Sonasar is a village in Jhunjhunu District in Rajasthan, India. Sonasar is 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) north of Jhunjhunu. The village was founded by Sona Ram Jat of Bhadia gotra in 1616, who gave the name Sonasar to the village. The area of the village is 18000 bigha. There are two temples in the village, one of which honors Gogaji.& [DEVI MATA JI ](mahala ka bas)
The population of the village is about 4400. There are 700 families residing in the village; out of them, 400 families are Jats. The biggest gotra of [mahala] Jats in the village. families. The other Jat Gotras residing in the village, followed by number of families, are Mahla (125),[Basera][100], Silayach (100), Bhadia (20), Sihag (15), Kulhari (10), Jhajharia (10), Muhal (15), Bhattaia (5), Karel (3), Harchatarwal (8), Chhabarwal (4), Katewa (5), Garhwal (2), Khyalia (1) and Bijarnia{1},(3)[Thakan],[kherwa {2}],