
TabWiki is a wiki site devoted to the collection of sheet music for guitar, bass guitar and drums. All posts and edits are original contributions from its members. The "Tab" in the title refers to the use of tablature for the purpose of displaying musical notes for stringed instruments, such as the guitar and bass.


TabWiki was not the first guitar tab wiki. The first was at[1] However, it was neither promoted nor maintained. The TabWiki concept was reincarnated at Wikicities[2] where it was shut down by the authorities for the reason that "online tablatures are a copyright violation."[3] The connection between these 2 tabwikis is unknown. On May 1st, 2005 a tablature module was added to wikibooks, however like the tab sites before TabWiki it has, to date, failed to create even a modest tablature collection.[4] So on February 4, 2005 at 14:28 TabWiki presumably rose up to take the original tabwiki's place. Since TabWiki was created, there has been a tabwiki made in German at[5] and,[6] however these appear to be mostly inactive.


External links