Soldiers of the Right

A Jund al-Haqq (Soldiers of the Right) organization claimed in 1988 and 1989 from Beirut a kidnapping in Lebanon, three assassinations in Brussels, a murder in Bangkok and an attempted murder in Karachi. The precise nature of this group was never clearly elucidated, nor even the reality of its existence. At the time, its actions were attributed to the Abu Nidal's Fatah-Revolutionary Council. In February 2008, the three Brussels assassinations were attributed by Moroccan officials to an alleged network led by the Belgian-Moroccan Abdelkader Belliraj whose confessions were obtained by torture, thence subject to caution.

Chronology of the actions claimed by the Soldiers of the Right

Correlated assassination

On June 20, 1989, the assassination in Brussels of the Egyptian chauffeur of the Saudi embassy, Samir Gahez-Rasoul, was claimed from Beirut by a hitherto totally unknown organization, the Brothers of the Arabic Peninsula (or the Free Men of the Arabic Peninsula). It could have been the same group operating for Abu Nidal. According to the declarations obtained from Abdelkader Belliraj by the Moroccan authorities in February 2008, Gahez-Rasoul was a collateral damage of an attempted assassination ordered by Abu Nidal against a Saudi diplomat, and this failure was subsequently camouflaged with a fake claim by a fake group[7]


  1. ^ the Norwegian Aid Committee
  2. ^ (French) Un groupe inconnu a revendiqué le rapt du Dr Cools, AFP, December 19, 1988
  3. ^ a b (French) Les ravisseurs de J. Cools: à Bangkok, c'est nous, Le Soir (from AFP), January 6, 1989
  4. ^ Alleged Victims of Iranian government "hit squads," 1979-1996 as compiled from public sources by the Foundation for Democracy in Iran, released: May 6, 1996
  5. ^ (French) Martine Vandemeulebroucke, L'assassinat de l'imam de la mosquée de Bruxelles est revendiqué à Beyrouth, Le Soir, March 31, 1989
  6. ^ (French) Alain Guillaume, Les Soldats du droit revendiquent à Beyrouth la mort du Dr Wybran, Le Soir, October 5, 1989
  7. ^ (French) Gilbert Dupont, Belliraj tuait pour A. Nidal, La Dernière Heure, October 15, 2008