Sunwoo Entertainment is an animation studio located in South Korea that has been very active since its conception in March 1989. It began by producing animation mainly for Disney Afternoon TV series, such as Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers and Darkwing Duck, and soon expanded by providing animation services for Nickelodeon shows like Rocko's Modern Life and Invader Zim, and other series like Duckman on USA Network, and Fatherhood on Nick at Nite.
Many studios have been "spun off" from Sunwoo; the first to do so was Anivision, which was established in March 1991. Grimsaem, which mainly does feature length work for Nickelodeon, was established in March 1997. In April 1998, Sunwoo Digital International was established, whose most notable work was for the Fox TV series Family Guy. In April 2000, all of these spin-off studios were merged under the banner Sunwoo Entertainment, and it has remained that way ever since.