Supernatural (1977 TV series)

Supernatural is a British anthology television series that was produced by the BBC in 1977. The series consisted of 8 episodes and was broadcast on BBC1. In each episode, a different prospective member of the "Club Of The Damned" would be required to tell a horror story, and their application for membership would be judged on how frightening the story was. A book was published to accompany the series.[1]

Episode list

  1. Ghosts Of Venice - with Robert Hardy and Sinéad Cusack.
  2. Countess Ilona - with Billie Whitelaw, Ian Hendry and Edward Hardwicke.
  3. The Werewolf Reunion - with Billie Whitelaw, Ian Hendry and Edward Hardwicke.
  4. Mr Nightingale - with Jeremy Brett and Lesley-Anne Down.
  5. Lady Sybil - with Denholm Elliott.
  6. Viktoria - with Catherine Schell and Judy Cornwell.
  7. Night of the Marionettes - with Gordon Jackson, Kathleen Byron and Vladek Sheybal.
  8. Dorabella - with Jeremy Clyde.


  1. ^ Robert Muller (Ed.) Supernatural (Fontana Books, 1977).

External links