Solution selling

Solution selling is a sales methodology. Rather than just promoting an existing product, the salesperson focuses on the customer's pain(s) and addresses the issue with his or her offerings (product and services). The resolution of the pain is what constitutes a true "solution". A limitation of this approach is that not all customers buy to address a "pain", not every need is a problem needing a solution.

Keith M. Eades, author of The New Solution Selling, defines a solution as:

"So what is the definition of the word solution? The typical response is, "An answer to a problem." I agree with this response but feel it's important to expand the definition. Not only does the problem need to be acknowledged by the buyer, but both the buyer and working woman must also agree on the answer. So a solution is a mutually agreed-upon answer to a recognized problem. In addition, a solution must also provide some measurable improvement. By measurable improvement, I mean there is a before and might be after. Now we have a more complete definition of a solution; It's a mutually shared answer to a recognized problem, and the answer provides measurable improvement."


Origins of solution selling

Frank Watts developed the sales process dubbed "solution selling" in 1975. Watts perfected his method at Wang Laboratories. He began teaching solution selling as an independent consultant in 1982. He presented his sales process as a one-day workshop to Xerox Corporation in 1982. By 1983 Electronics magazine would portray solution selling as "an unmistakable trend in the distribution of systems- related products".[1] In a 1984 account Dick Heiser could look back to IBM's pre-1975 "solution sale" methodology.[2][3]

Mike Bosworth founded Solution Selling in 1983,[4] based on his experiences at Xerox Corporation (the Xerox SPIN (Situation, Problem, Implication, Need-payoff) selling pilot project[5]) and began licensing affiliates in 1988. With intellectual-property contributions from his affiliate network, Bosworth's methodology continued to evolve through the years. He sold the intellectual property in 1999 to one of his original affiliates, Keith Eades (CEO and founder of Sales Performance International).

Bosworth authored Solution Selling: Creating Buyers in Difficult Selling Markets (1994), and after leaving Solution Selling he co-authored CustomerCentric Selling (2003). Less than a year later, Eades authored an updated version of the solution-selling methodology released as The New Solution Selling: The Revolutionary Sales Process That is Changing the Way People Sell (2003)[6] and also co-authored a follow-up guide The Solution Selling Fieldbook (2005).

While the term "solution selling" has become somewhat generic in the marketplace, the core brand of solution selling still carries distinct characteristics. Followers of "solution-selling"[7] generally apply a consultative sales approach to all aspects of their sales process (or during a sales cycle) including:

  • Prospecting
  • Diagnosing customer needs
  • Crafting a potential solution
  • Establishing value
  • Bargaining for access to decision-makers
  • Positioning proof, ROI and the total solution
  • Negotiating a win-win
  • Following up to ensure customer success

The solution selling methodology has evolved as key components of professional selling evolve. As a result, solution selling has become more broadly defined — to include dimensions of "sales process", "competitive selling", "value selling" as well as "consultative selling" or "complex selling" which set the focus on the team's aspects of the sales.

Becoming a naming cliche

The success of solution selling has led many companies to adopt "solution" names. The proliferation of this cliche has created some funny, but bad names, such as "Kids Party Solutions", "Shoe Solutions", and "Professional Bat Management Solutions".[8] While the word "solution" is rapidly losing meaning, the sales technique continues to work under any name.

Solution selling in management contexts

The advent of solution selling may impact on business models and on organization practices.[9] Eades and Kear discuss solution-centric organizations and the focal role of solution sales in such environments.[10] Robert J Calvin compares some of the financial implications of various type of sales: transactional sales, value-added sales, solution sales, and feature/benefit sales.[11]


  1. ^ Electronics (McGraw-Hill) 56: 92. 1983. Retrieved 2011-10-15. "The solution sale is an unmistakable trend in the distribution of systems- related products and is simply what the business is all about." 
  2. ^ Lunch Group (1984). Steve Ditlea. ed. Digital deli: the comprehensive, user-lovable menu of computer lore, culture, lifestyles, and fancy. Workman Pub.. p. 71. ISBN 9780894805912. Retrieved 2011-10-16. "He'd worked for IBM at one time and liked their 'solution sale' approach to business - first find out what is needed, then come up with an answer." 
  3. ^
  4. ^ Sant, Tom (2006) "The giants of sales: what Dale Carnegie, John Patterson, Elmer Wheeler, and Joe Girard Can Teach You About Real Sales Success." Amacom books. ISBN 0-8144-7291-5
  5. ^ Compare Sant, Tom (2006). The giants of sales: what Dale Carnegie, John Patterson, Elmer Wheeler, and Joe Girard can teach you about real sales success. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn. p. 31. ISBN 9780814472910. Retrieved 2011-10-14. "[...] Xerox [...] adopted the IBM sales model [...]. And from the Xerox professional sales methods, either directly or by inspiration, have arisen many of the most successful sales approaches used in our own time - Professional Selling Skills, Strategic Selling, Solution Selling, SPIN Selling, and many others." 
  6. ^ Eades, Keith M. (2003). The new solution selling : the revolutionary sales process that is changing the way people sell. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 299. ISBN 0071435395. 
  7. ^ For example: Handbook of business strategy. Warren, Gorham & Lamont. 2003. p. 64. Retrieved 2011-10-16. "The VP of sales believes reps should present only those products that speak to identified needs, and sponsors sales training based on this 'solution sale' assumption." 
  8. ^
  9. ^ Kagermann, Henning; Österle, Hubert; Jordan, John M. (2010). IT-Driven Business Models: Global Case Studies in Transformation. John Wiley and Sons. p. xiii. ISBN 9780470610695. Retrieved 2011-10-15. "The switch from product to solution sales calls for new price structures [...] that until recently would have generated far too much administrative outlay. More important, the entire sales process and value proposition must be rethought and restructured. In nearly every case that we have seen, merging products and services into solutions requires a change to the business model and the supporting business concepts." 
  10. ^ Eades, Keith M; Robert E. Kear (2005). The solution-centric organization. McGraw-Hill Professional. p. 98. ISBN 9780072262643. Retrieved 2011-10-15. "Aligning compensation and reward programs with a solution-centric approach involves ensuring that behaviors that lead to more solution sales are rewarded." 
  11. ^ Calvin, Robert J. (2004). Sales Management. McGraw-Hill executive MBA series (2 ed.). McGraw-Hill Professional. p. 105, 138. ISBN 9780071435352. Retrieved 2011-10-14. 

Further reading