
Susto is a cultural illness, specifically a "fright sickness" with strong psychological overtones. Susto comes from the Portuguese, and Spanish word for "fright" (i.e. sudden intense fear, as of something immediately threatening). A more severe and potentially fatal form of susto is called espanto (also from Spanish and Portuguese, meaning terror or intense fright). It is indigenously attributed to "soul loss" resulting from frightful or traumatic experiences.[1] Among Indigenous peoples of Latin America, susto may be conceptualized as a case of spirit attack.[2]

Culturally stressed adults (women more often than men) are most likely to suffer from susto, although children may also be afflicted. The onset of the disease generally follows a sudden frightening experience such as an accident, a fall, witnessing a relative's sudden death, or any other potentially dangerous event. Research shows that knowledge of the existence of susto is a major contributing factor in improving the condition.


Symptoms and treatment

Symptoms of susto are thought to include nervousness, anorexia, insomnia, listlessness, despondency, involuntary muscle tics, and diarrhea. A variety of placebo treatments may be used to treat susto. Treatments include the consumption of orange blossom, brazil wood or marijuana teas. An oral solution of figs boiled in vinegar is also imagined to be somewhat therapeutic.

Supposedly, the most effective cures are the ceremonies known as limpieza (Spanish for "cleansing") or barrida (Spanish for "sweeping"). The limpia or barrida are considered to be best administered immediately after the traumatic event occurs, and are ideally conducted by a curandero (healer). During the limpia/barrida, the patient recounts the details of the frightening event, then lies down on the floor on the axis of a crucifix. The curandero may have the crucifix outlined with aluminum foil or other shiny material. The victim's body is then brushed with a bouquet of fresh herbs such as basil, purple sage, rosemary or rue, while the curandero and other participants recite prayers (usually the Apostles' Creed). Depending on local custom, the curandero may also jump over the victim's body. This is thought by some to exhort the frightened soul back into the body.


Because there is no universal understanding of this phenomenon and symptoms vary from culture to culture, susto is generally regarded as either a folk illness or a culture bound syndrome.

Traditional Western medicine has not yet recognized susto but there are some similarities between susto and certain anxiety disorders. "Post-traumatic stress disorder" and "acute stress disorder," in particular, share many similarities with the condition known as susto. The DSM-IV-TR also states that certain forms of post-traumatic stress disorder are diagnosed more often in cases when symptoms that are characteristic of susto (which include diminished participation in significant activities, feeling of detachment from others, and difficulty falling or staying asleep) are reported.

Many anthropologists also contend that susto is the Latin American version of schizophrenia.

See also


  1. ^ DSM-IV-TR: "Susto", page 903. APA, 2000
  2. ^ Castillo, Richard (1997). Culture & Mental Illness: A Client-Centered Approach. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company

Further reading

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