
StarSpawn is a science fiction novel created by Kenneth Von Gunden which was published in 1990 by Ace Books. The story centres around a knight who fought during the third crusade called Sir Morrough of Ely. Morrough becomes a host to an alien parasite called Jinui which promptly begins its invasion of Earth. Throughout the story religious undertones are prevalent with a startling discovery being made by the alien visitors.

Plot summary

The story begins with the Da’nevl a Rz’uwlian star ship running into a magnetic disturbance whilst in hyperspace. The hyper drive rods are damaged meaning that the ship has to land and make repairs. It finds a previously unexplored Earth which the captain plans to explore. The Da’nevl is revealed to be a cargo ship carrying specimens of species that the Rz’uwlians have collected from all over the galaxy. After they have landed the captain arranges for the oxygen breathing species to be allowed supervised movement on the planet. The specimens from the ship are then penned within force fields to stop them escaping.

On the back of a ferocious creature which is being studied are two parasitical creatures which are an intelligent and malevolent parasitical race that once swept through the galaxy like a plague. Through a mistake of the crew the creature is allowed to leave the ship and go into one of the force field pens for fresh air. The creatures use their intelligence to incapacitate a guard and make their escape. Upon leaving the ship the creature attacks a cart overturning it and wounding one of its passengers, it then carries off the second.

Sir Morrough of Ely a professional knight finds the cart and upon the request of the father which he mercifully kills goes in search of the second passenger and the creature. Morrough finds him dead in the mouth of the creature, the creature is described as being 9 feet tall, with a snout full of teeth sharp like daggers. It has two heavily muscled rear limbs on which it walked and two shorter limbs similar in size to that of human arms, the creature also has a large serpentine tale. This creature is described by Morrough as “something from out of his nightmares”[1] and he refers too it as a dragon. Morrough on horseback quickly dispatches the creature and one of the parasites is killed by his second pack horse the other parasite is nowhere to be found.

Morrough then buries the two men before setting up camp, as the fire is dying down he feels a light pressure on the back of his neck and is subsequently turned into a host of the parasite which refers too itself as Jinui. Jinui tries to tempt Morrough with sexual delights in order to gain his obedience Morrough does not succumb in the way Jinui hopes and so pain has to be administered when Morrough does not cooperate. Jinui describes a resiliency within the host’s mind which unsettles him.

Preceding these events Morrough under the control of Jinui engages a scouting patrol of Rz’uwlians and kills three Loiv’thos but through interference from Morrough the first in command escapes to report the matter. The captain deciding that with Morrough on the loose and a threat to the ship apparent that more information should be gathered about the species that the parasite has become master to. A human named Brother Gregory who knew Morrough previously is abducted by the aliens for examination. Through him they develop camouflage technology that renders them human and also acts as a communication devise.

Jinui then tells Morrough of his plans to multiply and seeks out the dwelling of Simon Prescote whom he says will be spared if Morrough keeps Jinui a secret from him. Fortunately Simon is blind and Jinui is able to accomplish his task but is detected by Simon’s daughter Alice Prescote. Upon awaking with a newly created Jinui Morrough leaves Simons dwelling and continues on his journey to castle Auckland which the Jinui intend to bring under their control. On the journey there Morrough apprehends Alice Prescote and places one of the Jinui of her neck which attempts to take control of her. They then continue on their journey but get attacked by bandits Morrough kills all of them but Alice to Jinui’s surprise escape’s. Deciding to carry on Morrough and Jinui reach the castle and the Jinui proceed to consolidate their power there. Meanwhile the Rz’uwlians find Alice and keep her confined and with Brother Gregory’s help track Morrough to the castle which is now under Jinui’s control. The Rz’uwlians with the help of their queen create a plan to storm the castle with a newly hatched army. They reach the castle and besiege it with the help of local rivals of the lord of the castle. Countering this Jinui attacks the newly repaired Da’nevl which has been moved closer to the castle to mount the attack. The attack fails and the Rz’uwlians develop a method to remove the parasites tipping the odds in their favour.

Through knowledge gained from the Jinui the Rz'uwlians learn of another alien entity that invaded human minds many thousands of years ago. This entity it is revealed is sutained through emotion particully; lust, hate, envy and a desire for violence which leads the Jiniu to believe that this entity is if not their god is most certainly their devil.


  1. ^ StarSpawn page 15

Von Gunden, Kenneth (1990). StarSpawn. Ace Books. ISBN 0441469922.