Society for Business Ethics

The Society for Business Ethics (SBE) is a non-profit organization established in 1980 to promote the advancement and understanding of ethics in business. Its mission is to provide a forum in which moral, legal, empirical, and philosophical issues of business ethics may be openly discussed and analyzed. Members include scholars and professionals from several countries with a common interest in research, teaching, or the application of ethical principles to business management. The Society sponsors a scholarly journal, Business Ethics Quarterly, publishes a newsletter, and hosts an annual conference. Members receive online access to the journal, the newsletter, and a number of scholarly books and conference proceedings as benefits of membership.


Publications of the Society for Business Ethics

Notable books by members of the society

Annual meetings

Meetings of the Society for Business Ethics are held in August, generally in conjunction with the meetings of the Academy of Management. Information about the upcoming annual conference appears in the Society's newsletter (link given below).

External links