List of Masters of the Universe characters

The following is a list of the numerous characters within the Masters of the Universe animated series, film, toy lines, and spin-offs.


Heroic Warriors

Original characters

He-Man/Prince Adam

He-Man is "the most powerful man in the universe" and in most media he is the alter-ego of Prince Adam. He is armed with a power harness that enhances his strength, the Sword of Power, and a shield. Early media, such as the minicomics packaged with the original run of action figures, also depicts him wielding a battle ax. He-Man possesses superhuman strength and is capable of performing incredible feats, such as lifting heavy objects such as rocks and buildings, as well as having the advantage over just about any opponent. He is a strong upholder of moral justice and is regarded by the people of Eternia as their greatest hero. In the original minicomics He-Man was a wandering barbarian hailing from a jungle tribe, but the cartoon series He-Man and the Masters of the Universe portrayed him as the alter ego of the young Prince Adam, heir to the throne of Eternia, and most mediums since have followed suit. Prince Adam is the son of King Randor and Queen Marlena of Eternia, and is viewed by many as fun-loving, lazy and cowardly. This is in fact only an act to stop people from suspecting that he is also He-Man. Prince Adam was given the Sword of Power by The Sorceress of Castle Grayskull, and when he lifts the sword and says "By the Power of Grayskull... I Have the Power!" he is magically transformed into He-Man, defender of Eternia.

Depending on his transformation to He-Man, at times he is also armed with plate armor, a battle ax, or deadly snake pinchers. In the 80s series, Prince Adam and He-Man are almost identically drawn, the difference being that Adam has lighter blond hair and paler skin, while He-Man has bronzed skin and more golden hair. In the 2002 series, Prince Adam resembles a teenager and is slender, with blond eyebrows and pants (versus 80s Adam's tights). He speaks with a higher tone of voice and often comes across as a clueless adolescent. He-Man, however, has black eyebrows, is much taller, and is far more muscular, as his transformation to He-Man later in the series (starting with "Council of Evil") shows. His voice is deeper, he is wise, and his age in indeterminate (mid 20s to mid 30s in appearance).[1]

Prince Adam and He-Man are voiced in the 80s series by John Erwin and by Cam Clarke in the 2002 series. In the 90s series, Prince Adam was voiced by Doug Parker while He-Man is voiced by Gary Chalk. In the 80s live-action movie, He-Man was portrayed by Dolph Lundgren.

Battle Cat/Cringer

Battle Cat is He-Man's faithful feline companion, a fighting armored tiger who carries him into battle. When He-Man is in the form of Prince Adam, Battle Cat is Cringer, the royal pet. Both Cringer and Battle Cat are green with orange stripes, but Battle Cat is much larger and more muscular. In the 80s series, Cringer speaks and is afraid of just about everything, hence the name. In the 2002 series, Cringer occasionally meows like a kitten, but also shows bravery from time to time, including rescuing Prince Adam from falling to his death in Snake Mountain ("Council of Evil"). Battle Cat's rescue of Queen Marlena ("Of Machines and Men"), based on knowledge only Cringer would have, causes Marlena to wonder about Battle Cat's identity.

Cringer and Battle Cat are voiced by Alan Oppenheimer in the 80s series.


(Real Name: General Duncan):Man-At-Arms is He-Man's closest ally, originally packaged in the Mattel toy line as the 'Heroic Master of Weapons'. He is Teela's adoptive father and the chief producer of the weaponry and vehicles used by the Heroic Warriors. Since Man-At-Arms is actually a title, not a name, the character is also known as Duncan. The original minicomics depicted him as the last surviving member of a family of great warriors and inventors, who used the material resources at his disposal to aid He-Man. The cartoon series He-Man and the Masters of the Universe by Filmation portrayed him as the Man-At-Arms to King Randor and Queen Marlena of Eternia, who holds residency at the Royal Palace, where his workshop is based. This portrayal has been adopted by most subsequent versions of the franchise. The cartoon portrayed Man-At-Arms as a mentor to Prince Adam, and as such he was one of the few people aware that Prince Adam and He-Man were one and the same.

The 2002 cartoon series' portrayal of the character was mostly consistent with that of Filmation. The show also reveals that Man-At-Arms served as one of King Randor's chief supporters back during the Great Unrest, before the Council of Elders informed then-Captain Randor that his destiny was to be King of Eternia. Man-At-Arms designs and builds weapons and other technology for the royal family; he also help trains the Royal Guard, Teela, Prince Adam, and the other Masters of the Universe. In the 2002 series, Man-At-Arms sports a short topknot, and the armor on his left arm transforms into a different built-in weapons and tools. This newer Man-At-Arms is also older, more grizzled, and has more of a military bearing than the original 80s version.

The original Man-At-Arms action figure comes with a club, but the character was rarely ever seen with it in the cartoon. It is never explained why the figure did not have the moustache seen on the character in the cartoon. Man-At-Arms was voiced by Alan Oppenheimer in the 80s series and by Gary Chalk in the 2002 series. In the 80s live action movie, he is portrayed by Jon Cypher. The live action movie's portrayal was similar to that of the cartoon, although he seemed to be a seasoned war veteran and possibly the biological father of Teela rather than adopted.


Teela is the Captain of the Royal Guard and Man-At-Arms' adopted daughter. The original minicomics depicted Teela as a magical clone of The Sorceress created by Skeletor to do his bidding, but she was rescued from Skeletor by Man-At-Arms, who raised her as his daughter and trained her to serve the side of good. This portrayal of the character was abandoned for the Filmation cartoon series, which portrayed her as the biological daughter of The Sorceress and an unnamed and apparently deceased father, although she was unaware of her true heritage. The episode "Teela's Quest" revealed that Man-At-Arms had raised her from infancy at the Sorceress' behest. Teela is very outspoken and opinionated, at times disregarding direct orders from her father and being left to deal with the consequences for her disobedience (for instance, one punishment was to peel a seemingly endless amount of potatoes). One of her duties is to teach combat skills to Prince Adam. She frequently berates him for his careless and worry-free attitude, but is fond of him nonetheless. She secretly admires He-Man and wishes Prince Adam could be more like him, unaware that the two are one and the same. Episodes such as "Teela's Quest" and "Teela's Triumph" explained that some day Teela will be made aware of the secrets of Grayskull and succeed her mother as the Castle's guardian, although her destiny must be kept secret from her until the right time comes.

The 2002 cartoon series followed much the same portrayal although the character seemed slightly younger, portrayed as an ambitious and headstrong teenager. In several episodes of this series she came much closer to suspecting the dual identity of Prince Adam and He-Man than she ever did in the 80s series.

Teela is voiced in the 80s series by Linda Gary and by Lisa Ann Beley in the 2002 series. In the 80s live-action film, Teela is portrayed by Chelsea Field.


Stratos is one of the Heroic Warriors. He has the power of flight and energy projection, and is the leader of a race of birdpeople who inhabit the airborne city of Avion, high in the Mystic Mountains. He appeared regularly in early episodes of the 1980s cartoon series by Filmation, and the season 2 episode "Betrayal of Stratos" explained that Stratos and his people gained their power of flight from the Egg of Avion, a sacred relic of his kingdom.

The 2002 cartoon series by Mike Young Productions portrayed Stratos as a long-serving member of the Masters and seemingly one of the older members of their ranks. Stratos and his race featured prominently in the episode "Sky War" which revealed that Avion has had clashes with the people of Andreenos (the bee people) but, thanks to Stratos and the Andreenid captain Buzz-off working together as Masters of the Universe, there is now peace between the two peoples.

No origin was ever given for Stratos in either of the two cartoons, but a comic produced by MV Creatons to accompany the 2002 series revealed that his entire race was flightless until a magical staff gave them wings and the power of flight. The people of Avion use rocket packs for increased speed and navigation. During battle, they also carry rocket launchers and bombs. In the 80s series, Stratos sported just a few feathers on his arms and flew Superman style, with his arms straight ahead. In the 2002 series, Stratos was redrawn to have full wings and a little more heft to his frame.

Stratos is voiced by Lou Scheimer in the 80s series and in the 2002 series by Scott McNeil (who gave Stratos an accented inflection that seems to blend Sean Connery with Patrick Stewart).


Zodac (sometimes spelled Zodak) is the Cosmic Enforcer. Much confusion has arisen over the character's true allegiance due to conflicting portrayals in different mediums.[2] The original 1980s toy line packaged Zodac as 'Evil Cosmic Enforcer' indicating he was an evil warrior. However, the DC Comics and the Filmation cartoon series indicated that the character strives to maintain a neutral standpoint, helping both good and evil sides in their times of need whilst leaning more towards the cause of justice. He appeared in three episodes of the Filmation cartoon series, most prominently in "The Search" in which he was seen to put He-Man to the test of retrieving the mystical object known as the Starseed, which could give its holder power over the whole universe. A twist at the end of the episode revealed that Zodac had also informed Skeletor about the Starseed, so that He-Man would be given the chance to retrieve it from him and be tested to find out whether he could overcome the lust for power.

He did not have the gun in the cartoon but the figure did have this. Also, in the cartoon, he wore gloves (these were missing from the figure) and he did not have chest hair in the cartoon which the figure had.

Several other mediums in the 1980s, such as the UK Ladybird books, pictured Zodac as a thoroughly evil character, a generic member of Skeletor's henchmen.

The 2002 cartoon series gave a radically different portrayal of the character. Again he was not officially allied with either the heroic or evil forces, but rather than being a universal mediator between both sides he was portrayed as an ancient and mystical warrior who followed his own sense of right and wrong, without much regard for others. He was introduced in the season 1 episode "Snake Pit" as a warrior who had helped defeat the Snake Men in ancient times and held a centuries-long grudge against King Hiss after the latter killed his brother. In season 2, he was called upon to stop the Snake Men after they were unleashed on present-day Eternia, but in a shock twist it was revealed it was Zodac himself who allowed the Snake Men to be freed, purely so he could exact his own revenge on King Hiss. Although the character's sense of morality was highly questionable in this series, he ended up being treated as the ultimate hero of the season, defeating King Hiss all by himself in the series' penultimate episode "Awaken the Serpent". The character was packaged as 'Zodak' in the contemporary toy line and his appearance was significantly altered- for reasons of racial diversity he was black-skinned rather than Caucasian, and had a somewhat tribal appearance, with white tribal markings on his arms.

Due to the radical difference between the 2002 version of Zodac and his 1980s counterpart, the current Masters of the Universe Classics adult collector's toy line has split him into two separate characters. The first of these is 'Zodac' (real name Zodac Zur) who is the Cosmic Enforcer as in the 80s media, whilst the second is 'Zodak' (real name Kar-Tor), a student of the former who took upon his name and appearance and dedicated himself to fighting the Snake Men.

Zodac was voiced by Lou Scheimer in the 80s series and by Christopher Judge in the 2002 series.


Man-E-Faces is a multi-faced Master of the Universe, with the ability to change his faces from a human face to a monster face to a robot face. His physical abilities mirror the face he wears. Man-E-Faces, at times called "Manny" by his fellow Masters, had a prodigious career as an actor prior to becoming a Master of the Universe. His strongest persona, Man-E-Monster, is also his weakest, because as a monster he can be controlled by Beast Man. He enjoys playing the Eternian version of chess; Man-At-Arms built Roboto originally to serve as a gaming partner for Man-E-Robot. The figure came with the gun but it was not used in the cartoon.[3]

Man-E-Faces is voiced by Lou Scheimer in the 80s series and by Paul Dobson in the 2002 series.

Ram Man

Ram Man is a stocky warrior with poor verbal skills whose chief method of attack/defense involves using his head as a battering ram (hence the name). He is afraid of the dark, and is unswervingly loyal to the people of Eternia, at times questioning the loyalty of newer Heroic Warriors such as Buzz-Off. However, he is also a bit naive and gullible.[4] His lack of intelligence is often played for humor. The moral in "House of Shokoti, Part I" was considered so obvious that Ram Man delivered a lesson about not trying to imitate his human battering ram practices, noting both his heavy armor and his nature as a fictional character. In the original cartoon series, Ram Man is rather short, whereas in the 2002 series he is very large, one of the tallest heroes. He wears a battering helmet in both series, although in the 2002 series he is shown to remove it at times, displaying his short-cropped blonde hair. He does not have the action figure's axe in the cartoon.

Ram Man is voiced by John Erwin in the 80s series and by Scott McNeil in the 2002 series.

In 2011, BBC Online reported that performer Jamie Moakes was trying to create "a new commodity, one to replace gold, silver and copper", by buying as many Ram Man figures as possible.[5]


Orko is a magician from the parallel dimensional world of Trolla. Orko's magical abilities vary, depending on his location. On Eternia, Orko is inept and his spells frequently backfire with humorous results, while in contrast on his homeworld of Trolla he is a master magician. Orko's attempts at helpfulness often end up causing only more trouble for the Masters and the royal family; however, in the 2002 series, his magic is much more controlled and successful, in several instances saving the day. The newer series attributes Orko's occasional ineptitude to the loss of his magic wand while saving 10-year-old Prince Adam upon arriving in Eternia. In the original series, he also saved young Prince Adam's life upon his arrival in Eternia, although this had much to do with luck, because his magic stopped working properly the moment that he entered Eternia. This was explained in "Dawn of Dragoon," in which Trolla is portrayed as a backwards world, where tree roots extend to the sky and leaves are in the ground, and Prince Adam had to recite his magic spell backwards to become He-Man. Orko moves around by levitating.[6] He was depicted as able to walk, but only on a few occasions in which he was rendered unable to float. Orko's face is concealed by a floppy hat and heavy scarf; according to tradition, members of his people only show their visage to their one true love (in Orko's case, Dree-Elle). He-Man describes Trollan face showing as "like getting engaged." Orko is one of the few beings on Eternia who know that Prince Adam is He-Man.

Orko is voiced by Lou Scheimer in the 80s series and by Gabe Khouth in the 2002 series.


(Real Name: (unpronouncable) Tzzzzt zzz zzTTTzz): Buzz-Off is a humanoid bee and captain of the defense force of Andreenos (pronounced Ahn-DREE-nose) in the 2002 version. He is considered a newcomer to the Masters of the Universe by Ram Man and, while loyal to the defenders of Eternia, is equally loyal to his Queen, at times using his free time to fetch honey berries for her. Buzz-Off tends to hold grudges, but his camaraderie with Stratos paved the way for peace between the peoples of Andreenos and Avion. No axe in the cartoon, only included with action figure.

Buzz-Off is voiced by Alan Oppenheimer in the 80s series and by Brian Dobson in the 2002 series.


Mekaneck is the Master of the Universe with a telescoping neck that enables him to serve as a scout and do reconnaissance. Man-At-Arms is the one who gave him his extending prosthetic neck, although in the 2002 series this is never discussed; Man-At-Arms is only shown repairing kinks and damage to Mekaneck's neck. In the 2002 series, Mekaneck occasionally feels useless and wishes he had better super powers than just an extending neck. This leads him to unknowingly retrieve Count Marzo's power amulet, in the vain hope that he'd be granted better abilities. He-Man and the other Masters finally convince Mekaneck of his worth[3] Only the figure came with the club, he did not have this in the cartoon.

Mekaneck is voiced by Lou Scheimer in the 80s series and by Gabe Khouth in the 2002 series.


Fisto is an extra-strong warrior with an enlarged metal right hand. In the original series, he was the caretaker of a forest and was hesitant to join in the conflict against Skeletor. He was later appraised by both his fellow Eternians and an alien race as second in strength only to He-Man. In the 2002 series, he is the last to join the Masters of the Universe and is revealed to be Man-At-Arms' older brother, to Teela's surprise. The brothers became estranged during the Great Unrest, when Fisto allegedly deserted Randor's forces. Fisto came to the aid of He-Man and the Masters, using his giant fist to free them from the rocks that had entrapped them in a cave-in ("Web of Evil"); this act shattered his hand, which Man-At-Arms replaced with a larger, metallic hand. The 2002 figure was packaged as "Battle Fist" due to a conflict of copyrighted name with another toy line, but the character was still called Fisto in the animated series. Fisto did not have the action figure's purple staff in the cartoon.

Fisto is voiced by Lou Scheimer in the 80s series and by Mark Acheson in the 2002 series.


"Heroic armored war horse" and faithful companion. Early depictions of the character show that he was destroyed and "reincarnated" with help of Man-At-Arms into the Night Stalker; others imply they are two separate and antagonistic characters. Stridor was available packaged with Fisto, as well as separately, although the basic look (in a monotone color scheme) was used for mechanical horses form the beginning of the animated series.


(Real name: Dash-Shel): Sy-Klone is the Master of the Universe with the power of the wind. He can generate whirlwinds with his legs, torso, and arms. He was only shown twice in the 80s series because his figure was released before the cartoon's closure. The figure came with a yellow shield (absent in the cartoon). In the 2002 continuity, Sy-Klone was recast as a mystic guardian of the Legacy Stones and the last defender of Anwat Gar, the Tibetan-Japanese-style temple that housed these stones. After destroying the stones, He-Man invited Sy-Klone to become a Master of the Universe. Sy-Klone's look resembles that of a stylized samurai; he tends to speak in proverbs, which irritates Teela from time to time. He is very lawful and righteous in nature.

Sy-Klone is voiced by Lou Scheimer in the 80s series and by John Payne in the 2002 series.


Roboto is the robot Master of the Universe.[7] In the 2002 version, he was designed by Man-At-Arms as a chess-playing robot, who upgrades his body and his knowledge database into that of a fighter in order to assist in the defense of the Eternian palace. Roboto is seen as an unwanted and unskilled pest by Teela, the Captain of the Guards, until Roboto sacrifices himself to protect the Masters of the Universe. Man-At-Arms rebuilds him, and Roboto is finally accepted by Teela.[8] Roboto's mechanical nature helps He-Man in overcoming the Serpent Ring's evil magic. Roboto is the only character (especially released as his figure at the same time he debuts in the cartoon) to appear only once in the 80s cartoon because the cartoon was about to end when Mattel released his figure. Similar to Trap Jaw's figure, the right arm of the original action figure had interchangeable attachments, which included an axe, laser gun, and claw. Rotating the figure's waist causes gears in his torso to spin, as well as open and close his mouth, which typically hung open when the figure was packaged, but stayed firmly shut in the show unless he was speaking.

Roboto is voiced by Alan Oppenheimer in the 80s series and by Michael Donovan in the 2002 series.

Moss Man

(Real Name: Kreann’ot n’Horosh) Moss Man is a plant-based hero who can manipulate plant matter, causing flowers to grow but also causing tidal waves of moss and vegetation. In the 2002 series, Moss Man is a quiet pastoral type who resides in the Eternian forests. Although invited to join the Masters of the Universe by He-Man, Moss Man chooses to retain his position as the guardian of Eternia's flora but agrees to help the Masters whenever he can. His assistance proves pivotal in "Council of Evil" and in other episodes. The Moss Man figure came with a pine-like scent, textured fur-like moss, and was formed from the same mold as Beast Man.[9] His teeth were painted flat like a plant eater, but you could still see the unpainted Beast Man fangs. In the 80s cartoon, he only has two appearances because the cartoon was drawing to a close by the time his figure was released. The club (figure's accessory) did not appear in the cartoon, in which he was portrayed as very peaceful.

Moss Man is voiced by Lou Scheimer in the 80's series and by John Payne in the 2002 series.

Snout Spout

Snout Spout is a heroic firefighter with a metal elephant shaped head, who can squirt water out of his trunk.[4] He appears in the She-Ra cartoon and in several He-Man comic books as an Eternian warrior. In several of his She-Ra appearances, he is called by the figure's prototype name, Hose Nose. He only appears in the She-Ra cartoon because the original He-Man cartoon ceased production by the time his figure was released. Of course one episode mentioned that he was a friend of He-Man. He looked more similar to the action figure in his "Snout Spot" appearance than he did in his "Hose Nose" appearance. His figure came with a fireman's axe (he was without this in the cartoon).

Snout Spout is voiced by Lou Scheimer in the 80s cartoon.


Extendar is a mechanized being and Master of Extension. He did not have an animated form because his figure was made after the end of the Filmation cartoon. The figure came with a red trapazoidal shaped shield which unfolded into a triangle.

Rio Blast

Rio Blast is an Eternian gunslinger with weapons hidden in his body.[4] He was never seen in the 80s cartoon because it came to a close before the release of his figure. "Colonel Blast" inspired by prototypes of this character, did appear on She-Ra: Princess of Power. He was portrayed in the mini comics and Marvel comic as Hispanic (although as an Eternian he could probably not be truly Hispanic, by definition). In the Marvel comic, he was frequently shown eating cayenne peppers.

Rock People

The Rock People are allies of He-Man. Both only appeared in the She-Ra (not He-Man) cartoon, since the latter cartoon ceased production by the time their figures were released.

The Sorceress of Castle Grayskull

(Real name: Teela Na): The Sorceress is the mystic guardian of Castle Grayskull. It is she who bestows on Prince Adam the power to become He-Man. In the original animated series, the Sorceress cannot leave the castle for very long, or she will revert to her falcon form, Zoar (who was depicted in early portrayals as a separate character from the Sorceress). In the 2002 series, the Sorceress is far from powerless outside Castle Grayskull in her human form, as she demonstrates when she magically defends a village against an evil warlord ("Out of the Past"). The 2002 series also portrays the Sorceress as more capable and more involved with the goings-on of Eternia. Unlike the 80s Sorceress, who mainly sent psychic calls for help to He-Man, the 2002 Sorceress is more of a defender herself, physically and magically protecting Castle Grayskull and the power of the Elders contained within. The Sorceress is also the mother of Teela, who is destined to inherit her place, although Teela does not know this initially. In the 2002 incarnation, the Sorceress' connection to Teela is alluded to early on in the series. The Sorceress herself is quite different in appearance from her 80s version. The 80s version features a woman in a white feathered leotard with a falcon-shaped feathered headdress and wings. In the 2002 version, the Sorceress is much more Egyptian in appearance, with a headdress resembling the Egyptian god Horus, an armored bodice, skirt, bare arms, jewelry, and a magical staff. Later in the 2002 series, it is disclosed that the Sorceress is just one in a line of Sorceresses whose duty it is to protect the secrets of Castle Grayskull ("The Power of Grayskull").

Her figure is released belatedly, as the toy line was about to end.

The Sorceress of Castle Grayskull is voiced by Linda Gary in the 80s series and by Nicole Oliver in the 2002 series. In the 80s live-action film, the Sorceress is portrayed by Christina Pickles.

King Randor

(Real name: Randor of the House of Miro): King Randor is the ruler of Eternia, son of King Miro, husband to Queen Marlena and father of Prince Adam (and of Princess Adora, aka She-Ra). In the original animated series, King Randor is chiefly shown wearing his crown and royal (short) robes, presiding over dinners, and shaking his head over Adam's supposed laziness and Orko's apparent ineptitude. In the episode "Prince Adam No More," he helped He-Man fight off Skeletor's flying robots as the escape from Snake Mountain, mentioning his "strong left hook" from his battle years. Adam makes reference to this at the end of the episode, and Randor seems to take this as "keep the secret." In the 2002 series, however, King Randor undergoes a major redesign and rewrite. Physically, he is tall, muscular, and compelling, somewhat Viking in appearance. He is introduced during the Great Unrest as a captain, a soldier who, with comrades including Man-At-Arms, is defending Eternia from evil. After battling and mortally wounding the usurper Keldor, Randor is informed by the Council of Elders that he will rule Eternia as king and, that in the times of future trouble, a hero will appear to assist him in defending the land. Throughout the 2002 series, Randor is shown to be a wise, just, and involved ruler of Eternia, presiding over peace talks with other peoples, forming a ruling council, and, at times, battling the forces of evil alongside He-Man and the Masters. Like the Sorceress, he too had his figure released belatedly in the toy line (in its closure rather than its opening).

King Randor is voiced by Lou Scheimer in the 80s series and by Michael Donovan in the 2002 series.

Clamp Champ

Clamp Champ is a royal guardsman with a gigantic clamp as his primary weapon. He is the only black character to be an action figure (several black characters, such as the archaeologist Malaktha, appeared in the animated series, and many were seen among the king's guard); however, Clamp Champ did not appear in the Filmation cartoon because it came to an end by the time he made his debut in the toy line.


Rotar is the Master of Hyper-Spin.[4] He was a guard at the Royal Palace of Eternia until one of Skeletor's attacks left him injured. Man-At-Arms saved him with one of his latest inventions. His figure was made after the end of the 80s Filmation cartoon so he did not appear in animation.


Gwildor is a dwarf-like Thenurian and inventor of the Cosmic Key. He debuted in the Masters of the Universe movie where Evil-Lyn tricked him into giving her the Cosmic Key so that Skeletor can invade Castle Grayskull.

Gwildor is portrayed in the 80s live-action movie by Billy Barty.


The heroic Meteorbs are members of the Rock People who can transform from meteors into animal forms. They appear among Stonedar and Rokkon in the Star Comics (their only appearances, since they did not appear in the cartoon which had ceased production by the time their toys were released). They are portrayed as pets rather than equal members of the heroic warriors. They are as follows:


Tytus was a heroic giant warlord with long blonde hair, who aided He-Ro in Pre-Eternia.

King Grayskull

(Real name: D'vann Grayskull ): King Grayskull is an ancestor of He-Man who ruled Eternia and resided in Castle Grayskull ages before He-Man's time. His wife was the sorceress Veena. During the time of King Grayskull, the Snake People, led by King Hiss, were a threat, as was Hordak. Hordak defeated the forces of King Hiss and was set to challenge Grayskull. A magic Oracle (who, like Orko, hailed from Trolla) revealed to Grayskull that he already had the power within him to defeat Hordak. Mortally wounded in the battle, Grayskull instructed his comrades and advisors to use his power to keep the peace on Eternia and that, one day, a hero would come to help in that endeavor. As he died, Veena promised to protect the power that resided in Grayskull to the best of her abilities and, when she was no longer capable, that she would find one to take her place. Grayskull's immense power rose from his corpse, impregnated his sword, then surrounded his comrades, who were magically transformed into the beings known as the Council of Elders. King Grayskull was drawn to resemble He-Man, although a more barbaric, Viking-style He-Man (Figure shown at San Diego Comic-Con).

King Grayskull was voiced by Cam Clarke in the 2002 series.


He-Ro was the most powerful wizard in the universe (in the unreleased Powers of Grayskull toyline) and a heroic cosmic warrior (in the Masters Of The Universe Classics toyline). He was the protagonist of the "Powers of Grayskull" prequel that was never released. He led the forces of Eternia against the forces of King Hiss and the Snake Men.

According to his 2009 action figures' packaging biography, his real name is Ro, and he was infected with a techno organic virus by the Horde Supreme during an epic battle and sent through a vortex to the magic planet of Eternia, where he was healed by Eldor. Out of gratitude he fought with King Grayskull, eventually bequeathing his sword to King Grayskull upon his heroic death.

The Goddess

After the death of King Grayskull, the Power of the Universe was transferred from the Sword of He to the Council of Elders, who hid it deep within his castle. Knowing the full sword was the key to channeling the power again, they split it in two to prevent it from falling into the hands of evil. For five centuries, they waited for a worthy heir to be born. During this time their spirit guide, the creature known as The Goddess of Eternia, trained secret heroic guardians to keep the two halves of the sword separated. Many of these brave warriors took the name "He-Man" in honor of the sword they protected giving birth to many different legends of the protector of Eternia.


One hundred years before Prince Adam was born, Wun-Dar, a warrior from deep in the savage underground city of Tundaria, rescued a young woman who turned out to be the Goddess of Eternia. Providing him with cosmic battle armor and a sophisticated ray gun that could tap into almost unlimited power, the Goddess tasked Wun-Dar to protect both halves of the sword of He and keep them apart so as not to fall into the hands of evil. Like many warriors before him, Wun-Dar became known as "The He-Man", battling in a savage way to keep evil from obtaining the key to the great power hidden inside the long-forgotten Castle Grayskull.

Comics and Filmation Characters

Movie Characters

None of these characters had toys made of them.

Evil Warriors

Original characters


(Real name: Keldor of the House of Miro): Skeletor is the main antagonist of He-Man.[10] In the original illustrated books and in the Filmation series, Skeletor is an evil demon from another dimension. A later Mattel minicomic implies that he was once Keldor, brother of King Randor, which was in fact intended. The 2002 series and related materials confirm that Skeletor was once a man named Keldor, though the series itself established no familial connection prior to its cancellation, his connection to Randor was heavily implied. The later DVD releases of the series featured bios, confirming ultimately that the shows' creators conceived of Keldor as Randor's half-brother.

The only main difference between Skeletor in the cartoon and on the figure is there is no green on his face in the cartoon, nor red glow in his eyes, unlike that of the figure. The original Skeletor figures wore boots designed for clawed feet. This feature was omitted in Skeletor and a number of other evil warriors in the Filmation series. Later, he was depicted as going barefoot with relatively ordinary human feet.

Skeletor is voiced by Alan Oppenheimer in the 80s series, Campbell Lane in the 90s series, and by Brian Dobson in the 2002 series. In the 80s live-action movie, Skeletor is portrayed by Frank Langella.


Panthor is Skeletor's evil feline companion, a giant panther who serves as an evil counterpart to Battle Cat.

Beast Man

Beast Man makes his debut in Mattel's very first illustrated books as a follower of Skeletor. As the toyline expanded, he stayed at Skeletor's side. Beast Man is an animal-like humanoid who can telepathically summon wild creatures of Eternia to aid Skeletor's schemes.[6] He was frequently portrayed as a buffoon who couldn't do much correctly. The whip that accompanied the action figure rarely appeared in the 1980s cartoon but was frequently used in the 2002 incarnation as Beast Man's way of controlling the animals he summoned to do his bidding. In the 2002 series, Beast Man is far more ferocious and more of a threat to the Masters of the Universe. He is a skilled fighter and often comes to the rescue of Skeletor and fellow evil warriors, using his griffin as a get-away vehicle.

Beast Man is voiced by John Erwin in the 80s series and by Scott McNeil in the 2002 series. Beast Man also featured in the 1987 live action movie where he was played by Tony Carroll.


Mer-Man is a fish-man who controls sea life, often depicted as the ruler of Eternia's undersea kingdom. The figure of him did not wear the gloves and boots he wore in the cartoon, nor did he have the sword in the cartoon that his figure counterpart came with.

Mer-Man is voiced by Alan Oppenheimer in the 80s series and by Scott McNeil in the 2002 series.


Evil-Lyn is a malevolent sorceress, whose powers seem to be second only to Skeletor's. Exceptionally cunning, she's merely in Skeletor's ranks to suit her own ends. She is not reliant on wands and other objects to generate her magic, although she has used such artefacts as the Shaping Staff to supplement her spectacular innate powers on a few occasions. She evinced shades of goodness in one or two episodes, such as 'The Witch and the Warrior', but her nature is essentially fiendish. There was nothing romantic in her relationship with Skeletor in the original Filmation series, unlike subsequent versions. Although her primary affiliation was with Skeletor, she would also venture out on her own and assist other dark lords such as Dark-Dream and Gorgon on occasion. She seemed to be the only one of Skeletor's evil warriors with the courage to raise her voice at him and chastise him.[6]

The original figure has yellow skin, although she is depicted in both animated series as having a pallid caucasian flesh tone. In "The Witch and the Warrior," she removes her helmet for the only time in the series because of extreme heat, and has closely cut white hair reminiscent of Susan Powter. In an earlier episode she appeared to the Widgets as a blonde, but she was specifically using a magic spell to alter her appearance, even though she wore her usual clothing.

In the 2002 series, much more of Evil-Lyn's background is revealed, including the fact that her father, known as The Faceless One, is a powerful sorcerer who despairs of his daughter's choice to follow Skeletor. Although Evil-Lyn is shown to have her own agenda, she still maintains some loyalty to her bloodline ("The things I do for family", she mutters as she rescues the Ram's Stone from the abyss). Her first meeting with Keldor shows her as a young woman with collar-length white hair who is physically attracted to the man who would become Skeletor ("I like what I see," she purrs at Keldor). Later in the series, her hair is shown to be close cropped.

Evil-Lyn is voiced by Linda Gary in the 80s series and by Kathleen Barr in the 2002 series. In the live action movie, she is played by Meg Foster.


Tri-Klops is a 3-eyed hunter and swordsman who can see in any direction. His eyes, which are on a rotating visor around his head, have different abilities in different versions; one common ability is the power to see through solid objects with his "Gammavision". In both the 1983 and 2002 cartoons, his eyes can also shoot laser beams, although this is not commonly used in other material. The 2002 version also sees him as more of an inventor, with some cybernetic features to his appearance. A well-known classic villain of the MOTU line, Tri-Klops was one of Skeletor's chief henchmen, and was frequently featured as such in the Filmation cartoon. According to the book Mastering the Universe "Tri-Klops was a good guy" (p.120) [meaning he was supposed to be good but Roger Sweet, a fan of the show and collector of the Mattel toys, made a mistake and accidentally confused him with the evil warriors]. The original toy's product subtitle carried on all packaging and advertisements was "Evil & sees everything". Tri-Klops has brown hair in the cartoon (the figure has black hair), the visor helmet has different shapes of eyes (square, circle and triangle) [all white and red] in the cartoon but, on the figure, one eye is light blue, one eye is white & red and one is a darker red; the edges of his armor aren't as jagged in the cartoon unlike that of the figure, his boots are reddish-brown instead of black in the cartoon (only the figure's boots are black) and he did not wield the long sword in the cartoon (the sword only came with the figure). Also, the 'disc' on top of the visor helmet was green in the cartoon but black on the figure.

Tri-Klops is voiced by Lou Scheimer in the 80s series and by Paul Dobson in the 2002 series.

Trap Jaw

(Real name: Kronis): Trap Jaw is a weapons expert and cyborg with a metal jaw, which can bite through anything. In the mini-comic originally packaged with Trap Jaw, "The Menace of Trap Jaw," he is a villain from another dimension that Skeletor invades in an attempt to enter Castle Grayskull. While Skeletor attempts to weaken the Castle's defenses, Trap Jaw, who is being pursued by authorities, slams into Skeletor and knocks him back through the dimensional portal to Eternia. Back on Eternia, Trap Jaw emerges from the Castle connected to its power by a magical cord. Both He-Man and Skeletor attempt to defeat Trap Jaw, but eventually realize that they must join their halves of the power sword to be strong enough to sever the magical cord connecting Trap Jaw to the Castle. The comic ends with Skeletor carrying the unconscious Trap Jaw back to Snake Mountain where he will become one of his minions.

Trap Jaw's origin is very different in the 2002 comic series. Originally a minion of Keldor named Kronis, he was badly injured in an attempt to overthrow Skeletor. He was then rebuilt into a cyborg by replacing his damaged humanoid arm and jaw with mechanical parts, renaming himself Trap Jaw. Later, the cartoon demonstrates that the more metal he eats the stronger he becomes, and one episode focuses on a quest to eat the strongest chemical element in Eternia called Eternium (which was forged and guarded by a group of subterranean dwellers called the Kulatuks). He is defeated by getting tricked into eating a special alloy that weakens him.

In the 80s cartoon, his helmet, mantrap mouth, robotic arm and cowboy style leggings are cerise but his robotic arm and cowboy style leggings are recolored black on the figure; the figure's helmet and mantrap mouth are recolored purplish red. Whereas he had loads of arm attachments in the cartoon (again, most were colored cerise in the cartoon), the figure only came with three (claw, gun and hook) [these were even recolored black for the figure]. His belt did not have the skull and crossbones (Jolly Roger) in the cartoon; this was only on the figure's belt. Of course, the figure had squinting, blank black eyes whereas he had normal eyes in the cartoon.

Trap Jaw is voiced by Lou Scheimer in the 80s series and by Paul Dobson in the 2002 series.


Faker is an evil duplicate of He-Man, created by Skeletor. The toy version is done in blue with red hair and orange torso armor, with the backstory that he is a robot duplicate that did not work out. In one annual, he is a deformed clone. However, in his sole appearance in the cartoon, Faker is a magical creation, made from pieces of a comet, identical to He-Man apart from glowing eyes and odd intonation.

Faker is voiced by John Erwin in the 80s series.


He appeared only once as a supporting character in "The Dragon Invasion" episode in 1983 (meaning he appeared before his figure was released). The character's name in the script is Chopper, although he is not named on-screen (meaning he is never referred to as "Jitsu", "Chopper" or anything). His role in this episode is to accompany Skeletor in an invasion of Castle Grayskull (meaning he is virtually only a background character). He has only one line and aside from a brief display of his karate-chopping abilities (his right hand, which has the ability to smash through things, is flesh rather than gold) [one of those variations from cartoon and figure appearances], has no character development at all. He is not used in the series again, even when the toy figure was released in 1984, since he was Japanese and the writers of the cartoon feared he would be seen as a racist stereotype to Asians. The character appeared in the minicomic stories Hordak: The Ruthless Leader's Revenge!, and Mantenna and the Menace of the Evil Horde! The character was not used in the 2002 franchise relaunch, though was included in Series 6 of NECA's Masters of the Universe mini-statue line, and came with a pack-in figurine of Odiphus, which had originally been planned for release in 2005. Other variations with Jitsu from his animated and figure counterparts - the figure has a full goatee beard but, in the cartoon, he only has a Fu Manchu moustache and, whereas the figure has very brown skin, he is a bit whiter in the cartoon (his boots are even not black in the cartoon unlike those of the figure). Also, the Samurai sword that came with the figure was not included with the character in the cartoon.

Jitsu is voiced in the 80s cartoon by Lou Scheimer.

Night Stalker

Night Stalker, appears only in original mini-books. Some versions depict it as Jitsu's evil robotic steed; others as the "reincarnation" of the heroic Stridor. This implies that, while Fisto rides Stridor, Jitsu is Fisto's evil counterpart but there is never any evidence to prove this.


Whiplash is a Caligar, one of the Sub-Ternia races: a snake and dragon hybrid creature (though he is not a member of the Snake Men) whose tail is a formidable weapon. He did not have the spear in the cartoon (this only came with the figure) and, like Tri-Klops, he was supposed to be a heroic warrior. In the 2002 cartoon, he is brother to King Ceratus and betrayed his kind when he sided with Skeletor.

Whiplash is voiced by John Erwin in the 80s series and by Gary Chalk in the 2002 series.


Clawful is a giant anthropomorphic crab with claws similar to a fiddler crab. Whereas the figure has swarthy skin and its boots are dark blue, he has all red skin and yellow boots in the cartoon (the mace included with the figure did not even appear in the cartoon).

Clawful is voiced by Lou Scheimer in the 80s cartoon and by Scott McNeil in the 2002 series.


Webstor is a blue-skinned creature with the abilities of a spider. A two-bit thief who resembles a goblin with a grappling hook in the 80s series. In the 80s cartoon, he never used the rifle included with the figure. In the 2002 version, he is an Arachna, a spider-like race, enemies of the Andreenids. He can spin webs, has spider-like legs sprouting from his back, and multiple eyes.

Webstor is voiced by John Erwin in the 80s series and by Brian Dobson in the 2002 series.


Screeech is a barbaric bird that spies for Skeletor. In the 1983 cartoon, Screeech is robotic. It is replaced by a bird like levitating device called Doom-Seeker in 2002 series, which is built by Tri-Klops.


Two-Bad is a character with two heads that constantly argue between themselves. The UK comics name the two heads "Blue Face" and "Yellow Band".

The early figures had a more fully rounded back on the torso, but then the figures were released with more of a flattened back. He was never featured prominently in the 80s cartoon because it was drawing to a close by the time his figure was released. However, his only prominent appearance in the 80s cartoon was "Capture the Comet Keeper". This is because he was the replacement character in the episode working for Skeletor at Snake Mountain for Beast-Man and Trap-Jaw, who were going to feature in the episode, but Robert Lamb asked Arthur Nadel to replace them with Two-Bad to make Mattel's newest figure releases more prominent in the cartoon. The shield included with the figure did not appear in the cartoon.

In the 2002 version, they were originally two bounty hunters named Tuvar and Baddhra who were recommended to Skeletor by Whiplash and who were magically fused together into one being by Skeletor after they failed to work together to stop He-Man. Two-Bad becomes one (or two) of Skeletor's evil warriors and appears throughout the remainder of the series amongst Skeletor's henchmen.

Two-Bad is voiced by Lou Scheimer in the 80s series and by Brian Drummond and Mark Gibbon in the 2002 series.


Spikor is a humanoid covered in spikes, and he has a trident for a left arm.[11] He was not featured prominently in the cartoon because his figure was released when the cartoon was drawing to a close and, in the cartoon, did not use the club that came with the figure. Also, in the cartoon, Spikor had normal arms.

Spikor is voiced by Lou Scheimer in the 80s series.


Stinkor is an anthropomorphic skunk with magical control over his own stench.[9] His action figure used the same mold as Mer-Man, wore the same mold of armor as Mekaneck, and actually smelled of patchouli oil, one of only three scented toys Mattel produced (the others being Moss Man and also Perfuma from the She-Ra line).

In the 2002 version, Stinkor was once a Paeleezean named Odiphus who was mutated by an explosion he caused while meddling in Tri-Klops' lab. The mutations caused him to grow taller, muscular, and to be able to speak in a humanoid manner. His stench is so awful that a special armored suit was created for him to keep the smell as under control as possible. Some stink still escapes the suit, causing Skeletor and the other evil warriors to cover their noses and to send Stinkor out of the room as much as possible. Stinkor's stench especially adversely affects the dragons of Eternia. The Sorceress tells that, in the time of the Great Unrest, Odiphus betrayed his people to an evil warlord named Prahvus. Upon the warlord's defeat by the Sorceress, Odiphus was captured and about to be executed. The Sorceress intervened and Odiphus' life was spared, although he was exiled. He is seen in the Eternian prison earlier in the series, although he is not named at that time. Stinkor was never used in the 80s cartoon because the idea of using him was ridiculed since his smell would give the bad guys away to the good guys.

Stinkor is voiced by Brian Drummond in the 2002 series.


Ninjor is a ninja warrior who works for Skeletor. He was never featured in the cartoon because his figure was released after it ended. There has been much debate that he should have been a heroic warrior for 2 reasons: he is the only other Martial Arts character after Jitsu (who was already evil, where one Martial Arts figure would be evil and the other would be good) and not all ninjas are evil. Though wearing all black could be the reason why he's evil since this is a stereotype with evil people. He was never featured in the cartoon because his figure was released after it ended.

Scare Glow

Scare Glow is a skeletal ghost who glows in the dark. There has been much debate over the years as to whether his tagline "evil ghost of Skeletor" means that he is a ghost in Skeletor's ranks, or a ghost of Skeletor's future self. His 2009 figure's biography changes his tagline to "evil ghost serving Skeletor", indicating that he is not related to Skeletor. In addition, his real name is revealed to be Karak Nul, a former bounty hunter. He was never featured in the cartoon because he was introduced late in the toy line.


Twistoid is a robotic minion of Skeletor. Skeletor stole the blueprints for the machine Man-At-Arms used to create Rotar and used the machine to create Twistoid. He and Rotar are rivals.[4] Twistoid did not appear in the cartoon because it ceased production before his figure's debut.


Blast-Attak is a robotic warrior built as a walking time bomb. After a set period of time, he will explode and cause immense damage before reforming. He did not appear in the cartoon because it ended when his figure was released. There is some debate over which faction he belongs to, as some comics depict him as a member of the Snake Men serving King Hiss. Also, he is controversial (said that he should never have been included in the 2002 version, not because he was introduced so late in the original 1980s version) that he is a suicide bomber in today's world.


Blade is a master swordsman and bounty hunter, with a pirate-like appearance, with an eyepatch and completely bald head. His swordsmanship can rival He-Man's. He appears in the 1987 movie, the mini-comics and the Marvel comics. He is sometimes mistaken for a heroic warrior.

He was portrayed by Anthony De Longis in the 1987 live-action film.


Saurod is a reptilian who can emit sparks out of his mouth. He is featured in the 1987 movie assisting Blade, Beast Man, and Karg into retrieving the Cosmic Key. He is vaporized by Skeletor as penalty for the group's failure. He does not speak in the movie and his name is pronounced "Saraad" not 'Saw-rod", though he does speak just well in the comics. His figure has sparked (pun not intended) controversy that it should not be given to a very young child because of the sparks that come out of his mouth.

Saurod is portrayed by Pons Maar in the 1987 live-action film.


Megator was a giant green ogre from Pre-Eternia. Since he was never shown in any comics (save one [1]) or cartoon series (especially as the cartoon by Filmation ceased production by his introduction) it is hard to say where his affiliation lay. But his recent action figure packaging states that he originally served Hordak during Pre-Eternian times, and was resurrected by King Hiss after his death to serve the Snake Men in the modern day.

Mutant Warrior

The Mutant Warrior was, until the appearance of the King Grayskull figure, the only all-new toy-made character from the 2002 toyline, a skeleton monster.


Evil Horde

The Evil Horde are the primary antagonists of the She-Ra television series.[12] However, most of the male characters appear in the He-Man toy line, including the Marvel comics, UK comics and mini-comics from 1986 onwards.


Hordak is an evildoer who, in the 2002 series, wished to rule over all of Eternia. After he and his minions defeated the Snake Men, Hordak turned his attention to Castle Grayskull and launched an attack against it. He was defeated by King Grayskull, who banished Hordak and his forces to the Abyss and entrapped them in a dimension within. Somehow, ages later, Hordak became Skeletor's master, despite the dimensional differences. Hordak saves Keldor's life after he is mortally injured battling Randor; in saving his life, Hordak transformed Keldor into Skeletor and told him there would one day be a price to pay for Hordak's assistance. Later in the series, Evil-Lyn and Count Marzo attempt to release Hordak from his dimensional prison. In the 1980s, however, Hordak is the overlord of the planet Etheria, and he answers to Horde Prime. His minions are called the Evil Horde, and they do battle against the freedom fighters of Etheria, led by Princess Adora aka She-Ra. In the 80s series, Hordak is a cyborg who can alter his shape, most often into that of a rocket to make a quick get-away. In the 2002 series, he is presented as more menacing and a much greater threat to be taken seriously.

His face is a pale yellowish color on the figure but pure white in the cartoon and the figure did not have the left cannon arm like he did in the cartoon. The figure just had two normal arms.

Hordak is voiced by George DiCenzo in the 80s series and by Colin Murdock in the 2002 series.


Dragstor is a cyborg who is part man, part vehicle. He has a tyred wheel built into his chest which he uses to cruise along the ground at super-speed. He was never featured in the He-Man cartoon (nor even the She-Ra cartoon) because he was one of the penultimate series toys to be released.


A member of the Evil Horde, Grizzlor is a hairy man-beast creature from the wild. He has thick, brown fur and sharp claws, and he attacks his opponents with the power of brute strength. Most story media have portrayed him as either a mindless brute or as comically unintelligent.

Grizzlor is voiced by Alan Oppenheimer in the 80s series.


A member of the Evil Horde, Leech is an amphibian-like creature of a large and bulky build with green skin and suction pads on his hands, feet and mouth. It is these suction pads that provide him with his main power: to suck and drain the life-force from his opponent, rendering them helpless against him. In the cartoon, he did not have the "extra mouth" that the figure had.

Leech is voiced by Lou Scheimer in the 80s series.


Mantenna is a member of the Evil Horde.[13] He is a creature with four legs and pop-out antenna eyes. He can fire energy beams of different varieties from his eyes, such as stun beams, gravity distortion beams, and freeze rays. Mantenna is a nervous stuttering imbecile mainly used for comic relief, with a running gag that Hordak frequently sends him down a trap door in front of his throne for any number of reasons. Although, once or twice Mantenna actually turns the tables on Hordak and sends him plummeting down his own trap. The figure's eyes are blue but yellow in the cartoon. In the 2002 series, he is redrawn, like Hordak, to be much more menacing. Mantenna attempts to blast King Grayskull with his energy beams but ends up being choked to unconsciousness by the king. Mantenna does not speak in the 2002 series.

Mantenna is voiced by Lou Scheimer in the 80s series.


Modulok is a multi-bodied monster who can reform himself into thousands of different shapes to confuse his enemies.[4] He is a member of the Evil Horde, though in some cartoon appearances is seen to work for himself. According to the He-Man comics, Modulok was originally a petty thief called Galen Nycoff who was mutated into Modulok while attempting to escape from the Space Prison. He is also known for creating Multi-Bot. He is one of the few Horde figures to not wear a Horde bat emblem. This may be attributed to his origin as one of Skeletor's minions, who, despondant with Skeletor's rule, fled to Etheria and offered his services to Hordak.

Modulok is voiced by Alan Oppenheimer in the 80s series.


A member of the Evil Horde, Multi-Bot is a robot composed of multiple body parts which he can reform at will into thousands of different shapes. He is a robotic creation and counterpart of the character Modulok whose action figure also consisted of numerous different body parts which could be locked together in many different ways. He was marketed as the "evil robot of a thousand bodies". He is designed to allow his body parts to reconfigure with those of Modulok's also. He only appears in the "She-Ra" cartoon because the original "He-Man" cartoon finished its production when the Evil Horde were newly introduced.

The Snake Men

The Snake Men are another evil team, who ruled Eternia in its ancient past, and after centuries of imprisonment are brought to the present with a vengeance.[14]

King Hiss

Ruler of the Snake Men, King Hiss can shed his human-like "skin" to become a twisting mass of five snakes from the waist up. In the 2002 series, The Sorceress describes King Hiss as wielding magic as great of that of the Elders. King Hiss was defeated by Hordak and his minions in the times of King Grayskull. Ages later, King Hiss and his henchmen were sealed away beneath Snake Mountain (which King Hiss built) by Zodak, to be released during the reign of King Randor by Kobra Khan, General Rattlor, and Evil-Lyn. In the unproduced Episode 40 of the 2002 series, his name is spelled "King Hsss."

King Hiss is voiced by Brian Dobson in the 2002 series.


One of King Hiss' generals, Rattlor is a rattlesnake-type Snake Man who possesses an extending neck and rattling tail. He appears in the She-Ra: Princess of Power animated series as a member of the Evil Horde. In the 2002 animated series, Rattlor is presented as the General of the Snake Men army trying to release their leader, King Hiss. He was released by Kobra Khan but later recaptured and held in the Eternian prison, escaping only by outwitting Roboto.

Rattlor is voiced by Lou Scheimer in the 80s series and by Richard Newman in the 2002 series.

Tung Lashor

Tung Lashor is a Snake Man who ossesses a super long extending tongue. He appears in the She-Ra: Princess of Power animated series as a member of the Evil Horde. In the 2002 animated series, Tung Lashor is a member of the Snake Men. A recurring gag in the 2002 series is that Tung Lashor's tongue would occasionally get cut off and grow back by the next appearance. The original He-Man cartoon had ceased production when his figure was released.

Tung Lashor is voiced by George DiCenzo in the 80s series and by Michael Donovan in the 2002 series.

Kobra Khan

A cobra-type Snake Man whose character pre-dates the introduction of the Snake Men. He appears as one of Skeletor's Evil Warriors in the He-Man and the Masters of the Universe animated series, in which he sprays a sleeping gas, and on one occasion, is shown to have stretchable arms similar to the Sssqueeze character. In the series, the gas came from vents in his hood, which he kept down any time he was not using this ability. The action figure and minicomics portrayed the character spraying this gas from his mouth. The toy had a mechanism that converted water to vapor similar to many kinds of spray bottles.

In the 2002 animated series, he instead sprays acid. The cunning and silver-tongued Kobra Khan will temporarily ally with others to fulfill his true loyalty to his fellow Snake Men. He is devoted to King Hiss and freed Gen. Rattlor in his first attempt to release his monarch.

In the Mattel mini-comics and UK comics, Kobra Khan shares a dual-allegiance to Skeletor and King Hiss.

Kobra Khan is voiced by Lou Scheimer in the 80s series and by Scott McNeil in the 2002 series.


Sssqueeze is an anaconda-type Snake Man who possesses long snake-like arms. In the 2002 series, the palms of his hands became snake-like heads when Sssqueeze's hands are extended.

Sssqueeze is voiced by Brian Dobson in the 2002 series.

Snake Face

Snake-Face is a gorgon-type Snake Man. Snakes extend from his face and shoulders of Snake Face to "petrify" opponents (just like Medusa of Greek mythology). He only appears in the 2002 animated series. During the return of the Snake Men, Snake Face was beaten by He-Man who used his shield as a mirror and turned Snake Face's power back on him, petrifying him. The petrified Snake Face is seen later in the Eternian prison. An unproduced Episode 40 would've had Snake Face's petrified state being stolen by Mer-Man who wants to keep it as a trophy.

Snake Face was voiced by Paul Dobson in the 2002 version.

She-Ra: Princess of Power

Other characters associated with MOTU

Skeletor and the regular teams of villains are not the only threats to Eternia. The cartoon shows have also showcased many independent and freelance villains who have made their own attempts at threatening the peace on Eternia.


  1. ^ "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: Season One, Volume One". DVD Talk. Retrieved 2009-04-18. 
  2. ^ "COMIC BOOK LEGENDS REVEALED #234". Comic Book Resources. Retrieved 2010-04-22. 
  3. ^ a b Owen, Rob (2002-08-16). "On the Tube: Cartoon Network brings He-Man, the Masters back for 20th anniversary". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Retrieved 2010-03-05. 
  4. ^ a b c d e f "8 Crazy Masters of the Universe Figures". Retrieved 2010-04-18. 
  5. ^
  6. ^ a b c Hart, Hugh (2002-08-11). "Who da man? 'He-Man'". San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved 2010-04-18. 
  7. ^ "REVIEW: Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto?". MTV. Retrieved 2011-02-28. 
  8. ^ "REVIEW: Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto?". MTV. Retrieved 2011-05-01. 
  9. ^ a b "Battle of the Fun Factories". Time. 1985-12-16.,9171,960379-2,00.html. Retrieved 2010-03-03. 
  10. ^ Hart, Hugh (2002-08-11). "Who da man? 'He-Man'". San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved 2010-04-18. 
  11. ^ Jeff Rovin (1987), The encyclopedia of super villains, p. 320  ISBN 081601356X
  12. ^ "She-Ra’s Second Due in Sept.". Animation Magazine. Retrieved 2010-04-18. 
  13. ^ "Mantenna: Masters of the Universe". Retrieved 2010-04-18. 
  14. ^ "Masters of the Universe Season Two Slithers To A Successful, If Premature, Ending". Toon Zone. Retrieved 2010-04-18.