Stanisław Krzyżanowski

Dr. Stanislaw Krzyzanowski with his wife Janina
Born Poland
Died Poland 1917
Occupation Medical Doctor

Stanisław Krzyżanowski[1] (born in Otwock, Poland – February 1917) was among the earliest members of the Polish Socialist Party (PSP) and one of the few Catholic Doctors in Poland to treat poor Jewish people.[2]

In 1917 during an outbreak of typhus among his Jewish patients Krzyżanowski eventually contracted the disease and subsequently died from its complications.[3] His opposition to anti-Semitic behavior[4] profoundly impacted his daughter Irena Sendler (Irena Sendlerowa) who at great personal risk, during the Nazi invasion of Poland in 1942 was instrumental in rescuing over 2,500 Jewish babies and children from the Warsaw Ghetto.[5]


  1. ^ Anna Mieszkowska, Die Mutter der Holocaust-Kinder, DVA 2006, ISBN 3-421-05912-8.
  2. ^ "Irena Sendler" The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation
  3. ^ Irena Sendler Organization
  4. ^ Jewish Virtual Library
  5. ^ Tomaszewski & Tecia Werblowski, Zegota: The Council to Aid Jews in Occupied Poland 1942-1945, Price-Patterson, ISBN 1-896881-15-7.

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