
Staroměstská is a Prague Metro station on Line A, completed in 1978.

The station is located under Kaprova street in the Old Town (its name means 'Old Town' [station]). There is currently one entrance through an escalator tunnel from the corner of Kaprova and Valentinská streets (with the Old Jewish Cemetery, Municipal Library and Rudolfinum within one or two minutes walk). There were also plans to build a second escalator tunnel with an entrance from the northeast corner of the Old Town Square which would use and show to the public a preserved cellar of a medieval house (like the ruins of a medieval bridge at Můstek station), but this has been postponed indefinitely due to financial constraints.

← direction Dejvická Prague Metroline A direction Depo Hostivař
Malostranská Staroměstská Můstek
Dejvická  – HradčanskáMalostranská – Staroměstská – Můstek BMuzeum C  – Náměstí MíruJiřího z PoděbradFloraŽelivskéhoStrašnická  – Skalka  - Depo Hostivař