Stefan Batory Foundation

The Stefan Batory Foundation (Polish: Fundacja im. Stefana Batorego) is the name of the national Soros Foundation in Poland. It was named after Stephen Báthory of Poland, the 16th-century Polish king.

Stefan Batory Foundation is an independent, private, Polish foundation established by American financier and philanthropist, George Soros and registered in Poland in May 1988. Named after the 16th century king of Poland of Hungarian extraction, the Foundation’s mission is to support the development of an open, democratic society in Poland and other Central and East European countries.

The Foundation’s activities are funded by the Open Society Institute, Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe, the Ford Foundation, Robert Bosch Stiftung and other institutional and individual donors in Poland and abroad.

Its goal is to build civil society, a society of individuals aware of their rights and duties, actively participating in public life and taking responsibility for themselves and their community. It supports local civic initiatives, independent think-tanks and watchdogs. It is committed to improving the quality of Polish democracy, respect for human rights, civil liberties and the rule of law. It fights corruption. It opens public debates on issues where there is low public awareness. It assists young democracies in Eastern European countries and builds networks within the European Union.


History and beginnings

The Batory Foundation was founded in 1988 when the communist system in Eastern and Central Europe was disintegrating. It was established by an American philanthropist of Hungarian extraction, George Soros, and Polish democratic opposition leaders of the 1980s. The mission of the Foundation was to contribute to the preparation of Polish society in the transition from communism to democracy, civil society and a market economy.

Early on, the Batory Foundation invested in the preparation of cadres for the market economy and democratic system taking roots in Poland by funding hundreds of scholarships and travel grants for economists, bankers, physicians, teachers, and local government activists. It also made a significant contribution to the various reforms being implemented in the country after the collapse of communism, supporting the reform of local government, public administration, and social welfare policy. These reform-related initiatives eventually gave rise to the Institute of Public Affairs, a major think-tank in Warsaw, which the Foundation helped to establish in 1995.

Based on the belief that democracy and open society cannot be realized without active involvement of the public, the Foundation disbursed hundreds of micro-grants to a variety of local civic initiatives, contributing to the establishment of numerous local organizations.

The Foundation has also been very active in the field of education and culture. It has promoted leadership skills and provided civic, health and business education to youth, trained teachers for foreign language instruction, provided Internet access to schools, worked to improve the quality of teaching and management at universities, and provided funding to allow for more diverse curricula. For many years the Stefan Batory Foundation has remained the only non-governmental patron of ethnic minority education and culture, and the leading promoter of culture on the local level: in neglected areas and provincial Poland, where it stimulated cultural life and worked toward equal access to culture.

In its grant-making activity the Batory Foundation has always concentrated on supporting innovative projects that break new ground and can serve as models for others. It has devoted special attention to the problems that were neglected or not sufficiently present in the public consciousness: it was among the first to address women's issues, child abuse, palliative care, and the rights of ethnic minorities and the disabled.

The role of the Stefan Batory Foundation has gone beyond grant making. It has served as a facilitator to promote open debates and discussions on important public issues, and acted as a liaison to advance knowledge and increase abilities of non-governmental organizations, universities, and motivated individuals through grants, fellowships, and conferences.

Since the very beginning the Foundation has not limited itself to assisting democracy in Poland, but it has made the support to democratic changes in the region one of its top priorities. As a result, the Foundation has become the largest non-governmental organization in Poland promoting international cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States. The programs attracted thousands of influential leaders and opinion makers from CEE, Baltic and Balkan countries, Caucasus and Central Asia.

Until 2007, in 20 years of its existence, the Stefan Batory Foundation has spent USD 95,9 million on all its programs, USD 71 million of which were assigned for grantmaking.

Throughout 2007, the Foundation provided 513 grants to institutions and organizations, 47 travel grants to cover costs of 169 participants attending events and projects abroad, as well as 5 awards; overall expenditure for grantmaking and operational activities in 2007 totaled EUR 4,9 million.

Priorities of the Foundation

The Foundation works proactively, encouraging long-term thinking, partnership between the public and private sectors, innovative approaches, and coalition building in addressing social problems. In its activity, the Foundation is guided by the principles of transparency, openness and accountability. Its finances are professionally audited and published in the Annual Report, together with a list of grants awarded and projects implemented throughout the year.

The basic method of Foundation’s operation is grantmaking. The Foundation also serves as a forum for activity, organizing conferences, debates and training seminars, publishing policy papers and reports, and initiating awareness campaigns. The Foundation encourages solidarity and generosity by offering administration of named funds and corporate funds to support initiatives that serve the public interest.


In 2009, the Foundation ran 14 domestic and international programs (10 grantmaking, and 4 operational programs).

Grantmaking programs

Operational programs

Apart from running its own grantmaking programs, the Foundation also administers funds entrusted by companies and individuals. The donors advised funds are created on the basis of donation agreements between a company or an individual donor and the Foundation.


The Council


Marcin Król, social scientist, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Social Reintegration, University of Warsaw, Editor-in-Chief of “Res Publica Nowa”

Honorary Member

George Soros


Jan Krzysztof Bielecki - economist, President of the Bank Pekao SA, former Prime Minister

Bogdan Borusewicz - historian, Marshal of the Senate

Wojciech Fibak - businessman

Olga Krzyżanowska - MD, physician

Prof. Krzysztof Michalski - philosopher, Director of the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna

Andrzej Olechowski - economist, Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the City Handlowy Bank , former Minister of Foreign Affairs

Prof. Zbigniew Pełczyński - political scientist, Oxford University, UK

Bp Prof. Tadeusz Pieronek - Polish Bishops Conference

Prof. Andrzej Rapaczyński - lawyer, Columbia University, USA

Prof. Hanna Suchocka - lawyer, former Prime Minister, Ambassador of Poland to the Holy See (on leave)

Prof. Stanisław Wellisz - economist, Columbia University, USA

Among members of the Council there were also the late: Jerzy Turowicz ( Chair of the Council,1991–1999), Anna Radziwiłł (Chair of the Counc, 1999–2009), Prof. Bronisław Geremek, Prof. Leszek Kołakowski and father Jerzy Tischner

The Board


Aleksander Smolar, political scientist


Klaus Bachmann - political scientist, Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Nathalie Bolgert - manager of Community Assistance Fund at Polish-American Enterprise Fund

Szymon Gutkowski - Managing Director and co-owner of DBB advertising company

Irena Herbst - PhD, economist, Warsaw School of Economics

Prof. Jacek Kochanowicz - economist, University of Warsaw

Prof. Andrzej Rychard - sociologist, Polish Academy of Sciences

Prof. Andrzej Ziabicki - chemist, Polish Academy of Sciences


The work of the Batory Foundation is funded by donations of Polish and foreign private and public institutions, commercial organizations and individual donors, including taxpayers who donate us 1% of their personal income tax. Among Foundation’s institutional donors there are Open Society Institute, Ford Foundation, Trust for Civil Society in CEE, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Stiftung Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft, Robert Bosch Stiftung, Fundacja AGORY, AGORA SA, Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture.

The foundation is also supported by business, including Nestle Polska, Commercial Union.

External links