

May 2011 cover of Sojourners
Jim Wallis
Jim Rice
Categories Christian magazines
Frequency Monthly
Circulation 35,000
Publisher Sojourners
First issue 1971
Country United States
Based in Washington, D.C.
Language English
ISSN 0364-2097

Sojourners magazine, a progressive[1] monthly publication of the Christian social justice organization Sojourners, was first published in 1971 under the original title of The Post-American. The magazine publishes editorials and articles on Christian life, the church and the world, Christianity and politics, and the church and social issues. Articles frequently feature coverage of fair trade, interfaith dialogue, peacemaking, and work to alleviate poverty. The offices of the magazine are in Washington, D.C.

The founding editor-in-chief is Jim Wallis, author of God's Politics; the editor is Jim Rice.

Sojourners has consistently won awards from both the Associated Church Press and the Evangelical Press Association. In 2008 and 2009, "Sojourners" won the first place “best in class” award from both religious press associations.



Sojourners magazine was originally published under the name "The Post American," coming out of the Sojourners Community. The name was changed to "Sojourners" in 1975, when the community moved from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois to Columbia Heights in Washington, D.C.. The mission of Sojourners is “to articulate the biblical call to social justice, inspiring hope and building a movement to transform individuals, communities, the church, and the world.”[2]

The magazine was originally published quarterly, then every other month, and since January 2004 has been published eleven times per year, with a single issue published for September and October.

The Sojourners Collection is maintained by Wheaton College in its Archives and Special Collections. Collected materials include magazine issues, correspondence, original manuscripts and administrative papers, as well as information on the Sojourners Community, founder Wallis, and other communities and organizations affiliated with the publisher.[3][4]

Other activities

Along with the magazine,[5] Sojourners also produces a website.[6] The organization publishes resources[7] on a number of social justice and faith issues; it sponsors a year of voluntary service;[8] and it engages the wider Christian community through mobilizing, media outreach, speaking, teaching, preaching, and public events. Over the years, Sojourners has provided leadership and support to various other activities including the Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign, the Free South Africa movement, and opposition to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, among other concerns.

In 2010, Wallis was interviewed in episode six of "God in America" a documentary featured on PBS from Frontline and American Experience.[9]

Musician Moby recorded a three-part interview on Sojourners’ God’s Politics blog about his journey into faith and politics.[10]

Sojourners CEO Wallis served as a member of President Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Community Partnerships, which advises the president and White House staff on a range of concerns.[11] Sojourners has organized high-level meetings with the White House and political leaders on both sides of the aisle.

Then-Sen. Barack Obama gave his first major speech on the subject of religion in the public sphere at Sojourners’ Call to Renewal conference in 2006, talking about his personal faith journey and his vision for people of faith in public life.[12]

Recent work

Responding to the Global Economic Crisis

Sojourners CEO Wallis spoke at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in a primetime plenary session titled “Rethinking Values in the Post-Crisis World.”[13] Wallis is currently the chair for the Global Agenda Council on Values at the World Economic Forum, which is launching a moral economy dialogue to bring together faith leaders and top executives to advance the values that should inform the global economy.

Sojourners informed and mobilized faith leaders and their grassroots constituents to help pass financial reform through Congress. Wallis’ latest book, published in January 2010, is “Rediscovering Values: On Wall Street, Main Street and Your Street.”[14] As part of his nationwide book tour, Wallis was interviewed on "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart," Morning Joe on MSNBC,[15] and PBS’s The Tavis Smiley Show.[16] The Jon Stewart interview and the first chapter of Wallis’ book, “Sunday School with Jon Stewart,” are on Sojourners’ website.[17]

Health care reform

Sojourners served as a lead organization building support for Health care reform. President Obama and Wallis spoke on a teleconference call about health-care reform.[18] Audio from the call has now been played more than 300,000 times. Sojourners also organized a campaign challenging opponents of reform. Its constituents sent 100,000 emails to national media opponents of health-care reform and their advertisers. In addition, Wallis debated leading opponents of health-care reform on national television. Sojourners distributed health-care reform resources to 30,000 pastors. In 2009, Sojourners brought together 1,153 faith leaders and activists who met with the offices of 84 senators and 213 representatives to advocate for health-care reform.[19]

Immigration reform

Sojourners is leading faith groups in support of comprehensive immigration work through its Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform campaign. As a June 2010 Brookings Institute panel on “Religious Activism and the Debate over Immigration Reform” affirmed, “largely because of the activism of these religious groups, immigration has remained on a legislative agenda crowded with other pressing domestic concerns.”[20] Sojourners’ letter to President Obama – calling for leadership on immigration reform that reflects our nation’s best values – was signed by more than 40 prominent faith leaders and 28 national organizations. Sojourners was one of the primary faith organizers of the March 21, 2010, national immigration rally that brought 200,000 people to Washington, D.C.

Climate change, green energy, and the Gulf oil spill

Sojourners urged constituents to reduce energy use and advocate for laws that hold polluters accountable, support green energy technology, and prioritize people and the planet above corporate interests. It mobilized its grassroots base and engaged in advocacy at the highest levels in support of climate change. Faith leaders called for increasing funding from Congress to help the most vulnerable communities worldwide who are affected by climate change. Wallis lead a delegation of faith leaders who traveled to the Gulf for a listening tour sponsored by the Sierra Club. A reporter from CNN participated in the delegation and covered the Gulf Coast tour.[21]

Countering extremism

Wallis and other faith leaders played an important behind-the-scenes role in preventing the Quran burning by pastor Terry Jones on Sept. 11, 2010. Wallis’ opinion piece in “The Washington Post” Sunday Outlook section describes the role he and other faith leaders played.[22] The article also highlights how the welcoming stance of a church in Tennessee had global implications in Pakistan and what that could teach us about interfaith understanding and fighting terrorism. The column was reprinted in newspapers globally, including in publications with predominantly Muslim audiences.


Leading up to President Obama’s decision on strategy on Afghanistan, Sojourners proposed a new way forward, calling on President Obama to pull together advisers from the most effective development organizations on the ground in Afghanistan. Sojourners engaged in a leadership campaign on Afghanistan that included conversations with the White House, a letter signed by 25 national interfaith leaders, and a grassroots advocacy campaign. More than 17,000 Sojourners constituents signed the letter and contacted the White House.[23] Sojourners staff met with White House officials and hand-delivered the letter. InterAction, a coalition of 187 nongovernmental relief and development organizations focused on the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people, issued a letter of support for Sojourners’ approach.[24]

Human trafficking

Sojourners served as one of the lead organizers for an advocacy track at Urbana, the largest evangelical youth missions conference in the United States. This was the first time Urbana has addressed advocacy as a topic. Sojourners, World Vision, and International Justice Mission jointly planned and led the advocacy track, and launched a new advocacy campaign: the Human Wrong Campaign that included an “advocacy campaign in a box” for students to implement on their campus. the campaign offered educational and action resources on child slavery, including bonded labor, sexual exploitation, and child soldiers.


  1. ^ Macdonald, G. Jeffrey (December 2, 2006). "Liberal Journals Wither Despite Rising Christian Left". The Washington Post. Religion News Service. Retrieved August 30, 2010. 
  2. ^ "Sojourners : About Us". Retrieved 2011-04-25. 
  3. ^ "History". Sojourners. 2007. Retrieved May 6, 2010. 
  4. ^ "Sojourners Records, 1971–2006". Wheaton College. Retrieved May 6, 2010. 
  5. ^ "Associated Church Press Best of the Christian Press Awards, Presented May 8, 2010, Arlington, Virginia | Associated Church Press". 2010-05-08. Retrieved 2011-04-25. 
  6. ^ "Sojourners Magazine Wins Top Magazine Honors - Jeannie Choi - God's Politics Blog". 2010-05-13. Retrieved 2011-04-25. 
  7. ^ "SojoStore". Retrieved 2011-04-25. 
  8. ^ "Sojourners : About Us : Internships". 2011-03-01. Retrieved 2011-04-25. 
  9. ^ "God In America: Watch the Full Program Online". PBS. 2010-10-11. Retrieved 2011-04-25. 
  10. ^ "Sojourners : Multimedia : Moby Interview". Retrieved 2011-04-25. 
  11. ^ "Obama Announces White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships | The White House". Retrieved 2011-04-25. 
  12. ^ Call to Renewal Keynote Address
  13. ^ "Video: Jim Wallis at the World Economic Forum in Davos - Jim Wallis - God's Politics Blog". 2010-01-28. Retrieved 2011-04-25. 
  14. ^ "Sojourners : Rediscovering Values". Retrieved 2011-04-25. 
  15. ^ "Morning Joe". MSNBC. Retrieved 2011-04-25. 
  16. ^ "Tavis Smiley . Shows . Jim Wallis . January 19, 2010". PBS. 2010-01-19. Retrieved 2011-04-25. 
  17. ^ "Sojourners : Rediscovering Values". Retrieved 2011-04-25. 
  18. ^ "Sojourners : Faith in Action". Retrieved 2011-04-25. 
  19. ^ "Sojourners : Events : Mobilization to End Poverty". Retrieved 2011-04-25. 
  20. ^ "Religious Activism and the Debate over Immigration Reform - Brookings Institution". 2010-06-15. Retrieved 2011-04-25. 
  21. ^ CNN Covers Jim Wallis and Other Faith Leaders in Gulf Coast
  22. ^ Wallis, Jim (September 19, 2010). "Jim Wallis on the story behind Pastor Terry Jones's change of heart". The Washington Post. 
  23. ^ "Build, Don’t Destroy in Afghanistan: An Open Letter to President Obama - Jim Wallis - God's Politics Blog". 2009-11-19. Retrieved 2011-04-25. 
  24. ^ InterAction Afghanistan endorsement letter.pdf

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