
The Solaskar are descendants of Kshatriya Yadav the then Marathas and successors of Krishna and Yadavas of Devagiri.

Solaskar are protectors of sixteen of Shiva’s temples which are situated in the hillside region of Satara. Solashi (place of Solaskar) is in the North Koregaon Area on the south-east side of Khambatki Ghat while travelling from Pune to Satara. The village is the old and beautiful temple of Shul-Paneshwar. On the north side of the village is a large mountain on which temples of Hareshwar and Dhareshwar were built. The temple has built on mountain which has a height of 4,000 meters.

Solashi is one of the villages situated on the northern side of Koregaon. It is famous for the god Hareshwar. There are sixteen small temples of Shiva around the entire village. All Solaskar families in Solashi are vegetarians.

Solaskar notables includes Narsingrao Solaskar and Janrao Solaskar, grantees of Mokasa-Saranjam. [1]


  1. ^ Indian Historical Records Commission (1967). Proceedings of the ... session. The Comission. Retrieved 22 June 2011.