
Spellcasting is the act of casting spells and is most often found in a variety of communities. Within the Dungeons & Dragons and other fantasy roleplaying gaming communities, spellcasting is a skill often used by druids, clerics, and wizards. Spellcasting is also associated with occult communities, such as those practicing witchcraft. In addition, there is a long history of alleged spellcasting activities in most human societies, such as forms of curses, blessings, rain dances, or trinkets for protection.

There are many forms of spellcasters, and thus an equal variety of spellcasting. Some of the main spellcasting varieties include:

Thus, descriptively, there are two major varieties of spellcasting, the manipulative and the harnessing. Harnessing varieties of magic are usually harmless as they do not change the natural order of things. However, manipulative spellcasting, in its extreme forms, such as when opening a parallel dimension, can disturb the natural fabric, and thus should only be used with care.
