Starch Analysis

Starch analysis is a post excavation technique used in archaeological research. First applied in the 1980s,[1] starch analysis has became an invaluable tool to paleobotanists and archaeologists alike. Starch is ubiquitous in the archaeological record and can provide answers to a large number of archaeological questions: ranging from dietary analysis to environmental reconstruction. For this reason, a broad set of methods have developed to fully analyze ancient starch.[2]


Biology of starch

Starch is produced in plants as a form of energy storage through the process of photosynthesis. When the plant is in need of energy, the stored starch is converted back into glucose.[3]

Starch granules can be classified as simple, compound, or semi-compound depending on how they are formed in the plant. The variants react to several stains in different ways, which is useful during the identification stage. The most popular staining agents are variants of iodine.[4]


Starch granules are usually under 100 micrometres in size, and are, therefore, best observed under compound microscopes equipped with various lighting conditions and magnifications from x200 to x800.[5]

Low magnification

Archaeological research focused on residue adhering to artifacts start at lower magnifications, commonly using a stereoscope. Most data obtained at this stage is qualitative, an important first stage to fuller analysis. Magnifications of between x10 and x50 are sufficient to locate target residues, describe features and confirm internal structures of the identified residues.[6]

High magnification

Modern light, high powered microscopes have an internal light source, allowing illuminaton with both transmitted and reflected light. These microscopes can provide a magnification of up to x1000: good enough to provide clear images of starch granules as small as a few micrometres in diameter.[7]

Reference collection

The reference collection provides the key to identifying the plant origin of the starch residues. The starch reference collection is built with regard to a range of factors, including whether starch morphology varies with season, growth or environmental conditions. The most important factor is the potential range of plants materials appropriate to the research being undertaken. Collecting and preparing reference material assists with observation of the variability of starch production, and identifying the different morphologies specific to plant species.[8]

Classification, and identification

There are two basic methods for identifying starch:

  • Diagnostic tests of chemical and physical properties
  • Optical properties of the granules.

It is unclear whether these tests are useful to archaeologists, because they often result in destruction of the morphological integrity of the individual starch granules.

There are four levels of classification:

  • Determine whether evidence for the utilization of plants is present
  • Study assemblage variation
  • Determine the presence of particular plant species
  • Assign percentage of starch granules within a sample to a particular taxon, and present quantitative data regarding relative abundance within the sample.

Identification of ancient starch is fairly easily for the first three levels of classification, whilst the fourth level requires continued improvement in the description, classification, and identification of individual starch granules.[9]

Starch in sediments

Starch granules retrieved from sediments are used to reconstruct the habitats associated with human land use. Such studies address two areas of interest to the archaeologist:

  • landscapes; specifically the reconstruction of historical plant communities at the widest scale of the environment
  • specific contexts, such as settlements or activity areas; focusing on individual archaeological sites, or separate contexts within them, with the goal of identify specific human activities at a particular location.

The stages involved in the analysis of starch from sediments are; sampling, extraction of starch, slide mounting and viewing, and interpretation.[10]

Sampling a sediment core or sratigraphic profile to gather information about an environment requires a detailed understanding of the way the sediments were formed.[11]

Most extraction techniques follow a general methodology of:

  • sample preparation (sieving, drying, or soaking)
  • disaggregation and deflocculation to break up the elements of the sample into single particles
  • removal of undesired particles (sands, silts, minerals, organics).
  • chemicals preservation of the starch granules.[12]

Slide mounting and viewing
Starch granules are mounted onto a slide, using a variety of mounting medias including, but not limited, to water, glycerol, and glycerine jelly. It is important that the material is dried thoroughly before being mounted to ensure that no further degradation of the sample occurs. The slide is then viewed, as appropriate, for identification and counting.[13]

After the starch granules have been examined, the findings are then recorded and interpreted with respect to the research questions that are being investigated.

Starch on artifacts

Artifacts collect starch granules and protect them from decay due to microorganisms, thus providing excellent conditions for long-term preservation. Two types of analysis are commonly performed:

  • determine how artificats were used by combining analysis of starch with other approaches, such as the study of use-wear or additional residue types.
  • reconstruction of plant use and diet.[14]

Tool Function
Until recent years this was the primary focus of starch analysis. These studies help researchers understand a broader range of behaviorial questions, as well as determining the specific function of a particular artifact. Starch analysis also assists researchers in identifying potential tool functions that may have been overlooked by simple use-wear analysis.[15]

Plant Use
Most studies have focused on stone artifacts, mainly those used in food preparation. There is increasing awareness of the value of starch analysis to investigate other artifacts; including craft activities involving the preparation of adhesives, medicines, and other nonfood items.[16]

Modified starch

Modified starch is created when the morphological or physico-chemical structure of native starch is disrupted in some way, such as in food preparation. The most common way to modify starch is to apply heat. Cooking pits, hearths, and ovens that may have come into contact with starchy material yield modified starches.

Modified starch is only likely to be preserved under specific conditions, such as arid regions because of its susceptibility to organic decay. Studies of ancient modified starch aid understanding of ancient food technology, variations in cuisine among different social groups, as well as provide an understanding the function of ancient food-processing equipment.[17]

Preserved forms of modified starch include:

  • discrete desiccated macroremains: coherent foods that are not attached to any other object and are among the most easily recognizable ancient starchy prepared foodstuffs. They can be either the intended final prepared food, like loaves of bread, or intermediate products of the food processing sequence, like starch-rich, chaffy lumps.
  • attached desiccated residues: collections of starchy foodstuffs adhered to a container or vessel. The ability to identify these residues is affected by the quantity and appearance of the residue, as well as the awareness of the excavators. Residues containing obvious plant tissue are most easily recognizable, while thin smears are not as easy to recognize.
  • charred residues: normally the result of accidental overcooking and can be preserved as discrete fragments or remain stuck to the cooking vessel. Due to their charred nature, these residues are very difficult to identify.[18]

See also


  1. '^ [[#CITEREFTorrence'2006|Torrence 2006]], p. 217,219
  2. '^ [[#CITEREFTorrence'2006|Torrence 2006]], p. 17
  3. '^ [[#CITEREFTorrence'2006|Torrence 2006]], p. 35,36
  4. '^ [[#CITEREFTorrence'2006|Torrence 2006]], p. 41
  5. '^ [[#CITEREFTorrence'2006|Torrence 2006]], p. 47
  6. '^ [[#CITEREFTorrence'2006|Torrence 2006]], p. 47,48
  7. '^ [[#CITEREFTorrence'2006|Torrence 2006]], p. 48,49
  8. '^ [[#CITEREFTorrence'2006|Torrence 2006]], pp. 95–113
  9. '^ [[#CITEREFTorrence'2006|Torrence 2006]], pp. 115–143
  10. '^ [[#CITEREFTorrence'2006|Torrence 2006]], p. 145
  11. '^ [[#CITEREFTorrence'2006|Torrence 2006]], pp. 145–151
  12. '^ [[#CITEREFTorrence'2006|Torrence 2006]], pp. 151–161
  13. '^ [[#CITEREFTorrence'2006|Torrence 2006]], pp. 161–163
  14. '^ [[#CITEREFTorrence'2006|Torrence 2006]], pp. 177–180
  15. '^ [[#CITEREFTorrence'2006|Torrence 2006]], pp. 180–185
  16. '^ [[#CITEREFTorrence'2006|Torrence 2006]], pp. 185–189
  17. '^ [[#CITEREFTorrence'2006|Torrence 2006]], p. 205
  18. '^ [[#CITEREFTorrence'2006|Torrence 2006]], pp. 206–207

Torrence, Robin (2006), Ancient Starch Research, Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press Inc., ISBN 1-59874-018-0