Sáhkku is a running-fight board game played by Sea Sami in northern Norway, Finland and Russia. The game is probably related to daldøs played in parts of Denmark and southern Norway, and possibly to tâb, played in northern Africa and south-western Asia.
- Borvo, Alan (2001), "Sáhkku, The "Devil's Game"", Board Games Studies (Leiden: CNWS Publications) 4: 33–52, ISBN 90-5789-075-5, ISSN 1566-1962, http://www.boardgamestudies.info/pdf/aux/BGS4Borvo.pdf
- Depaulis, Thierry (2001), "An Arab Game in the North Pole?", Board Games Studies (Leiden: CNWS Publications) 4: 77–82, ISBN 90-5789-075-5, ISSN 1566-1962, http://www.boardgamestudies.info/pdf/aux/BGS4Depaulis2.pdf