
Leader Hafiz Akif Saeed
Founder Israr Ahmad
Founded 1975
Headquarters Lahore, Pakistan[1]
Ideology Pan-Islamism
Islamic fundamentalism
Anti Ahmadiyya
International affiliation Worldwide

The Tanzeem-e-Islami is an Islamist religious organisation based in Lahore, Pakistan. Founded in 1975 by religious scholar Dr. Israr Ahmed, it advocates the establishment of an Islamic Caliphate in Pakistan and worldwide. The Tanzeem was created after Israr Ahmed split from the Jamaat-e-Islami in 1957, when the latter party entered electoral politics in Pakistan. Currently, Hafiz Akif Saeed (Dr.Ahmed's second son) is the ameer of the Tanzeem.

Among Jamaat-e-Islami's other leaders in Denmark is the former journalist Mohamed Saddique, who was for many years a correspondent for the party's paper in Karachi, Jasarat. He has also written for the Jamaat weekly Takbeer, which is also published in Karachi but has readership in Copenhagen.

"Together with another local Pakistani, Farooq Rathore, who edits Tanzeem-e-Islami's Danish homepage [www.tanzeem.dk], Tariq Askari has been leading a so-called "study circle" in Nørrebro, Copenhagen. Here it was possible to borrow practically all of Jamaat-e-Islami's publications."


Objectives of Tanzeem-e-Islami

The obligations of a Muslim as ordained by the Qur'an and Sunnah, can be understood as having four levels:

The fundamental objective of establishing IONA is to assist the Muslims in North America to uphold and implement these obligations first on themselves, next on their families, inform their friends and then to invite the non-Muslims to Islam. The ultimate goal is to seek Allah's pleasure and salvation in the Hereafter.

Ideology of Tanzeem-e-Islami

The fundamental goal of IONA is to assist its members to please Allah to gain salvation in the Hereafter. IONA believes that this can only be achieved by fulfilling the pre-requisite duties ordained in the Qur'an and Sunnah. Consequently, the primary focus of IONA is to help the individual Muslim fulfill the following four basic duties of a Muslim in light of the Qur'an and Sunnah.

1. Conviction of the Heart: Iman

The first duty of a Muslim is to develop Iman (conviction of the heart). This can be achieved by believing, reciting, understanding and pondering the ayat of the Qur'an and behaving accordingly. In short, one must establish an intimate relationship with the Qur'an to increase one’s Iman.

One must wage a constant struggle (jihad) to fulfill the duty of attaining and increasing one’s Iman. This struggle is fulfilled through the following three levels:

Remembrance through the Qur'an (Tazakkur ): To grasp the most essential and basic meanings of the Qur'anic ayat through constant recitation.

Pondering over the Qur'an (Tadabbur): To ponder deeply over the Qur'anic ayat to understand its wisdom (hikmah). Learning the Arabic Language: An intimate relationship with the Qur'an can only be genuinely established if its message is understood in its own language. Translations are not sufficient. 2. Complete and Loving Submission to the Will of Allah: Ibadah

To become a genuine slave (‘abd) of Allah, one must willingly, completely and at all times submit to His commands with a sense of love and gratitude. This submission is not to be limited only to the five pillars of Islam; it is also required in one’s economic endeavors, political conduct and social behavior. Thus, the total submission to Allah must encompass all of our individual and collective affairs.

To fulfil this duty, a struggle (jihad) must occur through the following three levels:

Jihad against one’s own soul - nafs (the impulses of the self) Jihad against the whispering temptations of Satan Jihad against the wrong trends of society 3. Bearing Witness unto Mankind: Shahada ‘alan-Nass

Since there is no prophet after Muhammad, it is the duty of the Muslim ummah to collectively deliver the message of Islam to humanity for all times to come. The message has to be delivered through words and actions.

There are three levels of jihad to fulfil this duty:

Call with Wisdom (Da’wah bil Hikmah): To spread the message of the Qur'an in the highest intellectual idiom of the day, so that its knowledge and wisdom is understood and acknowledged by the intellectual elite of society Admonition (Da’wah bil Mawa’izah Al-Hasanah):To spread the message of the Qur'an with the utmost sincerity in simple language. This sincerity should be reflected by the exemplary behavior of the message-giver Debate (Mujadalah): To respond to the confrontational and evil spirited propaganda against Islam in the best manner through debates and arguments, 4. Establishment of the just socio-politico-economic Islamic Order: Iqaamat-ud-Deen

It is only by establishing a just socio-politico-economic order, as outlined in the Qur'an and Sunnah, that Muslims will fulfill the obligation of Shahada ‘Alan-Nas (witness unto mankind). Struggling to establish the Deen is an obligatory duty on every Muslim, a duty that the ummah has practically neglected or forgotten.

IONA believes that the three initial steps mentioned above are necessary to fulfill this most important duty, Iqaamat-ud-Deen.

The struggle (jihad) required to fulfill this duty can only be accomplished through a well- structured and disciplined organization (jama’ah) and must pass through the following three phases:

Passive Resistance: The members must endure with steadfastness and perseverance (sabr) any oppression, slander, torture or opposition directed against the Islamic movement Active Resistance: Upon achieving a sound infrastructure, critical mass, and moral credibility to confront the shortcomings of the present corrupt system, the organization (jama’ah) will engage in active resistance by means of a non-violent mass movement to promote its goal of establishing the Deen of Allah Disciplined, Non-Violent Mass Movement: Through active resistance the movement will use all constitutionally sanctioned means to bring about just changes in social, political, and economic practices. This includes non-violent direct action and civil disobedience

IONA is an organization dedicated to reviving the Qur’an into the hearts of Muslims, bringing its message to non-Muslims while struggling to promote and establish the Just Social Order of Islam.

Israr Ahmad's Thoughts and Academic Works

Master Thesis

Miss Shagufta Ahmad has submitted her master's thesis entitled, "Dr. Israr Ahmad's Political Thoughts and Activities"to the McGill University, Canada in 1994. The thesis discussed in detail the intellectual development of Israr Ahmad and the influence of Allama Iqbal, Abul Kalam Azad and Maulana Moududi, Political Thought, especially his theory of revolution and the activities of his three organizations i.e. Anjuman Khuddam-ul-Qur'an, Tanzeem-e-Islami and Tehreek-e-Khilafat. Anjuman Khuddam-ul-Qur'an has published this thesis in 1996.

Phil Thesis

Mr. Fawad Ali Lauhany, an M. Phil Scholar of the Department of Political Science, University of Peshawar (Pakistan), has written a thesis entitled, "A Critical Analysis of Dr. Israr Ahmad's Views on Islamic Revolution" and submitted it to the said university in 2009.

Objectives of the research were:

To study Dr. Israr Ahmad’s political thought with particular reference to his views on revolution and a critical analysis of several stages of revolution identified by him;

• To study non-violent approach of Islamic Revolution in the context of today’s violent movements in the Muslim World and rest of the world;

• To study the causes of Counter-Revolution and its impact on the ideology of a revolution;

• To present a modified version of the above-mentioned theory based on the flaws brought to the surface by the researcher.'

Mr. Fawad Ali Lauhany has defended his thesis in the Department of Political Science on 10 July 2009. Supervisor and co-supervisor of the thesis were Dr. Taj Muharram, Chairman, Political Science Department and Dr. Abdur Rauf, Pakistan Study Centre, University of Peshawar, respectively and the external examiner was Dr. Razia Mussarrat, Chairperson, Department of Political Science, University of Bahawalpur.

See also


  1. ^ "Lahore, Pakistan". Tanzeem-e-Islami. http://www.tanzeem.org/contactus/default.asp. Retrieved 14 November 2011. 

External links