Taggart Siegel

Taggart Siegel is an American documentary filmmaker. For 25 years, he has produced and directed Emmy-nominated, award-winning documentaries and dramas that reflect cultural diversity. He is co-founder of Collective Eye, Inc., a nonprofit media production and distribution organization.

His most recent film, Queen of the Sun (2010), is marketed as a profound, alternative look at the bee crisis.



The Real Dirt on Farmer John (2005) has won 31 international film festival awards,[1] including the 2005 Nashville Film Festival Reel Current Award selected by Al Gore.[2] The film was featured on Independent Lens.[3]

The Disenchanted Forest (1999) follows endangered orphan orangutans on the island of Borneo as they are rehabilitated and returned to their rainforest home. It centres on the three main Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOS) projects - Wanariset, Nyaru Menteng and Mawas. It is narrated by Brooke Shields.[4]

The Split Horn: Life of a Hmong Shaman in America and Between Two Worlds follow the story of Hmong people adapting to life in America. Both films have aired on Public Broadcasting Corporation. Between Two Worlds was nominated for an Emmy Award in 2004.[5]



Year Film Credit
2010 Queen of the Sun Director/Producer
2005 The Real Dirt on Farmer John Director/Producer/DP
2001 The Split Horn: Life of a Hmong Shaman in America Director/Producer/DP/Editor
1999 The Disenchanted Forest Producer/DP
1990 Heart Broken In Half Director/Producer/Editor
1988 Blue Collar and Buddha Director/Producer
1986 Between Two Worlds Director/Producer/Editor
1984 Bitter Harvest Director/Producer/DP/Editor

Fictional Work

Year Film Credit
1998 The Beloved Producer
1996 Destroying Angel Producer
1995 Shadow of the Pepper Tree Director/Producer
1994 Body Memories Director/Producer
1989 Ember Days Director/Producer/Editor
1983 Affliction Director/Producer/DP/Editor


External links