Tape Op

Tape Op
Editor Larry Crane
Categories Music
Frequency Bimonthly
Year founded 1996
Country  United States
Language English
Website http://www.tapeop.com

Tape Op is a recording magazine that focuses on creative recording techniques. Subtitled, "The Creative Music Recording Magazine,"[1] It is free to subscribers in the United States[2] and United Kingdom, as well as offering paid subscriptions to the United States of America, all of Europe, Canada, Mexico, Australia, and other overseas nations through various distributors.[3] It is published on a bi-monthly basis.[4]

It is independently published and was founded[5] by Larry Crane in 1996[6]. The first magazines were published by photocopying the articles[7] , hand-stapling the pages, and spray painting the covers. [8] In 1999, Crane[9] added John Baccigaluppi, who assumed Publisher duties[10] Baccigaluppi also serves as Graphic Design Director. In 2004, the magazine expanded (under the business name Tape Op Magazine Limited)[11]to the United Kingdom and Continental Europe when publishers Alexander Lawson[12] and Nadia Osta assumed Publishing duties for those areas.

Tape Op also runs a message board commonly referred to as the TOMB (Tape Op Message Board).

Tape Op Magazine is no one's full time job, with a majority of the writers working in full or part-time engineering positions.[13] Regular Contributors, called Senior Contributors include: Jijith Assar, Mike Caffrey, Brendan Davies, Scott Evans, Geoff Farina, Allen Farmelo, Garrett Haines, Mike Jasper, Scott McChane (Assistant Gear Reviews Editor), Neil Mclellan, F. Reid Shippen, Kirt Shearer, Brian T. Silak, Steve Silverstein, Thom Monahan, Joel Hamilton, Andy Hong (Gear Reviews Editor), Hillary Johnson (Web Mistress), Alex Maiolo, Dana Gumbiner, and Pete Weiss.[14]



For a period from 2003 to 2008 Tape Op held Annual Conventions.

Other Publications

Tape Op has published 2 books.


  1. ^ Wentz, Joshua. "Tape Op magazine is a free and invaluable resource." Examiner.com Chicago Edition. December 9, 2009.
  2. ^ Stovicek, John. "Best guide to music production:Tape Op Magazine." Cool Tools. September 7, 2007.
  3. ^ http://www.tapeop.com/subscription/
  4. ^ Sterne, Jonathan. "Tape Op Magazine." Bad Subjects. May 4, 2000. web:http://bad.eserver.org/reviews/2000/2000-5-4-1.07PM.html
  5. ^ Wiegand, Mike. "Music Interview: Producer Larry Crane talks Elliott Smith." The Weekly Geek. May 3, 2007. Web: http://weeklygeekshow.com/2007/05/music_interview_producer_larry_1.php
  6. ^ Baldwin, Chris (May 17, 2001). "Sultan of Sound". Chico News & Review. http://www.newsreview.com/issues/Chico/2001-05-17/backbeat.asp. 
  7. ^ Bianchi, Marc. From The Desk Of Her Space Holiday’s Marc Bianchi: “Tape Op” Magazine. Magnet Magazine. August 16, 2011. url = http://www.magnetmagazine.com/2011/08/16/from-the-desk-of-her-space-holidays-marc-bianchi-tape-op-magazine/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+MagnetMagazine+(Magnet+Magazine) accessdate = 11 October 2011. "Tape Op started off as a humble little photocopied ‘zine that primarily focused on independent producers and bands that recorded themselves."
  8. ^ Crane, Larry. "Hellow and welcome to Tape Op #82." Tape Op Magazine. No. 82. March / April 2011. P. 7.
  9. ^ Brown, Jake. "Elliott Smith's Archives: The GLONO Interview with Larry Crane" Glorious Noise. March 30, 2009. web: http://gloriousnoise.com/post/elliott_smith_archives_larry_c
  10. ^ ."Larry Crane founded Tape Op in April 1996. John Baccigaluppi and Larry became partners late 1999. Larry primarily is the editor and John the publisher, though they confer on most issues and John has input as to content." Staff. "Product Review: Tape Op Magazine" May/June 2011. 555 Music Company. web:http://www.555music.com.au/brands/tape-op-magazine.html
  11. ^ Company Data Rex (UK). web: http://www.cdrex.com/tape-op-magazine-limited-3561288.html
  12. ^ Form 288C. Companies House. "DIRECTOR'S CHANGE OF PARTICULARS / ALEXANDER LAWSON / 15/10/2007" Filing date: 26 March 2008. Web:http://wck2.companieshouse.gov.uk/9bc05007452706e8ddb1b104aac69dba/wcprodorder?ft=1
  13. ^ Music Producers' Guild. MPG News. 30 August 2007. web: http://www.mpg.org.uk/news_stories/13
  14. ^ "Masthead." Tape Op Magazine. No. 82. March / April 2011. P. 10.

External links