This is an article about the steel company TMK. For the Soviet space project TMK see TMK.

OAO "TMK" (Russian: OAO Трубная Металлургическая Компания; English: Pipe Metallurgical Co., OJSC) (LSETMKS and RTS:TRMK) is one of the world's leading producers of steel pipes for the oil and gas sector. It produces a wide range of pipe grades used in the oil and gas sector, the chemical and petrochemical industries, for construction and housing, shipbuilding, aviation, as well as for space industry needs and applications. Its pipes are manufactured from carbon steel, stainless and heat-resistant steels, and titanium and nickel alloys.

Founded in 2001, it has production plants in Russia, the United States, Romania and Kazakhstan and has an annual production capacity of more than 6 million tonnes of pipe products that it delivers to companies in more than 65 countries. TMK employs 50,000 employees worldwide and 2008 net sales were around US$5.8 billion. In 2009, TMK ranked first globally in shipment volumes with over 2.7 million tonnes of pipe products sold for the year.

TMK clients include major oil and gas companies such as Gazprom, Transneft, Lukoil, Rosneft, TNK-BP, Surgutneftegas, Royal Dutch Shell, Total S.A., Occidental Petroleum, Anadarko Petroleum, Saudi Aramco, AGIP, Wintershall, ONGC, Kuwait Oil Company, Repsol, and Statoil. TMK also supplied pipes in many Russian and international projects, including the Caspian Pipeline Consortium crude pipeline system, the Baltic Pipeline System, and the Yamal-Europe pipeline. TMK is also a supplier in the expansion of the Central Asia-Center gas pipeline system.

Production facilities

The Company’s Russian plants are Volzhsky Pipe Plant, Seversky Tube Works, Sinarsky Pipe Plant, Taganrog Metallurgical Works, Orsky Machine Building Plant, and Truboplast.

TMK’s Romanian assets include TMK-Artrom pipe plant (since February 2002) and TMK-Reşita metallurgical works.

In June 2008, TMK finalised the acquisition of IPSCO Tubulars Inc in the United States and acquired Uralsk, Kazakhstan-based Kaztrubprom.

TMK IPSCO facilities include:

External links

See also

TMK (disambiguation)