Special Enrollment Examination

The Special Enrollment Examination (or SEE) is a test that individuals can take to become an Enrolled Agent.[1] This two day test on taxes is a three-part exam that includes :

All of the questions are weighted equally and the IRS grades the test on a bell curve so the number of students that pass is limited. Exam results can be seen right after completing the exam.

Each exam is weighted by section according to the following:[3]

Part 1 - Individuals

Part 2 - Businesses

Part 3 - Representation, Practices and Procedures

All candidates who wish to schedule an exam need a Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) - To obtain a PTIN, you will need to complete a W-7P by mail, fax or online at irs.gov. Examinations are administered by computer at Prometric testing centers. Currently, the Special Enrollment Examination is given at nearly 300 Prometric testing centers located across the United States and internationally. Test centers are located in most major metropolitan areas. Once you have your PTIN, you may register for your exam online at www.prometric.com/irs.[4]

After passing all three parts of the exam, testakers may apply for enrollment to practice before the IRS[5]. To apply, Form 23, Application for Enrollment to practice before the IRS as well as a check for $125 needs to be submitted.


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