The Tarocco Piemontese (Tarot of Piedmont) is a type of tarot deck of Italian origin, and is probably the most common of the tarot decks . It consists of four suits, swords, batons, cups, and coins, each headed by a king, queen, cavalier (knight) and jack, followed by numerals 10 down to 1.
The deck also has a series if 22 trump cards, 21 numbered. the trump cards are numbered with arabic numerals, ranging from 0-21
The Angel (20—although it only bears the second-highest number, it usualy is the highest card in play), the World (21), the Sun (19), the Moon (18), the Star (17), the Tower (16), the Devil (15), Temperance (14), death (13), the Hanged Man (12), Strength (11), the Wheel of Fortune (10), the Hermit (9), Justice (8), the Chariot (7), the Lovers (6), the Pope (5), the Emperor (4), the Empress (3), the Popess (2) and the Bagatto (1). There is also the Fool, labelel "matto", which is marked "0" on the deck.[1]