
Tacuabé was a Charrúa native from present day Uruguay.

After the European conquest and colonization, the Charrúa population declined at the hands of local authorities, being practically exterminated in a massacre by led Bernabé Rivera on 11 April 1831.[1]

Four surviving Charrúa were captured at Salsipuedes. These were Tacuabé; his partner Guyunusa; Senaca, a medicine man; and Vaimaca-Piru, a warrior. All four were taken to Paris, France by François Curel in 1833, where they were exhibited to the public as a circus attraction.[1]

Guyunusa and Vaimaca gave birth to a daughter few months after they were taken. Vaimaca, Senaque and Guyunusa died during the first year in France. Eventually they all died in France, including the baby.[1]

In Montevideo, Uruguay there is a monument called The Last Charrúas, (Los Ultimos Charrúas in Spanish), depicting Tacuabé.[2]


  1. ^ a b c Burford 16
  2. ^ Burford 119
