were sentenced both in Pakistan and Switzerland.[21]

United States

Under the federal law of the United States of America, tax evasion or tax fraud, is the purposeful illegal attempt of a taxpayer to evade payment of a tax imposed by the federal government. Conviction of tax evasion may result in fines and imprisonment.[22]

The Internal Revenue Service has identified small business and sole proprietorship employees as the largest contributors to the tax gap between what Americans owe in federal taxes and what the federal government receives. Rather than W-2 wage earners and corporations, small business and sole proprietorship employees contribute to the tax gap because there are few ways for the government to know about skimming or non-reporting of income without mounting more significant investigations. When tips, side-jobs, cash receipts and batter income is not reported it is illegal cheating because no tax is paid by individuals. Similarly, those who are self-employed or run small businesses may not declare income and evade the payment of taxes.

The IRS has developed several methods of proof of income tax evasion in an effort to decrease the tax gap. These investigations can be carried out to determine the correctness of any tax return, make a return where none has been made, determine the liability of any person for any income tax or collect any income tax.[23] The IRS has the authority to summons the taxpayer to provide particular information for purposes of investigating and ascertaining the correctness of the tax return.[24] The information requested may include books, records, papers and any other data which may be relevant to the investigation.[25] However, the IRS investigator must follow all proper administrative steps in obtaining the information. The IRS tax informant (whistleblower) award was created to assist the IRS in obtaining necessary information. While these investigations can lead to criminal prosecution, the IRS itself has no power to prosecute tax evasion crimes. The IRS can only impose penalties and require payment of proper tax due.

In the United States, the most recent IRS estimate of the tax gap was for 2001 at which time, the tax gap amounted to $345 billion.[26] A more recent study[27] estimates the 2008 tax gap in the range of $450-$500 billion, and unreported income to be approximately $2 trillion. Thus, 18-19 percent of total reportable income is not properly reported to the IRS. The typical tax evader in the United States is a male under the age of 50 in the highest tax bracket and with a complicated return, and the most common means of tax evasion is overstatement of charitable contributions, particularly church donations.[28]

Illegal income and tax evasion

In the United States, persons subject to the Internal Revenue Code who earn income by illegal means (gambling, theft, drug trafficking etc.) are required to report unlawful gains as income when filing annual tax returns (see e.g., James v. United States[29]), but they often do not do so. Suspected lawbreakers, most famously Al Capone, have therefore been successfully prosecuted for tax evasion when there was insufficient evidence to try them for their non-tax related crimes. The United States Supreme Court has ruled that a simple declaration of income does not violate an individual's right to remain silent,[30] although the privilege may apply to the source of the income if claimed.[31] Those who attempt to report illegal income as coming from a legitimate source could be charged with money laundering. By contrast, in the UK law enforcement agencies do not generally have access to tax returns and so illegal earnings can supposedly be safely declared but in practice those carrying on criminal activities generally prefer not to do so, and so can sometimes be prosecuted for tax evasion rather than for other crimes. Soviet spy Aldrich Ames, who had earned more than $2 million cash for his espionage, was also charged with tax evasion as none of the Soviet money was reported on his tax returns. Ames attempted to have the tax evasion charge dismissed on the grounds his espionage profits were illegal, but the charges stood.

Net worth and cash expenditure methods of proof

Under the net worth and cash expenditure methods of proof, the IRS performs year-by-year-by-year comparisons of net worth and cash expenditures to identify under reporting of net worth. While the net worth method and the cash accrual method may be used separately, they are often used in conjunction with one another. Under the net worth method, the IRS chooses a year to determine the taxpayer's opening net worth at year’s end. This provides a snapshot of the taxpayer's net worth at a particular point in time. The snapshot includes the taxpayer’s cash on hand, bank accounts, brokerage (stocks and bonds), house, cars, beach house, jewelry, furs and other similar items. Generally the IRS learns about these items through very thorough and in-depth investigations, sometimes casing the suspected fraudulent taxpayer. In addition, the IRS also assesses the taxpayer’s liabilities. Liabilities include expenses such as the taxpayer’s mortgage, car loans, credit card debts, student loans, and personal loans. The opening net worth is the most critical point at which the IRS must assess the taxpayer's assets and liabilities. Otherwise, the net worth comparison will be inaccurate.

The IRS then evaluates new debts and liabilities accumulated in the next year, and assesses the taxpayer’s new net worth at the next year’s end. In addition, the IRS reviews the taxpayer’s cash expenditures throughout the tax year. The IRS then compares the increase in net worth and the cash expenditures with the reported taxable income over time in order to determine the legitimacy of the taxpayer’s reported income.

The net worth method was first used in the case of Capone v. United States.[32] The cash method was approved in 1989 in United States v. Hogan.[33]

Bank deposit cash expenditure method

First approved by the Eighth Circuit in 1935 in Gleckman v. United States,[34] the bank deposit cash expenditure method identifies tax evasion through review of the taxpayer’s bank deposits. This method of investigation primarily focuses on whether the taxpayer’s total bank deposits throughout the year are equal to the taxpayer’s reported income. This method is most appropriate when the majority of the taxpayer’s income is deposited in the bank and most expenses are paid by check.[35] This method is most commonly used for surveillance of tipped employees and is combined with statistical analysis to determine what a tipped employees actual wages are. Information gathered through this method is most successful when the credibility of tipped employees can be destroyed. This method is used less frequently now for tipped employees because the IRS negotiates with hotels or casinos, the largest employers of tipped employees, to identify a tip estimate. If the tipped employee reports the minimal amount agreed upon, he is not questioned by the IRS. However, it is recommended for corroborating other methods of proof.[36] Given the uncertainty of this method, this method likely could not be used in criminal prosecutions where the guilt must be found beyond a reasonable doubt.

Whistle blower Program

In addition to the methods of proof the IRS has developed, the IRS has recently adopted a program which allows anonymous whistle blowers to receive 15 to 30 percent of any recovery by the IRS which comes to at least $2 million including all penalties, interests and any other monies collected from the government. The whistle blower program seeks information based on evidence and analysis which can provide a solid basis for further investigation rather than speculation and hearsay.[37] The program is designed to provide incentive to ordinary citizens to snitch on tax cheats. The program provides far greater incentives for whistle blowers than previous programs because under prior programs the government was not required to compensate whistleblowers.[38] Under this program, a taxpayer may file in court if they are not issued a deserved award.[37]

Historical Tax Evasion Cases in the U.S.

See also


  1. ^ James Andreoni & Brian Erard & Jonathan Feinstein, 1998. "Tax Compliance," Journal of Economic Literature, American Economic Association, vol. 36(2), pages 818-860, June
  2. ^ Slemrod, Joel. 2007. "Cheating Ourselves: The Economics of Tax Evasion." Journal of Economic Perspectives, 21(1): 25–48.
  3. ^ Toder, E "What is the Tax Gap?"
  4. ^ Feige,Edgar L. (ed.), 1989. "The Underground Economies,:Tax Evasion and Information Distortion" Cambridge Books, Cambridge University Press, number 9780521262309.
  5. ^ Michael Wenzel (2002). The Impact of Outcome Orientation and Justice Concerns on Tax Compliance. Journal of Applied Psychology. pp. 4–5. "When taxpayers try to find loopholes with the intention to pay less tax, even if technically legal, their actions may be against the spirit of the law and in this sense considered noncompliant. The present research will deal with both evasion and avoidance and, based on the premise that either is unfavorable to the tax-system and uncooperative towards the collective, subsume both under the concept of tax noncompliance." 
  6. ^ Gary Becker (1968). "Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach". The Journal of Political Economy 76: pp. 169–217. 
  7. ^ Allingham, M. G. and A. Sandmo [1972] ‘Income Tax evasion: A Theoretical Analysis’, Journal of Public Economics, Vol.1, 1972, p.323-38.
  8. ^ Richard Cebula and Edgar L. Feige,"America’s Underground Economy: Measuring the Size, Growth and Determinants of Income Tax Evasion in the U.S"
  9. ^ a b Chowdhury, F. L. Evasion of Customs Duty in Bangladesh, 2006: Desh Prokashon Dhaka.
  10. ^ Spiro, Peter S. (2005), "Tax Policy and the Underground Economy," in Christopher Bajada and Friedrich Schneider, eds., Size, Causes and Consequences of the Underground Economy (Ashgate Publishing).
  11. ^ Tomášková, Eva (2008): "Tax Evasion in the Czech Republic" In: A Brief Introduction to Czech Law. Rincon: The American Institute for Central European Legal Studies (AICELS), 2008. p. 111 - 121, ISBN 978-0-692-00045-8
  12. ^ Chowdhury, F. L. (1992) Evasion of Customs Duty in Bangladesh, unpublished MBA dissertation, Graduate School of Management, Monash University, Australia.
  13. ^ Stella, P. [1992] Tax Farming - A radical Solution for Developing Country Tax Problem, IMF Working Paper No. 92/70
  14. ^ Alam. D (1999) Introduction of PSI system in Bangladesh: Facts and Documents, Desh Prokashon, Dhaka.
  15. ^ "Watch out, the taxman's about: HMRC ordered to bring in £18bn in government crackdown". Mail Online. March 17, 2011. Retrieved August 12, 2011. 
  16. ^ Russell, Jonathan (June 10, 2011). "HMRC opens 16 criminal cases over tax evasion". The Telegraph. Retrieved August 12, 2011. 
  17. ^ Hood, C. (1986) Privatizing UK tax Law Enforcement?, Public Administration, Vol. 64, Autumn, 1986, p. 319-33.
  18. ^ Chowdhury, F. L. [1992] Evasion of Customs Duty in Bangladesh, unpublished MBA dissertation, Graduate School of Management, Monash University, Australia.
  19. ^ Stella, P. (1992) Tax Farming - A radical Solution for Developing Country Tax Problem, IMF Working Paper No. 92/70.
  20. ^ NBR show Age
  21. ^ New York Times, 06 August 2003
  22. ^ 26 U.S.C. § 7201.
  23. ^ 26 U.S.C. § 7602.
  24. ^ Id.
  25. ^ Id.
  26. ^ "IRS Updates Tax Gap Estimates".,,id=154496,00.html. Retrieved 2011-12-10. 
  27. ^ Richard Cebula and Edgar Feige "America’s Underground Economy: Measuring the Size, Growth and Determinants of Income Tax Evasion in the U.S"
  28. ^ Patricia Sabatini, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Tax Cheats Cost U.S. hundreds of billions,"
  29. ^ 366 U.S. 213 (1961), overruling Commissioner v. Wilcox, 327 U.S. 404 (1946).
  30. ^ 274 U.S. 259 (1927)
  31. ^ Garner v. United States, 424 U.S. 648 (1976)
  33. ^ 886 F.2d 1497 (7th Cir. 1989).
  34. ^ 80 F.2d 394 (8th Circ. 1935).
  36. ^ IRS
  37. ^ a b "Fraud". Retrieved 2011-12-10. 
  38. ^ Scherzer, Lisa (2007-03-13). "IRS will pay you to turn in tax cheaters". Retrieved 2011-12-10. 

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