Psychotria is a plant genus of 1900 species[3] in the family Rubiaceae. Members of the genus are low trees in tropical forests. The distinction between Psychotria and the genus Cephaelis are not well known and many species were formerly placed there.
Very conspicuous is that several species have dark spots on their leaves. These spots are nodules and hold endosymbiotic bacteria. Many species produce important chemicals, such Psychotria ipecacuanha or the number of DMT-containing taxa, namely Psychotria viridis. Others are rare or even nearly extinct due to deforestation, mainly species of central Africa and the Pacific.
Selected species
- Psychotria nervosa Sw. (= P. elongata, P. granadensis, P. hirta, P. quiinifolia, P. rufescens , P. undata) (Southern Florida, Southern Mexico, Caribbean, Central America, Northern South America)
- Psychotria nesophila
- Psychotria nitidula
- Psychotria pallens
- Psychotria papantlensis (Oerst.) Hemsl. (= P. salicifolia)
- Psychotria parvifolia Benth. ex Oerst.
- Psychotria peteri
- Psychotria petitii
- Psychotria pickeringii A.Gray
- Psychotria platypoda
- Psychotria plicata
- Psychotria plurivenia
- Psychotria podocarpa
- Psychotria poeppigiana
- Psychotria pseudoplatyphylla
- Psychotria pubigera
- Psychotria punctata Vatke (= P. bacteriophila)
- Psychotria quinqueradiata Pol. (= P. morae, P. obovata, P. oerstediana)
- Psychotria raivavaensis
- Psychotria rhonhofiae
- Psychotria rimbachii
- Psychotria rostrata
- Psychotria rubra (Lour.) Poir. (= P. elliptica auct. non Kerr.)
- Psychotria ruelliifolia
- Psychotria rufipilis
- Psychotria saloiana
- Psychotria siphonophora
- Psychotria sodiroi
- Psychotria sordida
- Psychotria speciosa
- Psychotria stachyoides
- Psychotria stenophylla
- Psychotria sulzneri (Florida)
- Psychotria suterella
- Psychotria tahitensis
- Psychotria taitensis
- Psychotria tenuifolia Sw. – shortleaf wild coffee
- Psychotria trichocalyx
- Psychotria tubuaiensis
- Psychotria ulei
- Psychotria umbellata
- Psychotria vellosiana
- Psychotria viridis (Ruiz & Pav.) Kuntze – Chakruna
- Psychotria vogeliana Benth.
- Psychotria waasii S.H.Sohmer (Sri Lanka)
- Psychotria woytkowskii
- Psychotria zombamontana
Formerly placed here
- Geophila macropoda (Ruiz & Pav.) DC. (as P. macropoda Ruiz & Pav.)
- Geophila repens (L.) I.M.Johnst. (as P. herbacea Jacq.)
- Isertia longifolia (Hoffmanns. ex Roem. & Schult.) K.Schum. (as P. longifolia Hoffmanns. ex Roem. & Schult.)
- Notopleura uliginosa (Sw.) Bremek. (as P. uliginosa Sw.)
- Palicourea aeneofusca (Müll. Arg.) Standl. (as P. aeneofusca Müll.Arg.)
- Palicourea crocea (Sw.) Schult. (as P. crocea Sw.)[5]
Image gallery
See also
External links