Tannhäuser (board game)

Tannhäuser (board game)
Publisher(s) Take On You (former)
Fantasy Flight Games (current)
Players 2-10
Playing time 1 to 2 hours
Random chance Dice rolling

Tannhäuser is a 2007 board wargame from Take On You which takes place in an alternate reality. Each player controls an elite team who are attempting to shift the balance of power in this stalemate between nations. Originally a French game, an American company, Fantasy Flight Games, was providing the English distribution and recently acquired all rights to the property, continuing the support the game by releasing additional expansions.



Tannhäuser is a squad-based action board game where the gameplay focuses on two separate teams of up to five characters each that can either be played between two players controlling a team or up to ten players controlling each character. Each character is represented by a uniquely modeled figure, with equipment represented by tokens. The game utilizes an original game mechanic known as the "Pathfinding System". Each game board displays a printed top down view of a location with a series of circles that displays where figures can move, while also displaying one or multiple colours that indicate line of sight, being the "pathfinding". For example a figure on an orange ring can see, thus attack at range an opposing figure also currently on an orange ring or a multi-coloured one that also displays that same colour. Multi-coloured rings typically occur on intersections or doorways.

Each figure has a character sheet that displays their current equipment tokens and stats, the latter of which can change via a slider based on how damaged they are. Originally equipment and their effects were outlined on separate sheets/in the rule book until equipment cards were introduced into the core gameplay, allowing simplified methods of following their rules. There are two kinds of characters/figures, Heroes and Troopers, with teams allowing either three heroes and two troopers or vice versa. Heroes are named individual characters while troopers are less strong than heroes but numerous (and with figure expansions multiple versions of each kind). Latter expansions introduced Epic Heroes that are far stronger than typical heroes but take up one normal hero and trooper slot, limiting the squad to just four.

The game features multiple modes of play, each with slightly different rules and objectives. Deathmatch is the standard modes where both squads must permanently destroy all members of the opposing player(s). Story mode provides a narrative with specific objectives that require securing that along with eliminating players (that can respawn) also gaining victory points for total end of game score. More scripted Story modes are character-based, typically with predetermined characters and rule changes. Additional modes include other squad-based objectives. These include Capture the Flag through capturing and retaining the opponents flag marker, Dominion through securing certain points across the board and King of the Hill where eliminating the leader of each squad is the only way to secure victory point. Regardless of mode each map typically comes with random item pick ups, obstacles and spawning points, also represented by additional tokens.

Upon its initial release, the core base game included a double-sided board (one side is the interior of "Castle Ksiaz", the reverse side is the Crypt found beneath the castle), two factions (Reich and Union) comprising 10 pre-painted plastic miniatures, 10 character cards, 6 ten-sided dice (referred to as d10s), and 160 cardboard tokens.

The fourth faction announced in May 2011 adds a new dynamic to squads and factions in the form of new alliances where characters from the Reich and Shogunate factions and the Union and Matriarchy factions can make up single squads.


The game is set in an alternate historical setting of 1949, albeit with many fantastical elements. Instead of the events that played out during the First World War, the conflict has raged on beyond the normal timeline of events, including the Second World War. In this war the Western European and North American nations have formed the “Union” that under the inventive direction of Thomas Edison have developed new forms of weaponry, along with new discoveries of secret alien technology. The German “Reich” meanwhile have mastered the use of occult powers, including the creation of new demonic soldiers through the excavation of one of four Cardinal Points, gateways the hellish dimensions with the new discoveries led by the Marquis General, Hermann Von Heïzinger. In order to prevent the Reich from find the remaining points, the Union has deployed an elite team led by John MacNeal.

Recent developments however have forced the still Tsar-ruled Russia currently known as the “Matriarchy” to enter the war. Along with the inventions developed by Nikola Tesla, such as new electrical-based weaponry and robotics, the Matriarchy have sought after the power of ancient Slavic Gods to aid them in the war effort, which has led them to utilize new and powerful ground troops.



Play as the heroic Union and lay waste to your opponents with a withering hail of gunfire. Secure objectives and fire off smoke grenades to protect your troopers. Use the terrifying might of the Flash gun, or lay waste to your opponents with salvoes of grenades. The leader of this elite unit is John MacNeal. Born in 1910, John became the heavyweight champion of his unit at age 19. Showing extreme valor and courage, he distinguished himself during Operation Rolling Thunder. Most notably, MacNeal cemented himself as a hero by destroying five bunkers during Operation: White Blizzard, by himself! In game, John MacNeal carries the deadly flash gun, a weapon capable of taking out an enemy before they get a chance to recover. In addition, the Union are known for their debilitating smoke grenades. John MacNeal has night vision goggles, which allow him to ignore the nasty effects and pick apart enemy agents under cover of smoke. Another member of this elite team is Tala Aponi. Daughter of the chief Navajo Helaku Aponi Commander of the Seventh Signal Corps Battalion, Tala quickly demonstrated aptitude in the field of engineering. Embracing both creation and destruction, she graduated from the College of Engineering and went into demolitions. In game, Tala carries a powerful item, the TNT 440gr. This explosive device can deal a massive explosion that will bring even the biggest fighter to half health, if not kill them entirely! These two skilled heroes of the Union are only part of the highly trained squad that is sent in to deal with the machinations of the forces of the Reich.


Adopt the mantle of Marquis General and lead the Reich into battle. Use your supernatural powers to direct the flow of battle, fire bullets around corners, and even call upon the power of the occult to burn your enemies from the inside! Herman Von Heïzinger, the Marquis General, has a long lineage of occult activity. His ancestors began the search for the fabled Corpus Hermeticum at the end of the 16th century! This artifact is composed of 17 Hermeticas, incantations of immense power. On the fields of battle, the Marquis General commands legions of Schocktruppen, the twisted shells of the former soldiers under his banner, and squads of the deadly Stosstruppen, beings twisted by occult powers. Formerly regular soldiers, these troops were changed when Von Heïzinger unearthed the first of the four Cardinal Points, devices preventing the world from the forces Von Heïzinger wishes to unleash. With as powerful as Von Heïzinger is, the Kaiser is still far stronger. Protected by agents of the Blutsturm, the Kaiser directs the forces of the Reich in this war. One such agent is Eva Krämer. First spotted at age 9 by Feldmarschall Verra Komstfelder in one of the numerous military orphan houses, Eva Krämer (registered X-20-32) is to this date one of the most talented Investigators in the field. With a stainless steel personality and an instinctive gift for combat, it seems there is nothing that can scare her away from her objectives. In game, Eva commands Strafe, a deadly whip capable of rendering an opponent tied up and unable to react. As a member of the Blutsturm Division, Eva also has access to awesome powers of infiltration. Both of these fearsome foes are but a small taste of the powers of the Reich.


Having recently entered the fight in Operation: Novgorod, the Russian Matriarchy are now making up for lost time. Having acquired the services of Nikola Tesla, a former Union resource who defected to the Matriarchy, these warriors have the power of electricity well in hand. Tesla has constructed mighty suits of powered armor under the guise of Project Svarog. These suits are able to channel the divine power of the reawakened Slavic Gods! The first of these terrifying constructs to grace the battlefield is known as Zor'ka. Able to control electricity at a frightening level, through the use of her Magnifier, Zor'ka is backed by the robotic Voïvodes. These mechanical menaces move about the battlefield, and are able to change their options significantly from battle to battle. Assisting Zor'ka is Irina Kravchenko. On the front lines, her Liturgies are legendary. However, it was not until the age of 26 that Grigori Yefimovich revealed her destiny. In the cycle of Kirgiz oral legends, one of the oldest poems speaks of a divine servant and a mortal. The legend tells that the child issued from this union would hold in its voice the melodic keys of the divine kingdom. Valedictorian in electrophysiology and assistant to the Prime Magistrate during the terminal phase of the Svarog project, Irishka Voronin is a member of the elite scientific cloister of Novodievitchi. Entering the holy orders at age seven, she was named Prime Streltsy of the Tellruci Monastery of Pskov-Petchory 14 years later. She has 50 deacons at her command, devoted to the Pretium Doloris of the incarnated gods. Following the ancient calendar of Kamtchatka, the dawn of the gods approaches and the destiny of Irishka is linked.


The first full expansion entitled Tannhäuser: Operation Novogrod introduced a third faction known as Russian Matriarchy with their own seven miniatures and tokens along with an additional game board with a new map and unique objectives and tokens, along with gameplay tweaks to the core gameplay.

While not a full expansion, a second map supplement entitled Tannhauser: Daedalus Map Pack Expansion introduced two new maps on a double-sided game board with unique objectives such a series of trials for squads using multiple arrangements of one map, along with additional tokens including creature markers hostile to both teams, along with a unique game mode for solo play.

In addition to new boards and scenarios, individual miniatures have been regularly released, expanding the total choice of characters for each faction, including mercenaries that can be used in any faction. Each character miniature comes with euippment tokens and rule booklet that includes set ups and rules for unique character-based story missions.

In May 2011, a forth faction known as the Shogunate, an alternative Imperial Japan was announced. However unlike the Operation Novogrod expansion, all new Shogunate miniatures will be released gradually as separate character packs.

The following includes all current and future releases:

Expansion Description Released
Wolfgang Otto Ludwig Friedrich - "Wolf" Single miniature mercenary character that can be used as a hero for any faction. 2007 (Promotional)
December 2010 (Sold)
Yula Korlïtz Single miniature character that can be used as a hero for the Reich faction only. 2007
Operation Novogrod New Matriarchy faction with seven single miniature characters and map board expansion and tokens with unique game modes and missions. 2009
Gorgeï Volkov Single miniature mercenary character that can be used as a hero for any faction but will not fight against the Matriarchy. 2009
Ramirez Sergio Delastillas Single miniature character with a support mobile device miniature that can be used as a hero for the Union faction only. 2009
Reich Troop Pack Two repainted miniatures of the two original Reich troops to expand the variables of troop centric squads. August 2010
Union Troop Pack Two repainted miniatures of the two original Union troops to expand the variables of troop centric squads. August 2010
Caitlin "Hoax" Lamsbury Single miniature character with three additional "clocked" version miniatures that can be used as a hero for the Union faction only. December 2010
Asteros Single miniature mercenary character and "Epic Hero" class that can be used for any faction in place of one hero and troop. January 2011
Operation Daedalus Map board expansion and tokens with unique game modes and missions. January 2011
Oksana Single miniature mercenary character with two additional backup robot miniatures that can be used as a hero for the Union faction or the Matriarchy faction in the place of the character Zor'ka. February 2011
Hoss Harbinger Single miniature character that can be used as a hero for the Reich faction only. March 2011
Equipment Cards Over 200 printed cards with rules for every equipment token for all releases up to Hoss Harbinger. Future releases include these cards along with the usual tokens. March 2011
Iroh Minamoto - "The Daimyo" Single miniature hero class character for the Shogunate faction. September 2011
Shogunate Troop Pack Two single miniature troop class characters for the Shogunate faction. September 2011
Mizu Kage Single miniature hero class character for the Shogunate faction. October 2011
Itami Single miniature hero class character for the Shogunate faction. October 2011
Natalya Single miniature character that can be used as an epic hero for the Matriarchy faction only. Unreleased 2011
Operation Hinansho Map board expansion and tokens with unique game modes and missions - Shogunate faction-centric. Unreleased 2011
Matriarchy Troop Pack Two single miniature troop class characters for the Matriarchy faction. Unreleased 2011

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